Richard Press has just released a collection of his “Threading The Needle” columns for J. Press, which you can order right here.
We’ll hear all about it from him in a subsequent post. In the meantime, congrats to Mr. Squeeze, who looks every bit the dapper sage and witty columnist in this shot by Rose Callahan for her “Dandy Portraits” series.
Rose Callahan’s “Dandy Portraits” is well worth a look, lots of fun. Besides the great portrait of the venerable Mr. Press, there is one of Christian and a few of Mr. Boyer, also the FIT show. Question for Mr. Boyer, is your satchel a Gurka or a D-Burk?
what MAC says, Dandy looks like a cool site
Rose is talented, no doubt.
In the forward, G. Bruce Boyer says that Richard Press embodies “the tradition, spirit and heritage” of Ivy style.
Congratulations, Mr. Press. My copy arrived yesterday, and I could not agree more with Mr. Boyer, as quoted above by Minimalist Trad.
Congratulations Richard, you’re such a good writer I would have said this was your true profession, although I still feel you would also have made one helluva an actor. But let us scribblers stick together.
If Mr. Press were to make Mr. Boyer’s foreword available on-line, it might whet our appetite to purchase the book.
Hear! Hear!
Making Bruce Boyer’s foreword available to all of us Ivy Style and J. Press fans sounds like a great idea.