
If Ivy And Covid Had A Baby

Thanks again to the amazing Tom for sending me an article from Bloomberg by Max Berlinger this week about what is happening, somewhat disturbingly, to custom clothes.  The gist of the article is (it’s a paywall and we don’t link paywalls anymore) is that… A 2022 forecast from personal-styling service Stitch Fix found that half

Poison Ivy, The Madras And Clearing Up Some New England Confusion

There are things that New Englanders are very specific about, and New York not being in New England is amongst them.  They’d be correct.  New England was first defined by John Smith in 1616, but I think he meant New England as in, “Everything I can see from here is New England.”  And before you

Ivy Notes S1 E14

P.J. O’Rourke and I were not friends other than online, but I was going back over my emails when it dawned on me that P.J. O’Rourke is the Father of Degage. Exhibit A Exhibit B   Exhibit C I am loving Bruce Boyer’s work on music, and the playlists are doing well.   I did see

Question Marc

Editor’s Note:  Our first round of questions for Marc Chevalier, whose Ivy History cred stands up with anyone’s.  As always, you can email me questions or just put them in the comments.   And that last question, we already voted, the quarter zip is in.  🙂 Q:  Are there other types of collars, other than the

Ivy Notes S1 E12 – Chipp Off The Old Block

Alright man, look.  In various professional capacities over the years, I have had to write funny for money.  My brief to my divorce attorney was both hilarious and ultimately economical.   I have punched up scripts (a godawful project I couldn’t finish, it was written by an actor, a REAL actor, who should REALLY act.  He

The Victor Besnard WOCBD Review

Editor’s Note: There were some questions about sleeve length and measurement here. For a guide on how to measure shirts and convert between European and American measuring, Mr. Bresnard published this piece. From his email response to me this morning: “I have noticed that Americans measure sleeves differently than Europeans. We measure from the top

J. Press Spring 2022 Book & Einstein’s Block Theory

“The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”  – Albert Einstein Einstein and J. Press are both… pretty Ivy.  In his theory of General Relativity Einstein submits that there really is no past, present and future.   J. Press’s Spring Book is an exhibit thereof.   You can check it out here.

Ivy Notes S1-E6

Uniqlo has a navy blazer out that was brought to my attention from Jakob in an email.  You can check it out here.  Jakob wrote: To my admittedly novice eye for Ivy, it looks like this checks most of the boxes for the ideal Navy Blazer: sack-cut, undarted, swell stitching, patch pockets, and even brass

Presidential Valets

My favorite story about presidential valets (grammar note before you get your blood pressure up, “presidential” is only capitalized when it is part of a formal title, like the name of an event, like Presidential Inauguration – it is not a proper noun unto itself so in this usage, small p – which reminds me,

P.J. O’Rourke – An Ivy Icon

“Seriousness is stupidity sent to college.” – P.J. O’Rourke Out my window this morning are trees shedding snow.  In Bedford we are three inches deep but it is already starting to warm.  Today will be in the mid 40’s.  The trees will shake the snow the way a dog shakes the rain. You get to

A Comment On Comments

  I don’t know this restaurant, it is called The Commentary (great name for a restaurant) but if you go to their web site here, it looks REALLY GOOD.  Been a New Yorker my whole life  but I do notice three things: I would venture to say that 75% of the New Yorkers I talk

Good Morning Part 3 of 3

I have never been able to pick my clothes out the day before.  I mean, scheduled occasions, sure. When I am called into service as Best Man.   I can tell you I am the best Best Man. How to be the Best Best Man? Like all of life, it comes in threes. First, and this