Is WASP 101 Blogger North Carolina State Rep?


Last night was informed of strange similarities between “Richard,” the author of the WASP 101 blog (above) and Bryan R. Holloway (below), who is serving his fifth term as a Republican state representative of the 91st district in North Carolina.


Thirty-five-year-old Holloway is the son of a chicken farmer and teacher’s assistant and is a resident of King, North Carolina. He is a graduate of Appalachian State University, spent four years as a public school teacher and serves on education committees. He can be seen giving a speech in the clip below:

The similarities were discovered as a result of Google-enabled amateur sleuthing and a more-than-generous dash of Internet obsession.

Last night Ivy Style received an email from a source, who has requested anonymity, saying he had spent the past year trying to uncover the identity of the WASP 101 blogger. “I’ve been following every clue the weasel has posted for a year,” he wrote. “Sad? Yes. But what can I say, he bugs me.”

In an email exchange, he went on to explain:

Let me walk you through this obsession. I’m a traditional New Englander and stumbled upon his website after setting up a Google Reader account. At first I thought that Wasp 101 was satire — sadly it’s not. The more I read, the more I was convinced that I needed to take him down. So I began to read all of his past entries (no easy task) and kept a journal of all his outlandish claims.

More telling than the blog posts were the comments he posted defending himself to the anonymous trolls. The anonymous posters always managed to glean a kernel of truth out of Richard. For instance, he talks about visiting outlets in North Carolina (specifically Brooks Brothers). When pushed about his residence he claims that he lives within a few hours of the outlets. I drew a two-hour radius and worked out from the outlet location. I googled and contacted countless PR firms within the circle, but always a dead end. Those are but a few things I looked at.

The source continued:

His big mistake was [earlier this week] posting his retrospective timeline. An anonymous poster mentioned something about his wife’s breasts, and that led to a post about him attending a wedding for a client that is a state senator. We’ve all suspected that he was from North Carolina, so I looked at current members and, more importantly, their spouses’ Facebook pages.

That’s when I decided to look back at the last six years of state senators from North Carolina and see if any of them had been married in 2008. Politicos may set their accounts to private, but their spouses rarely do. State Senator Andrew Brock was there in 2008, and was married that year to Andrea. After scrolling through her friends I nearly fell out of my chair: the dog, that chin, that hairline, the wife — I knew them all so well.

“Richard” has posted many photos of his dog, which he has referred to by name as “Governor” in the comments section at WASP 101:


It appears to be the same breed of dog in this photo from Holloway’s Facebook page, which a friend in the comments section also refers to as “Governor:”


Below, the tan suit Holloway wears in the photo with Newt Gingrich is markedly similar to one “Richard” has blogged about:



One of WASP 101’s contributors, known as “Kipp,” also helped our source speculate that “Richard” resides in North Carolina:

… “Kipp” helped to confirm the North Carolina angle. In one of her posts around New Years’ she has a newspaper partially exposed on a table describing a fire. A simple Google search came up with a bar in Raleigh.

When pressed for a further explanation, the source explained:

Kipp left a corner of the paper’s masthead exposed. I googled NC newspapers and chose the one with similar masthead. Checked the headlines from the post time period and it matched.

This morning I telephoned Representative Holloway’s office and was informed by a female receptionist that he was in a meeting. I asked to leave a message, and halfway through spelling my last name, was interrupted with, “I know who you are.”

Update, 3:09 PM: The receptionist for Representative Holloway, according to her LinkedIn page, is Isabel Villa-Garcia, who bears a resemblance to the WASP 101 contributor “Kipp,” and which would explain why the young female receptionist of a North Carolina state representative would say “I know who you are” when telephoned by a New York-based menswear writer.

Below left is a picture of “Kipp” from WASP 101, while at right is Villa-Garcia from her LinkedIn page (more photos of “Kipp” are available through a Google Image search):



I then sent a follow-up email informing Representative Holloway that I was preparing a post for that would examine similarities between himself and the author of WASP 101. The message was sent at 9:30 AM and Holloway was given a deadline of 2 PM to respond by telephone or email.

As of 2 PM Eastern Standard Time, Holloway had not responded to the telephone message or email.

A few minutes after the call to Holloway’s office, the WASP 101 website was taken down [Update: As of 2:25, the blog had been restored; as of 2:35 the site was again made invite only; 2:49 and site back up again; 2:56 down again; point made and no further updates needed.] Later the tumblr account called “The Preppy Halls Of WASP 101” was also closed. Below is a screenshot of the tumblr page from earlier this morning:


The WASP 101 Facebook page is currently still up, however, as is a MySpace page. [Update: Within several minutes of this posting, the Facebook page no longer appeared to be operational.]

Update 5:07 PM: Apparently members of the North Carolina media are on this story, and Representative Holloway has denied operating the WASP 101 blog. Meanwhile the website, which previously had been taken down with a message saying it was invite only, now turns up the message “Blog has been removed.”

Update 7:44 PM: Villa-Garcia removes above photo from her LinkedIn page.

And while the WASP 101 blog is no longer accessible, the photos “Richard” uploaded to it can still be found through a Google Image search:


Politicians are always getting caught with their pants down. Bryan R. Holloway — if he is the author of WASP 101 — may be the first caught with simply his pants. — CHRISTIAN CHENSVOLD


261 Comments on "Is WASP 101 Blogger North Carolina State Rep?"

  1. Trad in NH | May 30, 2013 at 2:08 pm |

    A masterpiece! Congrats! I hope you put on the HuffPo!

  2. I never had any interest in Wasp 101 until now! I agree, this is HuffPo material.

  3. OMG, this made my year….

  4. I’m not sure if this is quite kosher.

  5. Who cares? There are 120 members of the North Carolina House of Representatives. I see nothing wrong with one of them wanting to operate a fashion blog.

  6. A modern-day miniscule Gatsby without the glamour, style, or competence, leaving only pretension, envy, and pathetic hackery.

  7. @Jack Would that it were only a fashion blog. From what I’ve seen it is a stilted attempt at misrepresentation with a subtle racist and misogynistic tone that betrays more about the author than the culture to which he aspires.

  8. Trad in NH | May 30, 2013 at 2:29 pm |

    Nothing at all wrong with writing a “fashion” blog. However, the good people of the 91st District may object to the way he objectifies women, is condescending towards working folks, and oh yeah, parades around like a clown.

  9. The cached version of the blog still works.

  10. Bricktop Polford | May 30, 2013 at 2:33 pm |

    I guess this locks up the Stalker of the Year award from the Get A Fucking Life Association.

  11. Give him a moustache and he’s a dead ringer for Marty Huggins

  12. pretty weird story now gets even weirder… wonder if the Rep. will have any comments on his online activities?

  13. I have to admit, as funny as this is, I will miss watching him bullshit. You’ve robbed us all of many more years of “Richard”….

  14. Ironchefsakai | May 30, 2013 at 2:45 pm |

    Excellent closing line to the article!

  15. Wow, your source kept a journal on this guy? This sounds akin to ‘A Beautiful Mind’, only instead of Soviet-fueled paranoia the object of your source’s obsession is a half-witted fashion blogger. Let that one sink in, boys. Leave the poor guy alone and consider channeling your energy into something more constructive.

