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From The Editor

Matthew Longcore, J. Press Icons Campaign 2024-25 Ivy Style ( is the leading authority on the Ivy League Look. We feature traditional, classic, timeless style. Editor and publisher Matthew Longcore is the founder of the Preppy Handbook Fan Club. He has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and in the J. Press Icons Campaign.

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From The Archives

Pre-Existing Conditions: Brooks Files For Bankrupty, Blaming Coronavirus

Brooks Brothers filed for bankrupty today, a symbolically ominous sign for the brand that did the most to establish the Ivy League Look in the United States. In the excerpt below from the Wall Street Journal’s coverage, president Claudio Del Vecchio blamed the lockdown from coronavirus: Brooks Brothers dressed the American business class in pinstripes

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The Rise And Fall Of The Ivy League Look

  In our last post, a comment was left asking me to speculate what if the heyday of the Ivy League Look had never happened, that it had remained the relatively closed, little-known aristocratic style that it was in the 1930s. Would this have been better or worse in the long run for preserving authentic

Miles Ago

This week I met with someone close to Charlie Davidson, the founder of The Andover Shop who died recently at the age of 93. While cleaning out his apartment, the person found some 15 printouts of my 2008 article for Ralph Lauren Magazine. And not stashed in the same place, but rather scattered all about

Take Ivy: Last Gasp of the Ivy League Look

Today we revisit this post that originally ran in July of 2010 with the publication of “Take Ivy.” When powerHouse Books releases the first English-language edition of “Take Ivy” on August 31, eager readers will finally get a chance to see its enchantingly atmospheric photos as they were meant to be seen: within the hardbound

MMilestone: Ivy Style Reaches Post #2,000

Eleven years ago, in the middle of August 2008, I had just published the “Miles Davis goes to The Andover Shop” piece for Ralph Lauren Magazine, and was so fascinated by this little-known anecdote of Americana that I was working hard at launching a daunting new web project called From Los Angeles, of all

Preppy Evangelist: The Lisa Birnbach Interview

Given all the preppy ’80s talk lately, we revisit this 2010 interview with Lisa Birnbach, which was done about six months before the release of True Prep. The interview was subsequently used as part of the book’s press kit. — CC * * * IS: How did the new book come about? LB: It came

The Miyuki-zoku: Japan’s First Ivy Rebels

This was Ivy Style’s first post to go viral back in November of 2009. It is written by Tokyo-based W. David Marx, who went on to develop his pioneering research into Japan’s fascination with American fashion in his book “Ametora.” * * * The first Japanese to adopt elements of the Ivy League Look were

Chipp Off The Old Block

Paul Winston’s bold suit linings are so famous, many clients select the fabric for the lining before the fabric for the suit itself. Vivid linings are just one of the signature styles of Winston, the renowned tailor who began working for his father Sidney’s New York-based clothing company Chipp in 1961. Chipp soon became renowned

Historic Preservation

I’ve been thinking a lot about preservation lately. There are preservation societies throughout the country that work to save old buildings and keep various traditions alive, and I’m starting to see Ivy Style as having a similar function. Sure we cover current happenings in the world of trad clothing and contemporary culture, but we’ve also

Arts of Asia: A Japanese Ivy Illustration Gallery

In addition to meticulously researched vintage reproductions, plus the regular dispatching of photographers and reporters to capture American collegiate style in its native habitat, the Japanese have long used illustration as a way of expressing their fervent admiration of Ivy style. From stark line drawings to realistic paintings and silly cartoons, the Japanese continue to