Forever Prep In Virginia


Recently dispatched to my inbox is a 2011 article called “Forever Prep” that ran in the magazine Virginia Living. Pegged on the release of Lisa Birnbach’s “True Prep,” it’s a lengthy piece that examines the Virginian branch of the WASPy, preppy tree. Author Caroline Kettlewell opines on how it was, how it is, and even throws in some sartorial passages:

Tradition holds strong in sartorial matters as well. We’ve never stopped wearing seersucker here. It is often paired with a bow tie. Sometimes with a gin and tonic. In Charlottesville, Eljo’s Traditional Clothes (please don’t call them “preppy”) has stayed in business for more than 60 years selling blue blazers, gray trousers, and natural shoulder, two-and-three-button undarted traditional-fit suits.

Myles Thurston, who owns Eljo’s with his son Trent, says, “Most of our suits are the same style that we sold 30 and 40 years ago. Styles change, fashions change, but the traditional, University-style clothing called Ivy League has never changed. And there is no reason to change. It is a classic, timeless look and you can wear it until you wear it out.” But you can also order from Eljo’s over the Internet now; the business has worked with customers as far away as Japan, where the Ivy look, you may be surprised to learn, has enjoyed a cult-like following for decades. And in the past few years, it has enjoyed one of its periodic revivals here in the U.S. as well, particularly in men’s fashion.

Head over here for the full story. Tie image by, who else, Eljo’s. — CC