  16. I do not abide fakes. Our Puritan ancestors would be proud to know we’ve kept up the esteemed New England tradition of an old time witch hunt, and a phoney is far worse than a witch.

    Well done, good and faithful Yankee.

  17. @ Jack: This was SO much more than a “fashion blog.” These were the ramblings of a misogynist douche bag.

    I’m sure one of the final straws for this clown was last night when “anonymous,” who has ridiculed “Richard” for everything from his ill-fitting clothes to his spelling, ended a particularly long and serious rant with, “Please post more photos of your wife. She has a nice rack. ” Is it wrong to admit I laughed until I cried?

  18. Sheik of Araby | May 30, 2013 at 3:17 pm |

    ‘Tis a bittersweet unmasking, indeed…

    What a week in Crazy-News: first Michele Bachmann retiring and now this!

  19. CC,
    I am mystified by this obsession. If a blogger enjoys playing dress up and breaking wind of sorts what is harmed? I hope you will refocus this part of the Internet on style of dress rather than the competition or one with whom you disagree. Should you find yourself loathe to let go of the fixation please either do it on another blog or rename this one. Might I suggest: “I cannot abide phonies unless they advertise.”

  20. Trad in NH | May 30, 2013 at 3:28 pm |

    Ok so “Kipp” is his receptionist? Follow link to her LinkedIn account and it says she started out as an intern in August of 2011. In September of 2011 she started blogging for “Richard” or should I say Bryan.

  21. MummyElizabeth | May 30, 2013 at 3:36 pm |

    If I write a blog will I receive such negativity? Why so much hate towards one person?

  22. Orgastic Future | May 30, 2013 at 3:36 pm |

    HAHAHA Dude I hope you caught “Ayman Al Zawahri” as well with your time spent as expert targeter. I mean Link analysis, pattern analysis, I caught some HUMINT, OSINT, IMINT and some CYBINT. Great “pull” from the table newspaper by the way….top shelf grab my friend. Man you are playing in the wrong jersey my friend….

  23. Gen. George Patton | May 30, 2013 at 3:48 pm |

    @MummyElizabeth Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser.

  24. I hadn’t known people issues with his blog went beyond tackiness… I’m not the type to read something I don’t particularly like, but if he crossed the line into some pretty borderline stuff, then that’s something that could be worth knowing about an elected official, and this whole thing passes muster a little better.

  25. I found an article which ranked your nemesis’ blog and writing ranked higher:

  26. Jack Armstrong | May 30, 2013 at 4:10 pm |

    He shouldn’t have let Russell Street write for him. Everything that man touches turns to shit.

  27. Trad in NH | May 30, 2013 at 4:12 pm |

    Ivy Style ranked an overall 67 and Wasp 101 ranked a 66. Writing style, Ivy Style received a 7 and Wasp 101 a 6. How is that higher than Christian? I will grant you that the ratings are uncomfortably close.

  28. This feels so incredibly petty.

  29. Watching his video, he’d have my vote!

  30. Watching his video, I am convinced that he is an imbecile and proof that imbeciles elect imbeciles.

  31. I think it’s amusing that the person who was obsessed enough to out the anonymous creator WASP 101 has requested anonymity himself. But that isn’t nearly as funny as a politician who would actually maintain a blog titled WASP 101. Tragicomedy…

  32. So, we respect a request of anonymity from an e-mailer to expose a harmless anonymous fashion blogger’s identity? For all we know the emailer is a stalker. I doubt this is politically motivated, by NC standards this is pretty weak tea from a state that gave us John Edwards, the Gov. Perdue administration scandals and a political party director who knowingly infected his lovers with AIDS.

  33. Trad in NH | May 30, 2013 at 5:04 pm |

    Rep Holloway is denying that he is Richard:

    Not sure how he explains his receptionist being Kipp though?

    The plot thickens!

  34. Nick Willard | May 30, 2013 at 5:16 pm |

    Who’s next — Admiral Cod?

  35. The Devil not Daniel Webster | May 30, 2013 at 5:16 pm |

    I love witch hunts and “anonymous” character assassination!

  36. Simply amazing…..bravo.

  37. The fact that his wife’s name is Misti couldn’t be any more perfect. The guy is clearly gay, which would be a non issue were it not for his boasts of being “the most conservative member of the NC House….”. It’s always that way, isn’t it?

  38. Christian | May 30, 2013 at 5:27 pm |

    Congrats, AEV, my source just made your Fred obsession look normal.

  39. Jackie Chiles | May 30, 2013 at 5:29 pm |

    It’s lewd, lascivious, salacious, outrageous! Need a lawyer?

  40. Of course the shapeshifting FEC is going to sympathize with someone whose identity has been revealed.

  41. To “Richard”/Holloway supporters, if Holloway isn’t “Richard,” then why are all websites down?

  42. It’s funny that he’s now denying this. Past versions of Holloway for House showed pics of his dad at the state house that were later cropped for the website: (pic 8) later showed up as's+52nd+birthday%22&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

    Back when MySpace was still something, a friend was named “the future Mrs XYZ” – it was so terribly easy to find out that “Future Mrs” was in actuality Mrs Richard’s sister.

  43. Christian,

    Indeed. Of course, Richard provided your source with more of a challenge. Fred is devoid of any and all self awareness….and his ego doesn’t allow him to hide even when he should. Googling Fred pulls up so many gem photos, it’s like an Abercrombie catalogue from 2008 (which, of course, makes perfect sense as Fred was prancing around TX and CA – and the internet – in head to toe Abercrombie right up through 2008….he also appears to have loved a now defunct brand called Ruehl, Red Sand, and American Eagle). Today, however – to be very clear – he. is. preppy. A preppy pundit, even. And, an expert on men’s style, finery and high society. Do not confuse 2009-13 Fred with the 1980-2008 Fred (unless, of course, you’re still super into fashiony retro sneakers – a summer staple! a true ‘go-to’ shoe! wear ’em with a cotton suit, why don’t you!? – in that case, Fred I or Fred II will gladly serve as your sartorial true north).

  44. Nice going….. Despite Richard’s rather unusual wasp aesthetic blogging, I did genuinely enjoy it even though I certainly did not heed any of his advice…. Now, due to your most egregious works against him, he took down his site. What was the problem with him hosting his own views and ideas on a topic he most thoroughly enjoyed? Although he had his faults in his style as you most certainly pointed out, WASP 101 will certainly be missed. Although I enjoy your blog too, when focused on ivy style, as it’s name would certainly imply, I blame you for depriving us of future years of the ponderings of Richard. You should be ashamed of yourself. Even with you and numerous other commenters viciously attacking him on an almost daily basis, Richard kept up with the blog. Now, look at what you’ve done- you deprived us of WASP 101 and now, potentially, caused great troubles with this man’s life. Congratulations, you proved to more of a troubling malcontent than anyone else. I hope you are especially happy with yourself and your endeavors given the price paid.

