The Ivy Style Symposium

Despite our latest storm detaining some attendees, the MFIT’s “Ivy Style” symposium went off with a bang. Presenters included co-authors of the accompanying book; Patricia Mears gave an overview of how the exhibit came about and Bruce Boyer talked about the jazz musicians who took up the Ivy look in the ’50s and ’60s.

Deirdre Clemente gave an especially engaging presentation about clothes and social life at the Ancient Eight and Seven Sisters. Clemente had contributed to three years ago and it was a pleasure to finally meet her in person. Her forthcoming book outlines how college kids throughout the 20th century created the whole concept of dressing down.

Here’s Ms. Clemente:

It was also a pleasure to finally meet London lass Rebecca Tuite, who is in New York doing a doctorate. She’s written several pieces for Ivy Style and has two books coming out on Seven Sisters and Vassar style:

There were book signings for the authors of the MFIT book, as well as for Daniel Cappello, who talked about the history of the Ivy League and the characteristics of each campus. Jeffrey Banks and Doria de la Chappelle also presented and signed copies of their book “Preppy: Cultivating Ivy Style.”

Below, Richard Press signs for a young Yalie:

Misters Cappello and Boyer:

Here’s Andrew Yamato, producer of the video on the exhibit, wearing vintage J. Press:

Blogosphere personalities in attendance included Justin Jeffers, author of The Fine Young Gentleman, wearing a bawdy Chipp necktie:

Speaking of Chipp, Paul Winston was there and was interviewed by Bruce Boyer on stage (I took some video of it and may post later if it came out OK). Here’s me chatting with Paul in a photo from The Daily Prep:

This old gent is so old school he only shops at J. Press at the source: New Haven. Never the New York store:

Here’s Dustin Grainger from the blog Maximinimus (flanked by comment-leaver “Sartre”), who presented along with John Tinseth of The Trad and a very entertaining Clark Aldrich from The Daily Prep, who combined a hobbyist’s nonchalance with a crusader’s mission to save civilization:

Claudio Del Vecchio, CEO of Brooks Brothers, talked about the brand’s history, its hits and misses in merchandising, and the battles to both win back core customers lost during the Marks & Spencer years as well as capture a new generation of customers. If I understood him correctly, at once point he said, “I love Ivy, but it’s not the reason why we’re there.” You guys can chew on that.

And finally…

Bruce, me and Richard signing books. Shortly thereafter, Mory’s comes up in conversation and Richard and I break into an a cappella version of “The Whiffenpoof Song.” Too fun. — CC

12 Comments on "The Ivy Style Symposium"

  1. Any possibility of your asking Mr. Boyer exactly what P3 frames he’s wearing?
    Much obliged.

  2. And that’s a wrap!

  3. Minimalist Trad | November 9, 2012 at 9:08 pm |

    Mr. Boyer has made innumerable contributions to our awareness of style.
    His sharing the details of his eyeglass frames would be one more contribution.

  4. Excellent photo of les Trois Mousquetaires.

    Un pour tous, tous pour un.

  5. @MAC

    Thanks, but I was aware of that Ivy Style post.

    Many companies produce P3s in many colors and many sizes.
    I was specifically inquiring about Mr. Boyer’ frames.


    Old Trad

  6. You are too kind Christian, thanks for the photo!


  7. Thanks for the pics. They have confirmed that Sartre is very cool!

  8. The cut of Mr. Jeffers’ jacket marks the end of Ivy League style, in this old codger’s opinion.

  9. Sounds like you had a fun event! Are there any videos of the symposium or is there an agenda? For some reason I had missed that a symposium was planned…

  10. Michael Mattis | November 12, 2012 at 11:32 am |

    Wow. The Three Trad-a-teers!

  11. Kathie Truitt | November 13, 2012 at 8:30 am |

    I am still chewing on the comment from Mr. Del Vecchio and it’s leaving a very bad taste in my mouth. His change-up and ‘modernization’ of Brooks Brothers is why I will now be shopping elsewhere – however, I have no clue where that ‘elsewhere’ is going to be since no one seems to make traditional, classic clothes for ladies anymore.

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