
A Second Chance Ivy Style.

A good impression can be the start of a changed  life. 100’s of charities in the US provide second hand clothes for people starting over who have job interviews but no clothes to wear to them. Let’s help. Every year thousands of people try to start their lives over.  I am not going to waste

For Your Consideration – Some Light Housekeeping

A few notes, make of them what you will.  First, a word about the dialogue in the profile of Evan and about editing comments in general.  I made a note in a comment on that profile, because the comment was stupid.  Really stupid.  There is a way to constructively criticize, and that lifts us all

Ok, we were right. Now what?

  The Wall Street Journal has piled on and it is safe to say now that we can stop posting articles about the comeback of “formal style” and just be grateful that the pendulum swung our way.  Here’s their article, if you care to read it. Articles by yours truly and others to the contrary,

Chensvold & Boyer & The Tie

  Here’s the article in the October issue of The Rake. We have gone from Chensvold’s literary death sentence of the necktie to Boyer’s plea for clemency to a user’s manual.  What are we to make of this? I reviewed Christian Chensvold’s book here, and in reflecting now on that review I realize that the

Two Guys Who Write About Ivy Walk Into A Bar

Well well well.  It does seem that our sails are catching some wind, yes?  The flurry of Prep Is Coming Back (damn with the Prep thing but we can get to that too) articles that line up with our jam is gratifying.  I could review one a day, but this one is particularly good and

WASPS by Michael Knox Beran

Book reviews are so predictable.  They start in one of two ways – either with the author’s take on the subject and then a segue into the book (if you want my take on the subject read WASPS by John Burton – KIDDING there is no book like that) or with a quote from the

An answer to multiple inquiries

I have received a lot of inquiries about the J Press catalog I reviewed and when to expect it in the mail.  It went out at the end of last week.  But please make sure you are signed up by going here:  The J Press Website where a pop up happens and you can sign

The Old Fashioned.

Ted Danson stood on the shoulders of giants, too.  Before Sam, there was only one celebrity bartender, and his name was Jerry Thomas.  If you want to understand the structural roots of the Old Fashioned, you start with this guy: I have had chapters in my life where I was a bon vivant, but they

Bastian’s First At Bat

Is a home run.  Why a home run?  He rolled the cuffs, and no socks. Kidding.  Kinda. Michael Bastian and Brooks Brothers gave the first look yesterday,  less of a collection and more of a message, and it is a brilliant one.  And I was the first one out of the gate screeching that tee