  45. Would this be considered Poultrygate or WASPgate?

  46. Christian | May 30, 2013 at 6:04 pm |

    Well, it’s clearly not Gated Community.

  47. I would give my right arm for those multi-plaid pants he’s holding in the last picture. BB doesn’t sell them anymore.

  48. Why do I have the image in my head of the scene in “Ferris Beuller’s Day Off” when Principle Rooney and his secretary are bumbling around the office while talking to Ferris Beuller and “Sloane’s father”. Priceless.

  49. As a reader, I recognize that I can devour this juicy gossip while also feeling like Christian is a bad guy for indulging this anonymous source. And I am absolutely doing both.

  50. Oddly enough, I google imaged his real name thinking I was going to see him at a PTA meeting in an ascot, he actually is well put together in his “real” life photos. Thoughts???

  51. Christian | May 30, 2013 at 6:09 pm |

    a PTA meeting or a PITA meeting?

  52. Oh, and for those of you who feel Richard was illegitimate in his identity, the man does have a right to privacy. Considering Richard is known to be Bryan R. Holloway, Richard may very well be the man’s middle name….. Many people use their middle name in some settings, as I would especially think you would have realized as it is an especially prominent feature in the WASP community….. Again, many thanks for your childish behavior when you could have done us all a service and stuck to your work in ivy style as your blog’s name would imply…..

  53. Christian, you must focus your sleuths energy on Admiral Cod next, that Nazi/Sexist/Racist bastard needs to be outed… I’ll chip in $100.

  54. Rob,

    “Richard”/Holloway is simply reaping what he sowed. He does not deserve to remain a representive of the public. The fool has fallen. Get over it and find a new object of adoration.

  55. Christian | May 30, 2013 at 6:19 pm |

    Complex magazine has determined that the R in Representative Holloway’s name does in fact stand for Richard:

  56. Thanks for this. I stopped by WASP 101 sometime back and it was, well, odd and incoherent. It was also very degrading to women. Never went back. Now it makes sense. I wonder if these faux preps were posting on the state dime? Ironic because it looks like this chap is against wasteful spending.

  57. Check out the pic in post 292 of this thread:

    Now does that look like anyone we know?

  58. Biff,

    Why should he not remain a public official? The man simply has a fond interest in prep style, as does anyone who reads this blog, and writes about it. Numerous individuals enjoyed his work, and for that he deserves to have his career unravel? The punishment certainly doesn’t fit the supposed “crime”….

    Considering his middle name is, in fact, Richard, means you don’t have to put quotation marks around it to imply its usage as a false title….

  59. Rob,

    You must be a true hooplehead if you can’t see the hypocrisy when one lines up “Richard’s” WASP 101 with Holloway’s professions of ultra conservative “values” and his supposed Baptist “faith.” An Elmer Gantry for the 21st century!

  60. Good job blowing his cover 🙂

    To be honest, I have nothing against him, though. I didn’t even read his blog.

  61. Christian | May 30, 2013 at 6:35 pm |

    @ Rob

    As it has not been proven, nor has Representative Holloway admitted to being the blog’s author (in fact he has apparently denied it to a local reporter), we will continue to refer to the author of the WASP 101 blog by his username “Richard.”

    Let me once again clarify that I merely presented strange coincidences and behaviors here. I did not seek to prove something I’m not in the position to prove.

    That said, according to Google Analytics’ real-time function, there were several computers from WRAL in Raleigh, NC visiting the site within the past half-hour, and there may be further enlightenment to come.

  62. Biff,

    What exactly did Richard discuss on WASP 101 that is so misguided in relation to an established conservative? The fact is, based on his professional photos as a commenter pointed out, Bryan Holloway is a rather well-dressed man. I am willing to bet that if you seen him in person without knowing he was Richard, you’d consider him an especially preppy individual based on his clothing appeal. Nonetheless, it is outrageous to consider him a fraud as noted numerous times on this blog….. He’s a politician with an interest in traditional clothing, who heaven forbid, enjoyed a piece of privacy….

  63. Christian,

    I’ve looked over this and it is evident that Richard is Rep. Holloway….. I am in no way claiming that they are not the same individual for there is clearly enough evidence present to substantiate the claim at-hand….. Nonetheless, it does not seem right to go to such lengths as to force Richard to shut down the blog and potentially put his career at risk. Candidly, what terrible acts has he committed to deserve this?

  64. Rob,

    “Richard’s” blog persona was clearly odious, affected, and objectified women in a particularly degrading fashion (pun intended).

    I do wonder if you’re being paid as the first wave of a spin army.

  65. Christian | May 30, 2013 at 6:53 pm |


    I don’t know what you mean. I did not “force Richard to shut down the blog.” I simply telephoned Holloway’s office, and within minutes the site was taken down.

    Nor did I anywhere suggest that his career is or should be “at risk,” nor refer to anything as a “terrible act.”

  66. I impugn your judgement and character. Others are and doubtless employers or potential employers might do the same. This spiteful side of you was unexpected though in hindsight not unexpected. In future you will be better served curing your slice for free at Brooks’ and paying more attention to the damage you might cause behind the keyboard and the wheel. Look both ways.

  67. Biff, we could have a very long conversation if we started to talk about Democrats and odious degrading behavior of women (Clinton, Weiner, and about every Dem in the NY state/local politics) Shall I continue?

  68. WFB,

    What nonsense you’re spewing. If “Richard” turns out to truly be Holloway, then Holloway’s character and judgment are in question, not CC’s. A politician should know better than to run a blog to play out the dark side of his shadow psyche.

    Don’t kill the messenger, old chap.

  69. Ethan, go ahead and talk about Dems all you want. But that will not change anything about Holloway. Poor logic on your part.

  70. Biff, no looking back at your comment to Mr., you’re obviously a partisan hack.

  71. Congratulations, featured on four-pins

    And this is some of the funniest stuff I’ve read to date

  72. Ethan, you’re so wrong. A poor inference on your part. You should brush on your logic.

  73. Biff,

    You said… “You should brush on your logic”

    I brush my hair, my teeth, and my shoes… what other logic should I “brush on”? What bristle type, do you suggest I use? Soft or Medium? How and when would I know if my logic is well groomed?

    Please advise.

    p.s. Does logic come in a minty fresh flavor, that’s my favorite.

  74. Biff,

    How, in any way, would Holloway’s character and judgment be in question? What has he done that is so terrible as to warrant such consideration?

    This claim as to his objectification of women is unfounded and is only your way of throwing things against the wall and hoping that they stick…. Here’s news for you- it’s not sticking! The individual in question did not do anything wrong regardless of any unfounded partisan claims you create. His reputation on WASP 101 is not differentiated from that of a conservative Republican in any way. To make such claims as to say that he demonstrates hypocrisy is unwarranted and considerably unfounded in its own right.

  75. Ethan, I offer you a big yawn. You knew I meant “brush up on.” Feel better, little man?

  76. Christian,

    While it may be true that you did not explicitly force Richard to shut down WASP 101, it is evident that your actions in this very post did do just that. By maliciously revealing his identity when he clearly took steps to protect his privacy (i.e., blurred out facial images and no definite mention of his name), you put his career at risk. Just because you didn’t “pull the trigger” doesn’t mean you didn’t initiate this cascade….. Do you expect us to believe that Richard shutting down the site today was a mere coincidence of this blog entry? You took actions against the said individual, initiating this falling cascade of events….. Your ignorance is not bliss.

