

From The Editor

Matthew Longcore, J. Press Icons Campaign 2024-25 Ivy Style (Ivy-Style.com) is the leading authority on the Ivy League Look. We feature traditional, classic, timeless style. Editor and publisher Matthew Longcore is the founder of the Preppy Handbook Fan Club. He has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and in the J. Press Icons Campaign.

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From The Archives

He Looked Like He Sounded: CC On WFB For NRO

Recently National Review Online asked me to write a style tribute to NR’s founder, William F. Buckley Jr. The piece came out today. By way of snippet: Following the First World War, the male wardrobe modernized, and elements of the Ivy League Look fell into place one by one, creating signifiers that would identify in-group

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Lord Have Mercer. The WOCBD Review.

  David Mercer is simply a great, great guy. And has the bona fides: “Not being a math major, I figure it’s always safer to say I was born in 1946. My Mercer&Sons designs and manufactures shirts and boxer shorts. I was fortunate to enjoy a classical secondary education and studied the liberal arts and

Ivy Notes S1 E8

First, the WOCBD review is working out.  Next up is Eagle.  If you have not heard of Eagle, they are a line Macy’s carries.   There are plenty of readers here who know the business better than I, maybe you can get us some history of the brand.   On the Victor post we got into a

J. Press Spring 2022 Book & Einstein’s Block Theory

“The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”  – Albert Einstein Einstein and J. Press are both… pretty Ivy.  In his theory of General Relativity Einstein submits that there really is no past, present and future.   J. Press’s Spring Book is an exhibit thereof.   You can check it out here.

Goodbye To Landau

Editor’s Note:  This article is by James Taylor of Waterhollow Tweed fame.  If you are in the FB group you know him and his wares.  If you are not, you are missing out.  He offers one of a kind Ivy items, every so often.  You can see his listings in the group.  And you should. 

P.J. O’Rourke – An Ivy Icon

“Seriousness is stupidity sent to college.” – P.J. O’Rourke Out my window this morning are trees shedding snow.  In Bedford we are three inches deep but it is already starting to warm.  Today will be in the mid 40’s.  The trees will shake the snow the way a dog shakes the rain. You get to