
Pants That Cover Your Heart

This story has a lot of names you are going to recognize, and one I am proud to introduce you to.  Brooks Brothers.  You know them, right?   They had an executive named May Tan.  Finance.  Southwick Apparel?  They had a CFO, May Tan.  May has a big time resume in corporate, as do I,

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From The Editor

Matthew Longcore, J. Press Icons Campaign 2024-25 Ivy Style ( is the leading authority on the Ivy League Look. We feature traditional, classic, timeless style. Editor and publisher Matthew Longcore is the founder of the Preppy Handbook Fan Club. He has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and in the J. Press Icons Campaign.

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From The Archives

Main Street Warm-Up

This weekend Main Streets across the US are full of ice and snow. But here’s something to warm your heart in whatever town you call home. A delightfully random assortment of heyday-era “Main Street” magazine ads and fashion shoots was posted to Ivy Style’s Facebook group, which you’ll find below. Peruse the images and then

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Young Chet Baker by G. Bruce Boyer

Editor’s Note: We are beyond fortunate to be able to print as an exclusive three essays on music, specifically jazz, by Mr. G. Bruce Boyer. After reading Mr. Boyer, you are going to want to hear the music. I have put together a playlist here for you of some of Mr. Boyer’s recommendations.   Thank you

Dylan Arnold Will Make You Look Better In Your W(hatever)OCBD

Editor’s Note:  Dylan Arnold is a certified fitness trainer, and when I say certified, I mean elitely so.  Not sure elitely is a word.  You can read his credentials in the article.  He will be offering up tips and nutrition advice, and will answer questions in his column here.   You can email me any questions,

Presidential Valets

My favorite story about presidential valets (grammar note before you get your blood pressure up, “presidential” is only capitalized when it is part of a formal title, like the name of an event, like Presidential Inauguration – it is not a proper noun unto itself so in this usage, small p – which reminds me,

What’s Dry Cleaning?

In Pompeii around 79 somebody urinated, somebody else took the ammonia out, and dry cleaning was born.  Why?  Because they were wearing a lot of wool (seems like a heavy fabric to me when you are beneath a volcano) and wool shrinks in water.  Imagine you take a week or whatever to weave your Pompeiian

The Ivy Barberhop In Austin

Editor’s Note:   Always hated the perception that Ivy is exclusively a northeast thing .  This article was submitted by the proprietor of Brazos Barbershop in Austin.  Click here to see the site.  If you have a small business that you feel is Ivy, by all means, let me know and let’s get you out there.

Good Morning, Part 2 of 3

Editor’s Note:  Warning.  The following post contains material that could be harmful or traumatizing to some audiences.  Editor’s Note (2):  I am referring to talking about how I shower.  Just skip over that part if it creates theater of the mind. I have two concurrent issues. First, I am fastidious about my own cleanliness. You

Good Morning, Part 1 of 3

Two things drive me insane  (1) The first minute and a half of any amateur You Tube video and (2) intros where the author tries to sell you the premise of the article and it is something you already know.  If I have to tell you about how important morning is then this site is

Dignity Again.

The passing of Sidney Poitier is being covered, rightfully, in such detail and so well elsewhere that I would only be dragging the remembrances down with my own respect.  Here is the NY Times obituary, a good place to start.     I heard a story this weekend too about dignity that I wanted to share.