  77. Rob,

    I hope you’re getting paid handsomely for your spin work!

  78. Biff,

    No, I am not getting paid for standing up for the character of a man who is being attacked and whose identity is being revealed against his wishes. Take a look at the facts…. There is no spin here as is being spun up in your argument. Richard did nothing to objectify women, yet you repeatedly bring claim to such an argument…. He simply operated a blog that piqued his interest with the intent to remain private in his identity, which should be expected considering he is a public official. Had he revealed his identity, his blog would predominantly consist of comments concerning his political endeavors….. This really shows your true colors and paints a true picture of Christian’s character……

  79. Joseph P. Kennedy | May 30, 2013 at 7:35 pm |

    High five, Christian! LMAO!

  80. Biff, I feel great, thanks for asking. Don’t let me stop you from attacking “Richard”, everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting for your next action packed “logic” laden comment.

  81. Rob,

    You would have worshipped and defended Elmer Gantry, too. You poor soul.

  82. Rob,

    Have you considered why Richard/Holloway would shut down the blog upon receiving a call from Christian about this story? The only reason I can think of is because he doesn’t want his name associated with it.

  83. Ethan,nice try to shift from you to me. Nonetheless, your logic is flawed, thin, and quite obvious in its deficiencies. In fact, your attempt to attack me and divert attention from your own shortcoming is a logical fallacy itself! You’re great entertainment. Maybe you can open up WASP 102 and keep the tradition alive.

  84. Jackie Chiles | May 30, 2013 at 7:41 pm |

    A Democrat sartorialist (read before CC pisses on non-partisanship):

  85. Biff, I am glad you just finished your survey to logic 101 class at your local community college, or was it the University of Phoenix? Do tell.

  86. RWK,

    It is simple as to why the blog was shut down upon correspondence with Christian…. he wanted to protect his privacy. I cannot think of any other reaction, to be utmost candid. As a public official, he serves his constituents in public matters, whereas his blog was for the purpose discussing traditional clothing topics with his readers, where he had anonymity to discuss preppy clothing matters without prejudgment. Now, that his identity is known as a public official, it is impossible to continue the blog in its intended style…..


    I see that you are now resorting to comparing Richard to fictional characters….. I suppose that is what one must resort to when all other arguments fail. Also, the characterization of Elmer Gantry is nowhere comparable to that of Richard. To say that just proves your inadequate literacy skills. Also, might I add that we are discussing the fate of a REAL man with a REAL life, and due to these attacks, may have REAL consequences…. not that of fictional character, whose life remains to be discussed by Literature majors….

  87. Joseph P. Kennedy | May 30, 2013 at 7:47 pm |

    I love seeing an aspirational Tradhole go down.

  88. Ethan, wrong again. Please give it another try. I’d like to think that you can do better than you’ve done.

  89. Biff, FYI, you’ve yet to substantiate/prove that my claim of you being a partisan hack wasn’t true or logical.

  90. Trad in NH | May 30, 2013 at 8:08 pm |

    Well at least we can all agree on one thing, Richard and Holloway are the same person.

  91. When you put yourself out in the public sphere you open yourself up to scrutiny. I have no sympathy for someone who repeatedly published pictures of themselves, their family, their house, their acquaintances, etc. and then magically expects anonymity.

    If his blog was so harmless, why has it been taken down?

    His blog was not about “preppy” style, it was about his imagined version of White Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture. He didn’t confine his rambling a to style, he declared from on high what “real WASPs” should enjoy and abjure. He regularly objectified women, and he spent countless hours giving his imprimatur as a “WASP” to various material goods, mostly clothing. This is not just about someone with a style blog, this gets into identity politics, race, religion, a whole mess that this bozo didn’t think about before beginning the blog. This is about someone appropriating someone else’s culture and imitating it poorly using only clothing and whatever else they saw in a Ralph Lauren or Brooks Brothers advertisement. This is far beyond any possible criticism of a style writer like Fred Castleberry, this is downright pathetic and deplorable.

    This was not some innocent style blog. This was an unintentional mockery of Americans of British descent. And I for one am offended at the approbation.

  92. I imagine “Richard” will claim the 5th, seems that’s the only amendment progressives respect now days.

    The only thing I ever had against the 101 site was belgian loafers. 😉

  93. Orgastic Future | May 30, 2013 at 8:14 pm |

    Ok, I have a question. In lieu of all the “Bravos” and “attaboys” being handed out here,do people really think it’s “heroic” to screw with a guys real life over a menswear blog?

  94. Orgastic Future,

    You bring to light what is truly important in this argument. This is not an issue of identity anymore as I am sure the vast majority of us can agree that there is substantiating evidence to support his now-known identity.

    While some may not have agreed with Richard due to his interpretations of WASP culture and/or style, as he most certainly was wrong on numerous occasions, there is no reason to jeopardize the man’s career and life, itself. Such actions against Richard are most certainly shameful and reveal the character of those who prey upon this opportunity with great joy.

  95. Jackie Chiles | May 30, 2013 at 8:24 pm |

    DCG – Why not spend your time going after the chive website?

  96. No one forced him to start a blog, no one made him put pictures of himself up online, no one made him create his online persona.

    Zero sympathy.

  97. @jackie I haven’t “gone after” anyone, I just see no reason to wag my finger at people who have “gone after” someone I find despicable.

  98. DCG,

    Are you saying that he does not have the right to publish based on his anonymity? Does that not infringe upon his right to free speech in an attempt to publish without revealing his identity to spare himself from predisposition? Can you not understand why he would prefer to remain anonymous in nature given his standing as a public servant?

    Based on this, the same principal can be applied to our friend, Christian…. He was not forced to start Ivy Style, yet based on this example of his poor sense of judgment, he may face indirect consequences in his own career. As seen in readers’ comments, many people are not taking kindly to this situation and are quite disturbed, to say the very least, by such behavior.

  99. Mr. Wyllys | May 30, 2013 at 8:34 pm |

    This is one of the most hilarious post ever! With some of the most hilarious comments ever and most coming from Christian himself…such as…”a PTA meeting or a PITA meeting?” and “Congrats, AEV, my source just made your Fred obsession look normal”
    Richard’s blog always rubbed me the wrong way…He always seemed to pose as some faux anglo-phile…I’m a pretty die hard anglo-phile, My family, despite their humble backround, truly are of Anglo-Norman descent, and unlike some Baptists I’ve heard about 😉 My family is Episcopalian…But there always seemed something “try hard” about Richards whole persona….After all, converts are usually the worst puritans.
    I am unsure if Rep. Bryan Holloway is Richard…(I personally know a young man about my age who looks just like me, but who is unrelated). Their does seem to be an unusual number of coincidences…Which leads me to the possible conclusion that Richard may be a relation to Mr. Holloway, and possibly doing pro-bono work for the Rep…Which may explain the resemblance and the fact that the blog was shut down
    In conclusion, If Kipp, or who ever she is wants to get in touch, she is more than welcome to, and that tan suit is just god awful!
    It is sort of like trying to figure out Jack the Ripper…

  100. Ethan, my last word on this as you’re not half as smart or funny as you think you are.

    My comment in response to Mr. simply notes that the video led me to conclude that Holloway is an imbecile as are those that did/would vote for him. That says nothing more than that. One might conclude that I think all politicians are imbeciles, that some are regardless of party, that only those of one party are, or that only Holloway is. Your choice to conclude that I made a partisan comment is pure stupidity on your part.

