Golden Years: Portrait Of The Columnist

Richard Press has just released a collection of his “Threading The Needle” columns for J. Press, which you can order right here.

We’ll hear all about it from him in a subsequent post. In the meantime, congrats to Mr. Squeeze, who looks every bit the dapper sage and witty columnist in this shot by Rose Callahan for her “Dandy Portraits” series.

9 Comments on "Golden Years: Portrait Of The Columnist"

  1. Rose Callahan’s “Dandy Portraits” is well worth a look, lots of fun. Besides the great portrait of the venerable Mr. Press, there is one of Christian and a few of Mr. Boyer, also the FIT show. Question for Mr. Boyer, is your satchel a Gurka or a D-Burk?

  2. what MAC says, Dandy looks like a cool site

  3. Rose is talented, no doubt.

  4. Minimalist Trad | March 5, 2021 at 2:07 am |

    In the forward, G. Bruce Boyer says that Richard Press embodies “the tradition, spirit and heritage” of Ivy style.

  5. Charlottesville | March 5, 2021 at 8:34 am |

    Congratulations, Mr. Press. My copy arrived yesterday, and I could not agree more with Mr. Boyer, as quoted above by Minimalist Trad.

  6. G. Bruce Boyer | March 5, 2021 at 11:07 am |

    Congratulations Richard, you’re such a good writer I would have said this was your true profession, although I still feel you would also have made one helluva an actor. But let us scribblers stick together.

  7. If Mr. Press were to make Mr. Boyer’s foreword available on-line, it might whet our appetite to purchase the book.

  8. Minimalist Trad | March 7, 2021 at 12:03 am |

    Hear! Hear!
    Making Bruce Boyer’s foreword available to all of us Ivy Style and J. Press fans sounds like a great idea.

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