Ivy Trendwatch: Men Of The Ivy League Tumblr

Today the Rugby blog plugged a relatively new tumblr called Men Of The Ivy League, so we figured it’s about time we did the same.

The site should more appropriately be called Sportsmen Of The Ivy League, as it’s focused almost entirely on athletics. The photo-driven site (as are all tumblrs) features contemporary photos, and of the vintage ones the focus is more on the interwar years than the ’50s and ’60s, with the exception of this shot of Princeton students in 1962. — CC

23 Comments on "Ivy Trendwatch: Men Of The Ivy League Tumblr"

  1. Wow, my father graduated from Princeton in ’61, I wonder if he would have remembered these fellows.

  2. Men of the Ivy League is very, very poor at source attribrution (common problem for tumblr). For example, the image above is something scanned by The Trad.


    When I asked that images lifted from my tumblr blog be properly attributed, he blocked me. He’s a tool and really doesn’t deserve “plugging.”

    Same goes for his other blog, The Handbook Authority.

  3. Interesting reaction. If you scroll back through Men of the Ivy League, the first three pages or so are almost entirely lifted from Ivy-Style.com.

    I don’t care and would never think of requesting a source attribution, even for images I personally scanned myself, as I don’t actually own them. When I post them on the Internet, I consider them now to belong to the world.

    This seems, alas, to be one of those amateur vs. professional things, with the amateurs, from my point of view, being the most upset about their “work” (that is, an image they scanned or found on some online archive and then shared on the Internet, where six billion people, if they were so inclined, could view it and download it) is used by someone else. This “work,” of course, is always done under an anonymous username, rather undercutting the legitimacy of their “work.”

    The Ivy League Look tumblr actually superimposed its name on a Brooks Brothers marketing image, apparently lest anyone else in Tradsville (who all got the same email) be tempted to use the image.

    This was one of the crazier things I’ve ever seen, and it’s hard for me to imagine what in the world went through this person’s mind as he put his tumblr’s name on top of a Brooks image. It was as if the blogger were claiming some kind of ownership, if only within the Ivy tumblr jurisdiction, over an image that clearly belongs to Brooks Brothers.

    I mean, I can understand a painter or photographer protecting himself by putting his name on digital images shared on the Internet, but what would make an anonymous blogger put his blog’s name on a Brooks image?

    The Weejun blogger does something even nuttier, actually putting a copyright symbol on vintage images when you put your mouse over them. It’s like staking a flag on the moon. “I now own this vintage Weejun advertisement.” Sure you do.

    Professionals get a bad rap for being cold and businesslike, but trust me there’s no more uptight person in the world than an amateur expert.

  4. I finally figured out the difference between Ivy and Preppy styles, it’s the advent of color photography.

  5. MAC

    You, sir, have absolutely nailed it.

  6. I prefer the term “hobbyist”.

  7. OK, but terminology is the least of the concerns here.

  8. Mac, too funny! Christian, I found your comment very interesting. I applaud you for sharing your opinion.

  9. Johnny Reb | August 2, 2012 at 1:55 pm |

    I spy an Oriental…

  10. Yankee Doodle | August 2, 2012 at 2:31 pm |

    @Johnny Reb

    “Oriental”? I didn’t notice the carpet.

    Seriously though, “oriental” is about as passe as saying “colored people”. I would suggest updating your vocabulary before unintentionally offending someone.

    But then again, with a moniker like Johnny Reb, you probably said that deliberately for trolling purposes.

  11. Johnny Reb | August 2, 2012 at 3:51 pm |

    You’re absolutely right, Yankee Doodle: I spy an Asian-American among a sea of WASPs.

  12. @ Yankee Doodle – I was in the rug business for a while. Many of the top rug importers still use the term “oriental” to reference their products and many shops still incorporate the term in their name. Some shops have dropped the term only because clients equate it with something in their grandmother’s house rather than some of the more modern designs offered. So, I’m not sure that a blanket statement that it is “as passe as” is correct. If you’re into rugs then, of course, you would use their proper names. The bottom line is that it is actually still an acceptable “umbrella” term. No offense to anyone in the Pac Northwest.

  13. Oops, I just looked at the pic rather than the casual glance. I would probably agree applying the term to a person isn’t the best thought out plan. It is funny that someone with the moniker “Yankee” Doodle brought it up, though.

  14. I’d have to agree that complaining that your anonymous identity is not getting enough credit for reposting someone else’s photographs on the internet is pretty weird. On the other hand, posting your sources is more positive, since the whole point of the exercise is sharing stuff with the community and the source of similar stuff is one more thing to share. I gotta admit sometimes I’m just too lazy to post a link on the tumblr, so there’s that. Usually reblogging something cool from tumblr to tumblr is by far the easiest. People who go out of their way not to inform readers of their sources are probably petty, anti-social types. Newsflash: the world is full of malfunctioning people, ignore it and you’ll be a lot happier.

  15. The trouble with tumblr deserves an entire post. I follow both Men of the Ivy League and The Handbook Authority, but I mostly jut follow people who follow me. Tumblr for me is a place to dump all of the extra images which do not go on my main blog. That being said, it can be upsetting with actual original content (pictures you took, graphics you designed) are reblogged without source information.

  16. Precisely. Having your original photo or graphic design used without your permission is cause for moral outrage. But bitching and moaning when the 1939 Brooks advertisement in the New Yorker that you “discovered” like it’s the tomb of Tutankamun shows up on someone else’s tumblr looks kind of pathetic. Get a reality check in that department and find something else more worthy of righteous indignation.

  17. That guy in the first row, second from left, sure looks like Fred Barnes from The Weekly Standard. But I don’t think Fred is that old.

  18. That’s odd, I just checked The Ivy League Look blog and it’s removed its link to Ivy Style. Meanwhile, its tumblr now proclaims “Uptight Amateur Expert.”

  19. That guy is notorious for stealing pictures and not reblogging the pictures he finds on tumblr.

  20. How can they be “stolen” when they’ve been posted on the Internet for any one of the planet’s six billion people to download and reuse?

    I could see it be stealing if he claimed to have taken photos that he in fact hadn’t, but otherwise this just sounds like Anonymous Uptight Amateur Experts getting all pissy over their “work” on tumblr, which consists of posting random images they find.

  21. “That guy is notorious for stealing pictures and not reblogging the pictures he finds on tumblr.” To whom are you referring, Phillip?

  22. @Johnny Reb

    And İ spy at least one Hebrew.

  23. “Seriously though, “oriental” is about as passe as saying “colored people”. I would suggest updating your vocabulary before unintentionally offending someone.” <–My arse.

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