  101. Orgastic Future & Rob,

    In what respect does this article jeopardize his life and career? If he is not reelected to serve as a North Carolina representative as a result of the content that he shared on the internet, then he has no one to blame but himself. He is accountable to his electorate. If they find his conduct, via his blog, to be unbecoming of someone they believe should be in political office and chose not to reelect him as a result, then so be it. Conversely, if his constituents could care less about his online activities, and chose to reelect him in spite of it, then it is something that the rest of the world will have to live with, whether or not they agree.

    Either way, it’s a bold claim to say that Christian is terrible for posting this story because it could ruin his career. His electability is no one else’s responsibility but his own. The expectation of privacy on the internet is very low. One would think that a politician, of all people, would be sensitive to that fact.

  102. Jackie Chiles | May 30, 2013 at 8:44 pm |

    A “journal of all of his outlandish claims” from an anonymous poster?What are the claims? Who is the anonymous hurler of invectives? The WASP in question has a Latina as an assistant, do you? How many minorities have you employed or helped? Something smells of spitefulness and character assassination. What has happened to THIS style blog is the more important question. This is the wrong way to build a career as a blogger, reporter or writer. This endeavor is not fun. Reading this doesn’t give rise to laughter or high fives to the sensible-minded. Pretenders have staked claims to turf all over the Internet; what one doesn’t like one ignores or blocks rather than tries to destroy.

  103. If his anonymity was such a concern he shouldn’t post pictures of himself, details about where he lives, or his career. Anyone has the right to free speech in this country. We also have the right to privacy. We don’t have the right to insist on privacy while acting in a way that betrays it. If you don’t want your life on the web, don’t put your life on the web.

  104. Jackie Chiles | May 30, 2013 at 8:51 pm |

    Is the anonymous poster someone with an axe to grind? CC have you been taken advantage of for his/her purposes? Why not stick to STYLE rather than this crap?

  105. I think we can all relax here, as funny, or as serious as you think this is… I’d bet the chances of his constituency, (The two counties he represents have only 130,000 people combined in the very, very rural part of northern NC, which borders on nowhere VA) one of the 36,000 total people who voted in his last election actually care about clothing, style or this thread is statically hard to imagine. Basically, this is mostly for shits and giggles, no one is going to get hurt, we probably have a better chance of winning the powerball tonight, than Bryan aka Richard losing his job or reputation over this. Just trying to bring some perspective here.

  106. Mr. Wyllys
    You and Biff may find this interesting, the Elmer Gantry character was based on Sinclair Lewis’ interviews with Kansas City Episcopal ministers.

    Anyone that thinks Mark Binker and WRAL won’t spin this politically to Bryan Holloway’s detriment doesn’t know anything about Mark Binder, WRAL, Capitol Communications, the Goodmon family, the boards they are on or their connections to Blueprint NC.

  107. Trad in NH | May 30, 2013 at 8:56 pm |

    @ Jackie Chiles
    He hired a Latina? Wtf does that have to do with anything? Furthermore, I would say Rep Holloway has actually exploited the young lady. Go back and look at his blog, and her Linkedin account, they are both cached. She starts as an intern in his office as a college student in August of 2011. In September of 2011 she starts blogging as Kipp on his fantasy blog, still an intern in his office. I congratulate her on securing a job post college but something smells rotten in the state of North Carolina.

  108. First off, wow. Jackie that is the most bizarre post ever.

    Second, the problem that I see in all this (and read in my voyage to WASP 101) is that the people that Bryan panders to to get elected are the very people Richards mocks in his posts. Maybe that’s why this infamous blog no longer exists accept in cached pages?

  109. Dam auto correct except not accept.

  110. For all we know “Kipp”, the latina, ran the blog. Maybe it’s her tongue in cheek interpretation of WASP lifestyle. I’ll wait for more facts.

    Politically, very few will abandon Holloway over this, unless we find out the latina overstayed her visa. The same folks that thinks he’s gay for being interested in ivy style also think we are all gay for visiting this site, they are a very small group.

  111. Trad in NH | May 30, 2013 at 9:17 pm |

    If she ran the blog then she spends an awful lot of time in Rep Holloway’s home after hours. Not to mention that the blog started when she would have been in high school. This Hollway dude is creepy all around.

  112. Orgastic Future | May 30, 2013 at 9:20 pm |


    my issue is the bridging of the two worlds as being unnecessary and petty. Imagine if someone called your place of professional business or clientele and made a negative deal about what you post on something as silly and small as a menswear blog? Regardless if you never posted anything unflattering, do you know how stupid of an inconveniece you would then have to deal with or even defend? Now imagine if you were a Public figure in politics in 2013 in the current social media culture? That would be magnified by 20x. I may have visited WASP 101 5-10 times in my life and could care less about the things the blogger said, however; to call his place of work (which is the State Govt none the less), knowing or not knowing what kind of personal ripple effect it might cause is very “messy” to say the least. Apparently it’s already made “Complex” magazine and the “State media,” so it has and will go beyond just a “bad blogger getting his cumuppins.” It’s his real life. Think I’m being too empathetic? Well imagine someone calling your professional place of business tomorrow about the petty things you say on a friggin menswear blog. You would look completely stupid trying to put out such a “middle schoolish” fire. If that doesn’t do it, imagine some clothes blogger contacting your place of business during professional hours about one of your employee’s blogging comments on a clothes blog lol. True enough you don’t have to put anything on social media but to go in and screw with a govt official in the public eye like that makes this blog look no more “refined” than “TMZ” or “The National Enquire.”

  113. Tripp Hamilton | May 30, 2013 at 9:21 pm |

    Let’s not forget, sometimes it is not the act that condemns one, but the coverup of said act.

  114. The problem with this is that everyone immediately finds Richard to be this terrible person who objectifies women on his blog. In my years reading WASP 101, I have never seen anything of this nature.

    While I must say that I was interested in knowing who Richard really was, I cannot say that the presentation of it was journalistically prudent or honorable in any way. It is widely known that Christian detests Richard, and this post further substantiates that assertion in its entirety based on the manner for which the material was presented. Considering that this post has absolutely nothing to do with WASP or ivy style, what was Christian’s purpose in this writing and the manner for which it was presented? It is clear that it is anything but innocent….

  115. Rob,

    See the WASP 101 post from July 27, 2008 that is quoted here:

    This is the creep that you’re defending.

