West Coast Ivy Labor Day

FB Group member and #IvyGirl Colleen F. Montoya shared her Labor Day Pot Luck BBQ pictures, as hosted by herself and her husband. Thought you would want to see this.

And THAT is West Coast Ivy.

Top to bottom:
– Earrings handmade by Charlotte Lynn Begay from Santo Domingo Pueblo in New Mexico
– RL Polo madras jacket and OCBD
– Bow tie, no label, but I pawsitively love it!
– Brooks Brothers chinos
– American railroad pocket watch, 1919 Illinois Watch Co.
– Eastland dirty bucks and argyle socks

Thank you Colleen for letting me share, and BRAVO!

22 Comments on "West Coast Ivy Labor Day"

  1. COLLEEN F MONTOYA | September 5, 2023 at 5:02 pm |

    I am beyond honored, John! Thank you so much! I’ve always loved the Ivy style and envied others who rocked it. I was just never brave enough nor had the confidence until recently to wear what I truly want to wear. I finally feel at home! Thank you for putting a big smile on this Ivy Girl’s face!

    • Welcome to the group. You have the jam mastered, and I am so very happy that you found your own skin. Proud to know you. A little pissed you have better taste than me, but proud to know you.

  2. Gregory Carrara | September 5, 2023 at 5:13 pm |

    Great outfit, love it all!!!!

  3. COLLEEN F MONTOYA | September 5, 2023 at 6:47 pm |

    I would love to see more women embrace this classic, timeless style!

  4. Tim Irvine aka Vecchio Vespa | September 5, 2023 at 6:47 pm |

    Dang, but you look cool. I am transported to Virginia in the early 1960s, a golden time and place for this style.

  5. COLLEEN F MONTOYA | September 5, 2023 at 6:48 pm |

    Ha!! Glad to be a part of this fun, informative group!

  6. COLLEEN F MONTOYA | September 5, 2023 at 6:49 pm |

    Thank you!

  7. Chinos look best cuffed and creased.

  8. That is absolutely smashing, Colleen. You look splendid. As your very good friend and occasional advisor, I am thrilled to see these wonderful photographs posted in this forum. Thanks to John Burton for doing this! I hope to see more of your pictures in this and other forums. You may well be in the vanguard of a new movement — The Modern Ivy Woman.

    • COLLEEN F MONTOYA | September 6, 2023 at 7:20 am |

      Thank you, Peter! I’ll take that! Your guidance, advice, and friendship have been invaluable and much appreciated!

  9. “Looking good!” as the late Freddie Prinze used to say on Chico and the Man.

    Kind Regards,


  10. She looking good but she’s also a very cool person as well I was lucky enough to have grown with her keep being you Colleen

  11. Looks like a 2 inch cuff as well.

    • COLLEEN F MONTOYA | September 7, 2023 at 9:41 am |

      Thank you, Craig! Interesting as I, too, noticed the cuffs look taller than they actually are — 1.5 inches. Perhaps it’s because I’m vertically challenged (5′ 1″) that they look taller!

  12. Colleen
    Top drawer & Well done!
    When I opened your post without my wearing my glass, I thought my ex had connected to Ivy Style. She is also a 5’1″ brunette.

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