(That’s Cornell in the photo.)
My first interview with Richard Press is in the top 5 global podcast ranking for both #talk and #interview. (source: M-X Radio). Tell me again that Ivy is dead? You can listen to the show here if you haven’t already.

The Amazing Tom sent me this collaboration between Barbour and Allen Edmonds.

Chris Collins (just wrote a piece for us here) is also amazing, but how many times in one post can you use that as a descriptor? Besides, I think Tom copyrighted (that feels like it is not a word) Amazing anyway. If he didn’t, the ’69 Mets did. At any rate, Chris sent me this image.

I keep promising the Thread The Needle II review, it is written, but Richard’s show is still climbing and I am trying to let that soar before I start pointing folks towards the book.
Finally, Old School sent me this, which is my new wallpaper on my iPad.
Allen Edmonds has launched some bizarre shoes of late. I fully expect there will soon be a sneaker version of these horrid shoes.
Loved the comic strip on dress on airplanes . I had to sit next to a man is first class the other day on a three hr flight who was wearing a wife beater shirt and a pair of gym shorts and he needed a shower. Charlie Davidson would have been sick on the plane.
For the youngsters among us who may not be familiar with Charlie Davidson:
Plenty of vaudevillian gags today! We should book some gigs. Friday and Saturday nights at Ivy campus ballrooms. We can hire some side-men. The house can run the bar, so no headaches. RP can do monologues and sing a few numbers. All we need is a girl singer with a monkey…and a piano player who can fake and fill time between skits. The only question is, will the monkey agree to wear the clown shoes?
Great interview John and Richard. Richard your stories were fantastic and it was so great to get to know more about you. John you run a really good show that is paced very well. I am a Springsteen fan and you did a great cover. I assume you are not on iTunes because you play covers?
I concur. In fact I was surprised at JB’s hosting. He was funny but also had depth. It was quite good and I will tune in this week as well.
JB had a pleasant voice, and sounded younger than I expected
Charlie Davidson R.I.P. Yes, he’d note a tragic lack of duende– everywhere.
“I look around and see, for the most, part sissies, simps, and softies.” Stated differently —
“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind…” – HDT
Excellent show. Thanks for sharing.