Yesterday I met with MKG, my partner on the Ivy Style Club Tie (of which there are still a few left; order info here), to see the samples from our latest project: The Ivy Style Heyday Commemoration Belt (until we come up with a better name). In a handful of motifs, the belt cleverly illustrates the rise and inevitable fall of the popularity of the Ivy League Look on college campuses between 1954 and 1967.
The belt is made in the US, will be priced less than the $79 tie, and will come in two color options: navy ribbon on either navy or forest green surcingle. Even sizes only.
Full details coming in about a week. We’ll have an order window of a couple of weeks, towards the end of the month, and turnaround should well in time for Christmas to the best of our knowledge. Stay tuned. — CC & MKG
On me for those interested: black bit loafers by Oak Street, argyle socks from Brooks, Lands’ End trousers, Brooks belt and engine-turned buckle, wool/linen herringbone jacket from J. Press, custom club collar flap pocket oxford-cloth shirt by Individualized Shirts, RL tie, paisley wool pocket square…. I think that covers it. Save for the tartan boxers, of course.
Can’t believe you were able to find mannequins wearing the perfect camouflage along with the belts!
The belt looks really great, can’t wait to see close-up shots of it later.
Thanks Christian….and on Matthew? Like the knit tie a lot
Can’t wait for the belt! Looks great!
Thanks, René,
I am wearing a J.Press knit tie. Brooks brothers OCBD, J.Crew linen jacket, cufflink worn as a boutonniere, Oliver Peoples eyeglasses.
Great news, Christian. Can’t wait to see the belt. And since today I also wore a (Brooks) wool/silk/linen tweed 3/2 sack coat, Brooks argyle socks, (A-E penny) loafers, a pinned club collar (from Ratio), and Ray-Ban Clubmaster sunglasses, along with checked boxers, I can only complement your excellent taste. Seriously, you both look great, and it looks like a beautiful day in Bryant Park. Still in the low 80s here. I’m looking forward to tweed, flannel and corduroy weather.
BB 3/2 blazer (two buttons on the sleeves), BB cordovan loafers sans socks, grey/white university stripe Troy Shirtmaker’s Guild oxford, Lands End blue/gold repp tie, Trafalgar belt, C.W. Dixey eyeglasses. No boxers, lads need a house.
Y’all look sharp and the belt looks good too. I also look forward to more of a crispness in the air to break out the tweeds.
Today, a lady in her seventies gestured to another lady at lunch when I passed them in a restaurant, “Look, a man with a tie and coat.” A bit sad if you ask me.
I know you’ve had similar shirts to the one you’re wearing in the photo made by other manufacturers. In your opinion, where’s the best place to get a club-collared oxford shirt made? I’m looking for one just like you’re wearing, except with a white collar.
When you reproduce the wool surcingle stripe belts formerly made in England by Canterbury, I’ll take one in each color.
Oh boy – just what I need; another novelty belt. But, of course, I’ll be in the front of the line for this one. I think I see a button down collar, a BB repp tie, and a pair of legs in khakis & loafers w/o socks; I can’t quite identify what looks like a tombstone, and then a distorted/funhouse image of an Ivy academic building?
Beyond the usual rowing oars, dogs and a couple of surcingles (which I don’t consider ‘novelty’), this new one will hang on the ‘specialty’ peg of my belt hanger, along with: Chesapeake lighthouses on a navy field; a Preakness belt (a green field with alternating Black Eyed Susans – Maryland’s state flower – and horses mounted by jockeys wearing silks of the Calvert and Crossland families); and perhaps my favorite – a yellow field with repeating images of a vodka bottle, tomato juice, Worcestershire, tobacco, a pepper grinder, lime, celery and two olives on a toothpick.
RWK — I would be interested in Christian’s pick for best club collar as well. I have several in white, pink and blue from the custom department at Brooks from back when Tom Davis was still there, and a university-stripe version from Ratio with a white collar. They are all fine, but I would give the Ratio shirt the edges for the minute size adjustments and customization options they offer, and the price, which is $98 for standard oxford cloth.
My favorite trad novelty belt has always been a navy blue belt with 12 gauge brass spaced about an inch apart. From college days, size 32 but I now have a 35 inch waist.
Will — Not quite the same, but Orvis has a leather belt embedded with shotgun brass: .
I should have written more clearly. The belt had embroidered 12 gauge shot gun brass rounds.
I shoot skeet with three friends from time to time. A few years ago, while collecting spent shells, we came across a pink colored shell. I used some paracord to make a medal to be awarded to the worst shooter of the day-I have only won the award once over the years.
I have a leather belt with a 12 ga. cap on the keeper loop; it’s beautiful, and the leather could be used as a snatch-strap on a 4×4, it’s so beefy.
I picked it up it at Artemis Outfitters in Greenville, DE (just north of Wilmington), which is basically tattersall & double-gun heaven. If you’re ever in the area:
@Will: what do you shoot?
Traps, skeet and sporting clays.
@Will: I should have been clearer – what *type* of shotgun do you shoot?
Over under and semi-auto. Beretta. Benelli.
@sacksuit y Paul
The belts you are referring to, then and now, are still being made in the shotgun shell motif by Royden Belts in Pennsylvania. They sold very well along side the Canterbury surcingles I referenced above.
Beard looks great, Chens.
Christian, how do you like the Oak Street bit loafers? They seem nice, and certainly more reasonable than Gucci.
Terrific. Had ’em so four years or so. Wore ’em again just the other day. I have something of a bit loafer collection.