Miracle On 44th Street! J. Press Set To Reopen New York Store On Ground Floor Of Yale Club

Updated 5/26 at 2:15 PM

Today J. Press made it official on its website: It will reopen a New York store this fall in the most ideal of locations. Not only will J. Press return to 44th Street, the historic epicenter of Ivy in New York during the heyday, it will take over a ground foor space in the Yale Club building, recementing the brand’s ties with the university J. Press originally served when it was founded in New Haven in 1902.

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Last week the J. Press York Street account on Instagram posted the above photo with the comment:

Things are looking up as we begin construction on our new flagship store housed in this historic building.


It will be the J. Press flagship store for New York.

Coincidentally, as I was preparing this post I received an email from J. Press‘ corporate office, which is unable to confirm or deny rumors (or in this case, hints in bold) of a new store in New York.

And so, therefore, Ivy Style is unable to confirm or deny plans for a new store. However, some of you may recognize the building pictured and draw your own conclusions. — CC

16 Comments on "Miracle On 44th Street! J. Press Set To Reopen New York Store On Ground Floor Of Yale Club"

  1. Wasn’t J. Press once on 44th Street between Fifth and Madison Avenues?

  2. Moving into the 346? J. Press Brothers?

  3. Boola boola!!

  4. @Falcon – Yes, it was right up the block from BB for quite some time. I’m not sure exactly when they moved up to 47th and Madison. The old location on 44th was quite a bit larger than the location that closed a few years ago.

  5. Roger Sack | May 22, 2017 at 4:38 pm |

    It won’t make any difference to me if they persist in selling
    the square shoulder crap that they have in recent years.


  6. Well, they do have products that don’t have shoulders. Such as pants.

    DCG says fall samples are much improved. Hoping to report on it soon.

  7. Cranston Hughes III | May 24, 2017 at 11:33 am |

    The old Shirt Shop space, I reckon?

  8. It’s official


    J. Press gladly announces

    The opening of our New York Flagship Store Fall 2017 at the ground floor of the Yale Club (44th Street side).

  9. Excellent! Good move

  10. PhillyTrad | May 26, 2017 at 7:38 pm |

    Perfect location amidst the Harvard, upenn, and Princeton clubs.

  11. Vern Trotter | May 26, 2017 at 10:54 pm |

    I have been in those spaces many times. They do not seem large enough without major reno. But they are making it happen and good for them. 44th street has not been the same since they left.

  12. Dutch Uncle | May 27, 2017 at 12:03 am |

    For the youngsters among us who failed to recognize CC’s allusion:


  13. Jeffrey Shawn Haber | May 27, 2017 at 3:46 pm |

    This is good news! I eagerly await the reopening of the New York J. Press Store on 44th Street and Vanderbilt with great anticipation. As for me, the reopening of J. Squeeze will surely be an epic moment.

  14. @Jeffrey If I’m not mistaken you’re blessed to be related to the late, great Jerry Haber, and I believe I can speak for everyone at J.PRESS when I say his legacy lives on and we’re honored whenever a customer comes in and shares their fond memories of him. Best to the Haber family!

  15. Jeffrey Shawn Haber | June 4, 2017 at 6:38 pm |

    My mother Francine Haber thanks you for remembering my late wonderful Father, Jerry Haber. As for me, I am very touched by your kind words and thoughts about my Father. Thanks again DCG. Appreciatively, from Jerry Haber’s son- Jeffrey Haber

  16. Jeffrey Shawn Haber | August 9, 2017 at 5:15 pm |

    Speaking about the new J. Press store that is set to reopen this fall, I was just discussing this very subject with the Assistant Manager of the J. Press branch in Cambridge. Just several days ago, I had a great time shopping at the Cambridge store and received exemplary service from Dan Maxton.
    Thanks for an excellent shopping experience! Keep up the great work guys and please give my regards to Dennis.
    Best, Jeffrey

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