MFIT’s Ivy Style Exhibit

Straight, No Chaser: A Call For Untampered Tradition

Once upon in a time in 2012, menswear writer Eric Musgrave wrote a piece for Yale University Press’ London Blog ran a story on the MFIT book “Ivy Style: Radical Conformists.” After calling for historians to focus more attention on largely anonymous retailers instead of big-name designers, Musgrave makes the following plea that will surely resonate

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From The Editor

Matthew Longcore, J. Press Icons Campaign 2024-25 Ivy Style ( is the leading authority on the Ivy League Look. We feature traditional, classic, timeless style. Editor and publisher Matthew Longcore is the founder of the Preppy Handbook Fan Club. He has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and in the J. Press Icons Campaign.

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From The Archives

Ain’t It Grand? The Countdown To Post One Thousand

Ivy Style is approaching a milestone: We’re not only about to reach the end of our sixth year of publishing, we’re in countdown phase to our 1,000th post. Excluding this post, in 10 more we’ll reach number 1,000, for which we promise something special, the likes of which has never been seen before in the

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Take Ivy Style

During the press conference for “Ivy Style” at the MFIT, Andrew Yamato took video while on assignment for A Suitable Wardrobe. Included in the video above are remarks by Patricia Mears, Richard Press, G. Bruce Boyer and Christian Chensvold.

Ivy Style Opening Night Party

Last night the Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology celebrated the opening of “Ivy Style.” Here are some photos of the revellers. Above, David Mercer of Mercer & Sons, wearing his Hasty Pudding Club tie; G. Bruce Boyer, Richard Press and Christian Chensvold.

Ivy Style Book Sneak Peek

It’s kinda cool to have your name on a book — especially when you didn’t even have to do anything. Last week I got a copy of “Ivy Style,” the book, published by Yale University Press, no less, that accompanies the MFIT exhibit. It includes my Q&A with Richard Press from here. Other writers contributed

MFIT Exhibit Sneak Peek

The Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology has granted an exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpse at “Ivy Style” the exhibit as it reaches the final stages of preparation. Above, passages from Fitzgerald’s “This Side Of Paradise” will adorn the walls.

MFIT’s Ivy Style Exhibit For RL Magazine

Four weeks from today Ivy Trendwatch will shift into overdrive. The developments of the past five years, during which we’ve seen the republication of “Take Ivy,” several Ivy and preppy books from around the world, the proliferation of trad blogs and tumblrs, and of course, will presumably shoot to new heights of public awareness

JP Gaul Talks Ivy

English Ivy guru and Weejun fetishist JP Gaul, co-author of “The Ivy Look” (see our review here), has written a piece for Yale University Press’ blog. YUP is the publisher of the upcoming book created in conjunction with the MFIT exhibit. While discussing his discovery of Ivy as a teenager in the ’80s, Gaul writes:

Ivy Style Exhibit Press Release

This afternoon the press release for the MFIT’s exhibit was sent out. Here it is in its entirety. — CC * * * The Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) presents Ivy Style, an exhibition that celebrates one of the most enduring clothing styles of the 20th century. From its origins on the

First Article On MFIT’s Ivy Style Exhibit

Yesterday trade publication Apparel Magazine posted what I believe is the first article to appear on the upcoming “Ivy Style” exhibit at the Museum of the Fashion Institute of Technology. It’s the most detailed account yet on what you can expect in just a few short months. Here’s an excerpt: Ivy Style will present the