
Pants That Cover Your Heart

This story has a lot of names you are going to recognize, and one I am proud to introduce you to.  Brooks Brothers.  You know them, right?   They had an executive named May Tan.  Finance.  Southwick Apparel?  They had a CFO, May Tan.  May has a big time resume in corporate, as do I,

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From The Editor

Matthew Longcore, J. Press Icons Campaign 2024-25 Ivy Style (Ivy-Style.com) is the leading authority on the Ivy League Look. We feature traditional, classic, timeless style. Editor and publisher Matthew Longcore is the founder of the Preppy Handbook Fan Club. He has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and in the J. Press Icons Campaign.

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From The Archives

Well Groomed Conformity

In 1947, a letter from the Student Tailor Shop gave official notice to Princeton’s incoming class of ’51 that the university required its own wardrobe. “The style of clothing worn around the campus,” it read, “is different from that sold in metropolitan centers and home town stores.” From four-button suits and detachable-collar shirts in the

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Good Morning, Part 1 of 3

Two things drive me insane  (1) The first minute and a half of any amateur You Tube video and (2) intros where the author tries to sell you the premise of the article and it is something you already know.  If I have to tell you about how important morning is then this site is

Dignity Again.

The passing of Sidney Poitier is being covered, rightfully, in such detail and so well elsewhere that I would only be dragging the remembrances down with my own respect.  Here is the NY Times obituary, a good place to start.     I heard a story this weekend too about dignity that I wanted to share. 

Science (a little bit of it), The Last Word On Collar Whatevers, And Pippa Middleton

What does Men’s Health do after they team up with the Opinion Research Corporation and conduct a study which finds that, overwhelmingly, the most important physical attribute of a man to a woman is his sense of style with musculature and facial features lagging way behind?  (I got the study in my inbox – not

The Ivy Resolutions – Part 2

Editor’s Note – A wish for you for a tremendous 2022.  I have a good feeling.  Perhaps without foundation, but most joy springs out of nowhere anyway.  We will be back on Monday, January 3rd.  I never say “Be safe” because who remembers that, ever?  No one does.  You will not be out tonight and

Dr. Claire-Marie Brisson Talks Ivy, Zoë Talks Ducks, And A Few Other Notes

Dr. Claire-Marie Brisson is a faculty member in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at Harvard University. She resides in Cambridge, MA and is originally from Metro Detroit. A foodie and oenophile, Dr. Brisson recognizes that a life well-lived combines aesthetics, form, function, and (of course) food. It’s often been said that Ivy is