Ivy Trendwatch/Dark Academia: Nick Clements’ Photo Shoots For Men’s File

Fashion is cyclical, and what goes around comes around. Back in 2012 photographer Nick Clements shared with us these photos he took for the UK magazine Men’s File in, and which we filed under the then-burgeoning category of Ivy Trendwatch. Today, in 2021, they are once again on-trend as inspiration founts for the “Dark Academia aesthetic.” 

4 Comments on "Ivy Trendwatch/Dark Academia: Nick Clements’ Photo Shoots For Men’s File"

  1. Dutch Uncle | March 15, 2021 at 8:44 am |

    Looks like the way I’ve dressed since the ’60s.

  2. These are really lovely. Effort is evident in them.

  3. All of these images take me back to the phrase I’ve read before, there is something about the black and white image that color doesn’t touch.

  4. Love these,you could actually distinguish between men and women….

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