The Trad Life


From The Editor

Matthew Longcore, J. Press Icons Campaign 2024-25 Ivy Style ( is the leading authority on the Ivy League Look. We feature traditional, classic, timeless style. Editor and publisher Matthew Longcore is the founder of the Preppy Handbook Fan Club. He has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and in the J. Press Icons Campaign.

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From The Archives

Bigfoot Sighting On Vacation

On vacation this week but. Saw this in the wild and bought it. This was in the pocket. Catalog so old that there is no website, NJ has a separate 800 number, and it costs more to ship west of Denver. Removable lining. Never been worn (I don’t think). Won’t tell you what I paid

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Many thanks to all for the birthday wishes.   Another thing I learned – cake is no longer a viable option.               So for the next few posts, mostly housekeeping as we use August to evolve a bit.  Comments are essential.  If you want a response, email me.  But comments

Welcome to Ivy-Style (again).

  Big day for a few of us.  For Christian, his first day off in a really long time.  Enjoy, friend, and thank you for everything. For me, my first day here, and my 58th birthday.  We’ll get to know each other.  If you are on the Facebook group, we already do.  If you aren’t

Trad Life: The Bow Tie Principal

Rashid Faisal is a principal-intern coach for Teachers College of Columbia University. He also partners with his wife Christie Faisal in a venture called Golden Apple Guest Teachers supplying hard-to-staff schools with substitute teachers who have gone through their own Urban Teachers Academy training. A self-described “equity educator and a social entrepreneur” Faisal is an award-winning

Introducing New Series The Trad Life

On the first of this month, founder Christian Chensvold announced the completion of 12 years of running Ivy Style and his “retirement,” or so he’d like to think, from the natural-shouldered mafia of Tradsville. His announcement led to new alignments and plans for the next 12 years of Ivy Style, and today we are pleased