Everything New Is Old Again! The Spring/Summer 2018 J. Press Brochure

If you’re reading this, it’s highly likely you’ve already received the new J. Press brochure in the mail. If not, contact the store by phone or email and ask for one, because it’s terrific. In the meantime, you can check out a PDF right here.

The brochure features graphics taken from heyday-era catalogs, the much-improved shoulder lines from a new manufacturer, and a great model who gives off a Don Draper vibe. He’s mature enough for the 60-year-old to respect him, and young enough for the 30-year-old to want to aspire to look like him some day. The New York store also has similar new banners on the window with the same retro graphics and copy taken directly from old catalogs, and there are already new spring looks on the J. Press website, have a peek. And stay tuned for more J. Press news in the coming weeks, including a Q&A with a new executive who started at Brooks Brothers in the glorious ’80s, before the M&S era.

Below, bonus shot of the Millennial Fogey in action. — CC



34 Comments on "Everything New Is Old Again! The Spring/Summer 2018 J. Press Brochure"

  1. Kudos to J. Press visual director Andrew Schoomaker.

  2. So who is the new manufacturer?

  3. I see a great 40s-50s vibe here!
    As Italian/European accordingly friendly with the old style,i’m happy.

  4. I finally got around to visiting the New York store for the first time this past week. It really is an oasis in Midtown. I only had fifteen minutes or so to spare, but found myself eyeing a couple of the spring offerings they had just set out, and enjoying a friendly chat with DCG. Their tie selection is exceptional.

  5. Charlottesville | March 6, 2018 at 1:59 pm |

    As I told the photogenic Millennial Fogey in an e-mail yesterday, the opening of the new store and this new brochure are the most hopeful signs I have seen in ages for a solid selection of classic clothing presented in a way that looks contemporary. Beautiful stuff. My wife even grabbed it and commented on how great everything looked. Christian said it perfectly; this should appeal to the 20-something on the way up, the mid-career professional, and the older guys as well. One of the best things was the page for Jay Walter and Tom Davis! So nice to see these deeply knowledgeable and experienced menswear giants back in an environment worthy of them. As Brooks goes further down the drain with each new season’s display of disposable fashion, J. Press is really hitting its stride again. I can’t wait until I am able to get back to NY to see the new location in person.

  6. Mitchell S. | March 6, 2018 at 2:09 pm |

    I like the new natural shoulder. It is both traditional and modern with its clean/streamlined opening.

  7. Greg Summers | March 6, 2018 at 2:49 pm |

    Very nice neckties.
    I do wish the model could have afforded a disposable razor, at least.

  8. Trad Sleuth | March 6, 2018 at 2:53 pm |

    I was unable to see Jay Walter and Tom Davis.
    Were there pages missing from the pdf?

  9. Charlottesville | March 6, 2018 at 3:03 pm |

    Trad Sleuth – No pictures of Messrs. Davis and Walter, I’m afraid, but a nice mention on the last page with the promise of great MTM offerings for anyone looking for something other than the bounty available off the rack.

  10. Andrew S. | March 6, 2018 at 3:32 pm |


    Thanks for the shoutout, Christian!

    It’s listed on the inside cover of the brochure, but it’s worth noting again the numerous creative folks that made this brochure possible.

    Model photographer: Hiroyuki Seo
    Product photographer: Masataka Suemistsu

    Stylist: Takuma Watanabe
    Hair Stylist: Shu Yamaga
    Model: Roger Mazzeo (Bella Agency)
    Location: The Yale Club of New York City

    Production: Maika Nakaoka (Onward Creative Services)
    Art Direction & Design: Sho Momma

    and Special Thanks goes out to Scott Hill for creative consultation as well as Jennifer Warpool the Director of Marketing at the Yale Club.

  11. Greg Summers – nail on the head completely undermines things. It really doesn’t look right with the clothes, a complete clanger imo.

  12. Henry Contestwinner | March 6, 2018 at 3:56 pm |

    Greg Summers,

    I agree with you completely. I am quite sick of the scruffy look.

    Though they say the ladies like stubble.

  13. Ezra Cornell | March 6, 2018 at 3:57 pm |

    Once again, the Japanese understand Ivy better than Americans. Love it.

