Très Preppy: The Art Of Floc’h

2013 09 Monsieur s

In honor of Bastille Day — or dishonor for the Royalists out there — we revisit these images from the French illustrator Jean-Claude Floch, who goes by the professional name Floc’h and is pictured at the bottom of this post. 

2012 03 Monsieur No93 Mars



2010 10 Monsieur N85 Couverture s



s 2009 12 Monsieur N80 Couv Hackettaf438b3f66434ed0e266583027a0feaf



2009 05 Monsieur N76 Couverture





18 Comments on "Très Preppy: The Art Of Floc’h"

  1. john stephens | July 1, 2015 at 11:14 am |

    I hope this published in a monograph!

  2. Wow! I’ve never seen his work before. It’s lovely! Remind me to show you the newest illustrations I’ve been working on, CC.

  3. Henry Contestwinner | July 6, 2016 at 2:39 pm |

    The drawing of the man pouring champagne is exactly what I feel our modern world is like.

  4. His style reminds me of Herge, the Belgian author of Tintin.

  5. Steely Dan | July 12, 2019 at 3:52 pm |

    I loved his work for years. He’s also a cartoonist. He comes from the “ligne claire” school of drawing popularized by Herge (creator of Tintin).

  6. Roger Sack | July 12, 2019 at 6:40 pm |

    For a French take on Anglo/Ivy style I can recommend Arthur et Fox with several branches in
    Paris. I have not been to Paris in over a decade, but I am assured by more recent shoppers that the
    retailer still offers excellent quality at relatively moderate prices. I have some of their
    trousers that are over 20 years old and show no wear. They still don’t seem to have a website.

  7. Old School Tie | July 13, 2019 at 4:41 am |

    No marinières! A boating/sailing staple for Ivy fans, I would have thought, and a little bit of Franco-American reciprocity to boot….

  8. Elder Prep | July 13, 2019 at 6:43 am |

    Does the magazine come in an English edition?

  9. Excellent post. I’m familiar with his work, living here in Paris. It’s surprising how Ivy Style bleeds into the Parisian aesthetic here, the land of sharp shouldered jackets, religion-revealing pants, wet-suit tight white shirts, and the ubiquitous, sharp-toe’d black lace up shoes. The Parisians have no fear of color and, when they mix it with some traditional elements, it’s a great, unique look.

  10. Grey Flannels | July 13, 2019 at 3:26 pm |

    Perhaps we could have posts on Italian Ivy (if there is such a thing) and English Ivy.

  11. René Lebenthal | July 15, 2019 at 4:06 am |

    Unfortunatley he doesn’t work for Monsieur Magazine anymore.
    And indeed, he published several Comic books. he is a particular person but his work is great.
    My favorites are the prtraits of WAlter Breuer and a catalogue he made for them.
    CC: I could scan the pictures if you like and send them to you.

  12. Oui, Rene, envoyez-les! Merci!


  13. There just aren’t words enough to express how much I love this.

  14. Liberté, egalité, e preppy!

  15. Henry Contestwinner | July 14, 2021 at 3:55 pm |

    Mitchell, shouldn’t that be “… e preppé”?


  16. @Henry:

    Oui, oui. Happy Bastille Day to tout le monde!

  17. Thank you good Sir! As a mix of Frenchman and Brit (interesting but hard to defend when sports events come into play) I grew up reading Floc’h’s graphic novels (Blitz, The Search for Sir Malcolm, An English Trilogy – shame only a few are translated in English). But I did not know about his illustrations. Thank you for presenting them here.

  18. Terry Garratt | July 17, 2021 at 3:09 pm |

    This magazine, along with hundreds of other magazines such as Pointure (about shoes) Dandy magazine (bi lingual, clothes, travel etc) this is my favourite, is available from the French subscription site Cafeyn. There are dozens of back issues for these and many, many, other mags. You can’t download them they have to be streamed, but you could, as I do, take screen shots. Subscription cost E9.99 per month.

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