  116. Tripp Hamilton,

    Again, the fact that Richard had a blog on WASP style means that he should be condemned? That is what is so ridiculous about it because Richard did nothing wrong. He had a desire to maintain privacy and it was spoiled. Now, for what reason does this cover-up deserved condemnation?

  117. Mr. Wyllys | May 30, 2013 at 9:32 pm |

    @MAC…Interestingly enough, a year or so ago I had actually read that very fact…It just reenforced my conviction to have nothing to do with religion…My family really is Episcopal, but I mostly mentioned it tongue in cheek…After all MAC, we both hate Belgian loafers, and that passes across all religious borders and ethnic groups 🙂 hahaha

  118. Someone would do a service to the non-WASP-101-obsessed by posting links to some of his objectionable posts.

  119. Orgastic Future,

    I re-emphasize my comment about expectations of privacy being very low on the internet.

    If someone called my office tomorrow about any content that I posted on any blog, I would laugh, and invite them to share their discoveries with whomever they would like. I have not put anything on the web that does not reflect my values and the persona of my real life self, all of which I would be comfortable sharing with family, friends, and colleagues. It’s hard for one to imagine any other reason for Holloway to deny his connection to the blog and to attempt to remove as much content from the public domain as possible, except that he is not proud to have his public image connected to it. Why? Perhaps only he can fully answer that question.

  120. Ivy Wikileaks. Beautiful.

  121. Comment by DCG — May 30, 2013 @ 8:49 pm
    We also have the right to privacy.
    Actually, we don’t—not legally, anyway. Not an enumerated right, so one that has been ignored and unacknowledged.

    Just a nitpick.

  122. Comment by DCG — May 30, 2013 @ 8:13 pm
    This was not some innocent style blog. This was an unintentional mockery of Americans of British descent.
    I’m certain that the Irish, Scots, and Welsh would be happy to point out to you that they are not, and have never been, Anglo Saxons.

    Another nitpick—but what is life without them?

  123. Orgastic Future | May 30, 2013 at 9:42 pm |


    I respect your opinion and see your point of view. I am the same way. I’m cautious about what I put in social media, however having to defend in my proffessional arena what I say about “clothing choices” in a menswear blog comes off as an extremely petty inconvenience to me. However, I get where you are coming from.

  124. Elmer Gantry | May 30, 2013 at 9:42 pm |

    Yes all those Penthouse letters are true. I can attest to it, in the early 70s my frat brothers and I set around the dining room table poring our souls out writing them. Would we make shit up? We got two published.

  125. Trad in NH | May 30, 2013 at 9:44 pm |

    Google wasp 101 preppy girl theater. Not women, but girl. You’ll see what we mean. Some of them are junior high kids.

  126. Aaaand one more nitpick:

    Comment by Orgastic Future — May 30, 2013 @ 9:20 pm

    “bad blogger getting his cumuppins”
    I think the word you were looking for is “comeuppance.”

  127. Ivy Spellcheck!

  128. Cyber Private Dick | May 30, 2013 at 9:51 pm |

    I just got an email from a person, who must remain anonymous, he has confirmed that “Elmer Gantry” is a sock puppet of either a anglophile springer spaniel named Bonnie or commenter MAC.

  129. Orgastic Future | May 30, 2013 at 9:53 pm |


    Thanks scrabble! lol, The Apple mobile devices tend to “auto” what they want.

  130. Elmer Gantry | May 30, 2013 at 9:53 pm |


    I refuse to be compared to the likes of Richard. My fictional characterisation is something I worked very hard for and is irrelevant in your discussion. Fare well, buddy boy!

  131. I believe Richard and Kipp had a spinoff blog, Preppy Fox (, that also now appears to be deleted. Fortunately I have access to its opener via feedly/google reader: “Welcome to Preppy Fox! This is your dear friend Richard with a new look and a new blog. Our old site has just run its course, and it is time to start over with a fresh new look and focus. That being said, we will continue down a similar path as the old site, but we may take on new adventures as well.”

  132. Elmer Gantry | May 30, 2013 at 9:57 pm |

    Cyber Private Dick-

    Unfortunately your reasoning is flawed for a character of my intellect is certainly more crafty than that!

  133. Richard Banger | May 30, 2013 at 10:00 pm |

    This is out of hand. Why don’t you just apologize Chensy so we can have Richard back?

    Yours truly,
    Dick Banger

  134. @Henry The myth of Anglo-Saxon homogeneity in England is one of the issues I have with the term “WASP” when used outside of its originally satirical context. A useful term culturally, not so much genetically.

  135. A Huffpo contributor gets info from anonymous to stab a conservative, then -shocker – stabs him. CC is just another water boy for the Left.

  136. Richard Banger | May 30, 2013 at 10:18 pm |

    Damn straight WFB. Remember, the spin stops here ’cause we’re always looking out for you!

    Dick Banger

  137. Despite Rep Bryan Holloway’s protestations it looks like photos of Wasp101 were take on Holloway’s stoop.

  138. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein would be proud.

  139. If Kipp and Villa-Garcia are one and the same, how much of her blogging time was on the clock and funded by taxpayer dollars?

  140. Trad in NH | May 30, 2013 at 10:32 pm |

    Excellent post. I followed your link and there can be no doubt now, Richard of Wasp 101 is Rep Holloway. How long before the good representative comes clean?

  141. Trad in NH | May 30, 2013 at 10:45 pm |

    I suppose it could be a coincidence, but Holloway is wearing the same Rugby necktie Richard is wearing on your site:
    I’m sure a tie like this is hanging in every NC legislator’s closet.
    Stop the madness!

  142. Biff, I like how you have so quietly ignored my lashing of you @9:22… What’s the “logic” behind that?

  143. Dutch Uncle | May 30, 2013 at 10:49 pm |

    Great detective work, CC.
    One of the most enjoyable articles I’ve ever read on your blog.
    I am amazed by the reactions of those commenters who find anything at all wrong with what you have done.

  144. Digby
    What the fuck is a “preppy state”?

  145. After reading 147 comments I feel need to respond. I agree the similarities are undeniable. I never visted WASP 101 blog except maybe a few times, so I cannot speak to Richard’s character. As for objectifying women, show me a man who doesn’t… if posting pictures of women is objectifying, then you have got to be kidding me…

    I also would like to see some examples of these awful, racist, sexist posts… no one can seem to come up with them…

    I do think CC posting the similarities is well within his realm of appropriate content, as it appears many readers of both blogs were curious about this identity… but even if he [CC] did it for a few million hits to his page, can you blame him? If he didn’t, someone else would have… get the revenue and get on with it. the world is a tough place, all risks have consequences, and any public official knows the risks… enough said…

    And CC, take the extra revenue and do a drawing for some AE Penny Loafers!

  146. Watch “A Man For All Seasons.” You, CC, are Richard Rich, John Hurt’s character.

  147. @WFB

    Civilized conservatives don’t make gutter-level comments.
    How dare you use the initials of William F. Buckley, Jr.?

  148. Comment by DCG — May 30, 2013 @ 10:00 pm
    @Henry The myth of Anglo-Saxon homogeneity in England is one of the issues I have with the term “WASP” when used outside of its originally satirical context. A useful term culturally, not so much genetically.
    All I’m saying is that the non-English Brits tend not to like being called “English.” It’s kind of like how Canucks don’t like being called “American.”

