J. Press & Fox Flannel

Earlier this week J. Press hosted two events that I was unable to attend, but Laura Arnold took some great photos for me.  The events were in DC and NY, and featured the made to measure work that J. Press is doing with Fox Flannel.   Let’s start with Fox Flannel.


Screen shot from the Fox Flannel web site, if this doesn’t wake you up then see a doctor. From their web site: “We believe the Wellington woollen business can be traced back to the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, to John Were of Pinksmoor Mill. In 1772 the young Thomas Fox became a partner in his grandfather Thomas Were’s serge (cloth) making company at Trade Court, South Street, Wellington. Thomas went abroad to study languages and the woollen trade, and on his return the company was transformed from a small cottage industry into one of the most successful family-owned cloth manufacturers run by the Fox family for the next seven generations.”  Click on the photo to read their entire history. It is compelling.


In looking through Laura’s photos (thanks again Laura) I was struck by the same thing I was struck by at the last event I attended.  J. Press has found the formula for establishing Ivy as intergenerational.


Picture tells the story. Ivy appeals to all.


My friend Richard Press, attired to perfection as usual. Richard is going to be the first guest on the podcast. We got set back by a medical thing here in Bedford, but it is coming mid October.


One of the best reasons to attend a J. Press event is that…  they are one of those rare companies that if they are going to do something, they are going to do it well.   Including hosting.


I have never had a gin and tonic, which I know. I know.  Click to learn more about No. 3.


Click on this next picture.  Really.


You can get a sense from this photo that there is an array, but if you click on the photo I will take you to a page that will MAKE YOU get a suit made by Press. I am doing it. It is time. I am buying a custom suit from Press with Fox – and I will show it to you when it is ready. But click on this.


Did you see those mood boards?  Did they get you in the mood?  Ok.

First off, to learn a little bit more about J. Press MTM, click here.  It’s a video.  You don’t even have to read.

Then, click here to get started.  Or even ask more questions.  A MTM suit is not something all of us can do all the time, but it IS something all of us should do at least once.



12 Comments on "J. Press & Fox Flannel"

  1. It was great to meet Richard, Patrick, Laura and the rest of the gang at the DC Press+Fox event earlier in the week. Patrick and Laura helped me pick a great looking Fox birds eye material for trousers to go with the Donegal coat that Richard insisted on inspecting. These Press events are always so interesting and informative, not to mention a great deal of fun. Talking cocktails with the London Gin #3 Rep. was the icing on the cake.

  2. Excellent! Bravissimo! Hip, hip…Hooray! A marriage made in heave. Can’t wait to see the suit.

    And of course, we extend our patience, understanding, and best wishes regarding the medical “thing”.

  3. Questions,
    Which location would yield the best MTM results, options, convenience? CT, DC, or NY?

    • For J Press, if they are still doing J. Press x Jay Walter, then certainly NYC. I am certain that any of the other locations will also provide great options and convenience, but working with Jay is special.

  4. Play Enjoyed By All

  5. Looks like it was a really enjoyable event. Yes, echoing Hardbopper, I just look forward to whenever the podcast comes out — Health is first and foremost, and I hope all is well in that department. Eager to see the MTM suit, as well. I’m saving up to get one made next year at John Helmer. (If Portland didn’t have an Ivy-leaning clothier/haberdasher, I’d do J. Press hands down.) A nice thing about MTM is that you can often ask for some extra seam allowance to account for any waistline fluctuations, a phenomenon I have been experiencing to a distressing degree of late.

    • OregonLive(dot)com reports that John Helmer Jr., owner of your local shop, passed on last Monday.

      • Ah! The current owner is John Helmer III. Junior was his father, whose obit you must be referring to. John Helmer Sr. founded the store in the 1920s.

        • Rereading, I didn’t mean to sound blithe about the passing of John Helmer Jr. The obit is from 11 years ago. John III has been running the store since the early ’80s and is very much alive and presumably well.

  6. Watched the video again. This time I noticed. There are a few frames where a tailor is marking what appears to be a second fitting. I don’t believe that’s MTM procedure.

    • Depends on the MTM shop. My garments from Flusser include two fittings, the second for tweaks, button placement, and finishing, including lapel buttonholes. All finish tailoring is done in house and at a higher level of craftsman (and price point) than most MTM, including Press, which I also use and enjoy.

      • Charlottesville | September 28, 2022 at 9:00 am |

        That was my experience as well when I had a few suits made some years ago in Washington. There would be a second fitting to tweak anything that was not perfect in the fit and get final measurements for front button placement and sleeve length before the button holes were cut.

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