  14. Richard E. Press | March 6, 2018 at 4:19 pm |

    So let’s sing a song of cheer again Happy Days are here again.

  15. Got mine the other day and thought how great it looks. Hopefully it will encourage Americans young and old, to dress like Americans. Americans and Japanese, seem to be the only populations to dress uniquely in this classic/timeless style.

  16. caustic man | March 6, 2018 at 7:25 pm |

    Navy seersucker? Rare and very welcome! I’ve been looking for one of those.

  17. Very nice essential “must haves” to select from..with the exception of shoes.

  18. When this hit my mailbox over the weekend, I shot CC a quick message about how nice it was to see “one of our own” at his trade. Props to DCG.

    And now a product question: I like the look of the new butcher-stripe shirts; can anyone (DCG?) tell me whether the collars are lined or unlined?


  19. NaturalShoulder | March 6, 2018 at 10:53 pm |

    I will be travelling to DC in early June and look forward to check out the new offerings in person. The navy seersucker is now on my want list.

  20. Trad Sleuth | March 7, 2018 at 1:12 am |

    Charlottesville,thank you.
    Obviously my reading skills need some honing.

  21. Trad Sleuth | March 7, 2018 at 1:14 am |

    I couldn’t see any butcher-stripe shirts.
    Are you referring to the Bengal-stripe shirts, or is it my faulty reading skills again?

  22. Vern Trotter | March 7, 2018 at 5:22 am |

    In the Rake this time is a piece on the beautiful Phantom Thread with Daniel Day-Lewis. Great article about the bespoke clothing used. This film was really robbed at the Oscars. The best film I have seen since The King’s Speech.

    People are seeing it over and over. I have seen it thrice. The BBC reviewer has seen it eight times!

  23. Maybe, someone can enlighten me. I read online that Harvard has banned neckties on its campus. A female group complained that neckties are “archaic male phallic symbols.”

    I take this a some sort of lampoon and joke. But, in today’s upside down world, it’s just nuts enough to be true.


  24. Mitchell S. | March 7, 2018 at 7:14 am |

    @Wriggles: Thanks for some fake news. April Fool’s Day is still three weeks away.

  25. caustic man | March 7, 2018 at 7:26 am |

    “Just nuts enough to be true” usually means “totally not true.”

  26. SwitchBlade | March 7, 2018 at 8:18 am |

    About time. Press has been a joke for far too long.

  27. SwitchBlade | March 7, 2018 at 8:21 am |

    RTW Ivy has long needed a shot in the arm. I welcome this new perspective. Most of us have long ago given up and gone custom. Who wouldn’t?

  28. Trevor Jones | March 7, 2018 at 8:48 am |

    I must admit I’ve never really found my niche in J Press but there’s absolutely nothing to complain about in this catalog – looks great!

  29. Grey Flannels | March 7, 2018 at 9:15 am |

    For those youngsters among us who didn’t recognize Mr. Press’s allusion:


  30. Thomas Mukherjee | March 7, 2018 at 9:35 am |

    @ Greg Summers

    Totally agree.
    But presumably Squeeze know their market and we are the ones out of touch.

  31. @TradSleuth: the ‘bengal stripe’ is in the catalog mailer; the ‘butcher stripe’ is on the website:


  32. “I like the new natural shoulder. It is both traditional and modern with its clean/streamlined opening.”

    …there’s a “new” manufacturer? Southwick is old news. Has Empire gone the way of the wind? Greenfield still making anything?

    Are we not permitted to learn more? Very worthwhile men’s store speaks openly and honestly about their brands–their makers.

  33. @Vern

    Wow, didn’t know the film was that captivating. Shall see it ASAP. Of course Day-Lewis is one of my favorites (“Age of Innocence” is right at the top of my all-time list). I believe DCG can tell you that he came into the JP West Village store last year.

    My Oscars story is that in the first week that I arrived in New York I met James Ivory, who won for adapted screenplay. Told him that (Oscar winner for Best Picture) “A Room With A View” is one of my favorites. The event was at a gallery opening for writer/artist Barnaby Conrad III; I believe Ivy Style did a piece on his bullfighting father a few years ago.

  34. Trad Sleuth | March 7, 2018 at 12:00 pm |

    Thank you Paul.
    Glad to learn it wasn’t my illiteracy or poor eyesight.

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