    As it turns out, there seems to be very little Anglo-Saxon blood even in England. It’s mostly Celtic, with a smattering of Germanic. Apparently a very small number of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes were able to impose their language on the much larger Celtic population, though not without cost to the language: we lost all kinds of case markings and gender, and the Celts imposed their funny “do support” (a.k.a. “do insertion”) to our negatives.

    Finally, I was not aware that WASP originated as a “satirical” term. Could you substantiate that, please?

  149. Boston Bean | May 31, 2013 at 2:21 am |


    I would argue that Christian is like St. Thomas More, rather than Richard Rich:

    “To tell you the truth, though, I still haven’t made up my mind whether I shall publish at all. Tastes differ so widely, and some people are so humourless, so uncharitable, and so absurdly wrong-headed, that one would probably do far better to relax and enjoy life than worry oneself to death trying to instruct or entertain a public which will only despise one’s efforts, or at least feel no gratitude for them.”
    ― Thomas More

  150. AldenPyle | May 31, 2013 at 6:01 am |

    Hilarious. It’s like “The Dead Zone,” repeated as farce.

  151. the 2 have been going at it for years… i have an interest in Ivy Style, and many times I thought about the fact that of all the obscure interests one could have, of all the passions that exist for one to be interested in, I liked taking sides in this. This little corner of the internet gave me something to root for, or more accurately, root against.
    I dont know either of them personally, but Christian’s writing and knowledge of the subject is far superior. Richard was a poseur.
    I always took CC’s side.
    And, lest this get lost in the shuffle, Richards posts of the recent days were intended to antagonize CC, so to hell with Richard. He started this weeks escalation. Richard picked a fight, so CC just knocked him out.
    I will miss WASP101, I visited it daily, but only to silently nod my head in disbelief. It was a disaster. I hate to admit that I sometimes enjoy feeling embarrassed for others, which is why, I suppose, I visited so often. I will miss visiting it in my daily rounds, but things could be much worse. Ivy Style could’ve been the one to disappear.

  152. Biff,

    If I must spell it out to you with sesame street simplicity… here we go.

    My comment about your partisanship, was based upon several statements you made. And if you did in fact listen, to his speech/video, one would conclude via “deductive logic” based upon your “imbecile” comment, that you were not:

    A. Conservative
    B. Republican
    C. Libertarian, (Because his spending and states rights issues would have resonated)
    D. Green party/Communist (Because no self-respecting Greenie or Commie would hang out on a blog dedicated to clothing/consumption and a lifestyle they find bourgeoisie)
    E. Apolitical, (your righteous indignation about him having to leave office, and step down, suggests that you do in-fact care about the political process and representative government)

    After deductive logic eliminated the above, I am left to read this degraded comment by you “ultra conservative “values” and his supposed Baptist “faith.” which is standard modus operandi and basic political jargon of the liberal faction of the Democratic party.

    So BIFF, my statement was based upon deductive logic, perhaps you haven’t gotten to that chapter yet.

    What I leave you with is two funny scenes which perfectly sum up our conversation tonight BIFF…

    1. In your attempt to run me over with your “logic” argument, you missed and this happened:

    2. In-regards to your “Little man” comment: See what the little man does to Biff:

  153. by the way, he has played dumb and denied being the blogger despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary…
    this sort of lying, regardless of the pettiness of the allegation, will be difficult to address during reelection time…

  154. I think what you did was very unethical. If someone wants to be anon, let them.

    classless move ‘mr ivy’.

  155. Last night Ivy Style received an email from a source, who has requested anonymity
    hmm you respect that but not WASP101’s request?

  156. Just forced myself to watch the video clip of Richard at Wake Forest. Just painful. Does “freedom believin'” Rep. Holloway consider having his taxpayer funded congressional aide serve as his personal blog contributor and photographer to be fiscally conservative? Are the “family values” he brags about and says he stand for reflected in his frat boy rants about adulterous dating and discarding of women? Do the voters of his NC district want to be represented by a weirdo who spends his free time pretending to be some affluent cartoon character who dresses up in prep costumes in his living room while his congressional aide takes pictures and writes commentary?

    Richard now has more time to serve his NC districts with his fringe conservative, WASPy politics. With median incomes in the low-mid $30,000s and with the largest employer in Stokes Cty being the public school system, he appears to have some work to do. Less fashion blogging (and blaming Raleigh and Obama for everything), more working. Put that Appalachian State degree to work for your constituents, you WASP!

  157. Yes, people do have some reasonable expectations of privacy. Of course, those rights and expectations go out the window when said people (in this case a public official – !) decide to create public, online platforms highlighting (selective, manipulated, inaccurate parts of) their lives. If Rep. Holloway wanted to remain private, he could and should have.

    Conversely, if he – and others – feel his fashion hobby is nothing more than an innocent time passer, than there should be no reason for anonymity. The notion of the “anonymous attention whore” never made much sense to me….

  158. From what I’ve seen it is a stilted attempt at misrepresentation with a subtle racist and misogynistic tone that betrays more about the author than the culture to which he aspires.

    Comment by Trad in NH
    ahh I see comrade, his ‘crime’ is not being ‘politically correct and having the ‘wrong’ views… so’ you and your young pioneer comrades delight in ‘outing’ him’.

    I would say that you’re not gentlemen, but that’s self-evident, and I sincerely doubt you care. You have done an excellent job of creating a chilling atmosphere on campuses across the country- destroying anyone who disagrees with you… but you know, one day people will tire of ‘racist’ ‘misogynistic’ accusations but, if not,then do be careful citizen Robespierre you might find yourself in front of the committee of safety.

  159. Anonymity on the internet is rapidly vanishing and it has less to do with events like this and more to do with the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace. Look it up, it is pretty interesting stuff.

    AEV, don’t be so naive. You are too smart for that.

  160. AEV, does your employer know how much of your time is spent on fashion blogs? Curious.

  161. “Comment by Ethan — May 30, 2013 @ 7:43 pm
    Biff, I am glad you just finished your survey to logic 101 class at your local community college, or was it the University of Phoenix? Do tell.”

    I’m sorry, that comment was in unbelievably poor taste. Shitting on ‘low brow’ education, predominantly used by those who afford the obscenely high tuition for a private — hell, or even public, these days — university or college, to insult someone? Just as bad as the uppity crap “Richard” put out. Be better than that.

  162. *who cannot afford

  163. Trad in NH | May 31, 2013 at 8:41 am |

    @Just Me
    Wow. Your writing style is amazingly similar to “Richard’s.” As an aside to your campus comments, WTF?

  164. “Trad’ in NH, I am not Richard, but since you’re so keen on ‘outing” people why don’t you reveal your personal identity? After all, you’re commenting on a blog, you’re fair game, right? Should we start looking for clues in your posts and then start posting your name, address, what you do, etc?

    The ‘campus’ comment refers to the atmosphere people of your political ilk and attitude have created: chilling, stifling debate by accusing them of ‘racism’ or some other ‘ism’ .

