Fount Of Inspiration: Phillips Academy, 1969

Tying together our latest posts on The Andover Shop with recent scans from ’70s-era Polo catalogs comes this charmingly hirsute set of images. Frequent comment-leaver “SE” recently posted a set of links — held in moderation so as to be revealed now — to pages from the 1969 Phillips Academy yearbook. The school is based in Andover, MA, where it is served by The Andover Shop.

SE made the canny remark that the candid shots look like inspiration for the art directors behind Ralph Lauren’s catalogs a few years later. I think he’s on to something. In the meantime, enjoy, and my did things get hairy fast. — CC

12 Comments on "Fount Of Inspiration: Phillips Academy, 1969"

  1. Photo number one is a fine example of yeti-prep. Without fault from the neck down.


  2. Wow – these pictures are incredible.

  3. I can forgive the unkempt hair, but a pinstripe suit with a tattersall button down? What an utter barbarian!

    Also, are we sure that Uncle Ralph wasn’t hired to style these shots? 😉

  4. What I find amazing is how utterly WASP the pictures are, how utterly lacking of diversity.

  5. That’s my class … or lack thereof. All of us are rich and famous now, except for some of us.

  6. Vern Trotter | April 28, 2018 at 1:04 am |

    In 1969 this was as diverse as could be expected at Andover. It after all, was a private school. No need to dwell on the tuition or the legacies involved. Maybe they could have included their polo ponies or wooden sailboats to authenticate. And there were a few with hirsutism.

  7. Already ready for banking and the law!

  8. Plenty here to entertain and inspire. A source of interest/amusement: that a minority of students resisted the long (and facial) hair trends by sticking with a short haircut. Exhibit A (first picture): the recently cropped fellow, front right.

  9. whiskeydent | April 28, 2018 at 12:10 pm |

    I would have thought Neidermeyer (back row, 2nd from right) would have gone to VMI.

  10. whiskeydent | April 28, 2018 at 12:25 pm |

    Re: top photo

  11. This is what it was all about, simply stunning work of archeology.

  12. I remember it well. Note the trad-ivy of the faculty and the hirsute-ivy of the students. I know most of the people in these photos. At least 85% wasp.

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