  165. Trad in NH | May 31, 2013 at 8:51 am |

    My political ilk? You’re funny!

  166. Christian
    I would like you to post two things:
    a. the identity of the anonymous tipper. If not, a justification why you are protecting his identity.
    b. a justification for your revealing Richard’s identity. I am sure you know a lot of other blogger’s identities, and choose not to reveal them, so I’d like to hear why you chose to reveal Richard’s.

  167. @Mr – What a zinger! You, know, great point….I promise, given your curiosity, to alert my employer whenever you feel I’m spending too much time on the internet. You just let me know when your curiosity reaches a fever pitch, and I’ll call my boss immediately.

    Eff yourself.

  168. Shitting on ‘low brow’ education, predominantly used by those who afford the obscenely high tuition for a private — hell, or even public, these days — university or college, to insult someone? Just as bad as the uppity crap “Richard” put out. Be better than that.
    Well said.

    ..and for the record, I found Richard’s blog pompous, his taste in clothing a little over the top, but at least he had his own personality unlike ivy-style which is safe, and monotonous (steve mqueen- jazz- jpress-rinse-repeat) and I guess I am a ‘misogynistic ‘ (tell me Trad NH does that mean non-homo? ooops! call the PC police! ) but I liked his preppy girl pics.

  169. AEV, do you still report to Mr. Simeonidis??? Be careful who you “eff” with…

    ” ye know not when the master of the house cometh.”
    Mark 13:35

  170. @ Mr. – ha ha….no, I don’t and never have. Your suggestion that I do takes the bite out of your bark…..keep Googling. To what end I’m not sure, but keep on…..or, get back to work.

    “ye quotes from the bible in blog comments is strange-eth.”
    AEV 9:12

  171. Loving the pivots away from the matter at hand. Are you all friends with Bryan/Richard? With that said, I guess I have two question for you.

    1. If Bryan isn’t Richard, then why does WASP 101 no longer exist? (Note – this is why we can no longer share the offensive posts, as they no longer exist.)
    2. (Two part question.)
    2.a. Did you ever read WASP 101?
    2.b. How do you feel about Richard’s analyses of his clients, politicians he works for, friends, neighbors, etc.? I would be offended if his comments were about me.

  172. To Mr. Digby: Firstly, you don’t know me so bugger off. Secondly, I’ve never looked at WASP 101 once. Thirdly, anonymous character assassination isn’t narcissistic AT ALL.

  173. Christian | May 31, 2013 at 11:23 am |

    Regarding some of the questions asked here, even if they’re of the trolling variety:

    First off, I did not seek to take down either Richard or Rep. Holloway. I was simply contacted out of the blue by a source who believed he had found the identity of the blogger.

    Once again, the source believed that. I was not in the position to verify it or not, though I thought the evidence compelling enough to justify a phone call to Rep. Holloway asking for comment.

    Beyond that, don’t congratulate me on the detective work. That was done by the source. As is often the case in these situations, sources provide news media with tips but under the condition of anonymity. The reporter then honors his source’s request. That’s one component of journalistic ethics.

    There was no party motivation nor anything political involved. If there was strong evidence suggesting that the author of WASP 101 was an ultra-liberal kindergarten teacher, I still would have posted the piece. That the person who bears such striking similarities to Richard happens to be a Republican politician was incidental.

    As for the question of anonymity, since the invention of the printing press people have written things for public distribution under a pseudonym, and others have wondered who the author was.

    I don’t believe for one moment that people have some kind of right to privacy when they create a blog that can be accessed by any computer in the entire world.

    Richard chose to be a publisher through the medium of the Internet. The fact that he wanted to remain anonymous doesn’t matter. He made himself a public figure through the medium of publishing over the course of five years, during which he posted countless photos of himself (cut off at the face in an effort to protect his anonymity), his home, and other aspects of his life.

    If he wanted anonymity, he should not have become a publisher on the Internet with a blog, tumblr account and Facebook page all in the name of a made-up alter ego.

    And yet despite a constant flow of criticism that was strong enough to make him stop blogging on more than one occasion, as I recall, and to have to moderate or turn off comments completely under the flow of disapprobation, he stubbornly continued to operate the blog, since evidently publishing was more important to him than privacy.

    The fact that there is strong evidence to suggest that the blog’s author is a public figure shouldn’t be surprising. Richard willingly made himself a public figure.

    As to what kind of public figure he made himself, my previous remarks have indicated I considered him a figure of ridicule. Richard was a semi-literate, bloviating phony posturing as the exemplar of a caste to which he not only did not belong, but for which he appeared to have little understanding.

    The truth deserved to come out. Truth always does.

  174. Ethan, your reasoning skills still fall far short. Keep grasping, young man.

  175. Why didn’t you email his site or him personally rather than out him? Why did we need to know? Why not pistols at dawn? While he’s far from Aaron Burr, you’ve demonstrated in the last twenty four hours you’re a hell of a long way from Alexander Hamilton.

  176. Why did you call his office and not your anonymous source? And to the commenter who compared CC to Woodward and Bernstein that is silly. If CC is to be believed he did none of the hard work of uncovering the story. Woodward and Bernstein would have called “Richard” to get a comment/reaction BEFORE running the story. CC did this as a hatchet job. Even though I found Wasp 101 tacky, I would have believed Christian Chensvold had class; on this I was mistaken.

  177. @WFB did you even read the article you are commenting on?

  178. @WFB – You’re not serious, right? People who plaster themselves all over the internet have no reasonable expectation of privacy. None. Private people don’t run blogs full of pictures of themselves, Twitter accounts, and public Facebook pages (they also don’t tend to run for and hold public office). As CC has said multiple times, he proactively called Rep. Holloway’s office before posting any of this and was overtly ignored and rebuffed.

    Richard/Rep. Holloway was a fraud, an instigator, an outspoken critic of this blog/CC, and a hypocrite. He’s also a really, really strange and depressingly sad dude. Really, really effing strange. Scary, dangerous strange. ….And puffy; which seems to be endemic in his neck of the woods.

    There’s nothing “hatchety” or unethical about anything that’s been done here….aside from a “fiscally conservative” member of the NC House utilizing his taxpayer funded aide as a personal photograpger and PR contributor….and using semi-anonymous public platforms to lie, bloviate, attack critics, and publish uncouth and inaccurate rants about everything from his ex-girlfriends to personal shopping sprees.

    Your outrage is misplaced and wildly transparent.

  179. aev yesterday you chimed in “Richard” is “clearly gay,” so I think we’ve seen enough of your variety of bigotry

  180. WFB – I stand by that (and suspect others agree). In my part of the country, calling someone gay isn’t being a bigot (I hold no hatred, contempt, or intolerance for gay people). The comment might have been a bit prejudice, in the sense that I’ve made a determination based on perceptions and pre-judgement, but I think this comment thread alone has cast far more hurtful and thinly based accusations Rep. Holloway’s way…

    The point of my comment, which you seem to have failed to grasp, was that the only issue with Rep. Holloway’s sexual orientation is the jarring hypocrisy of his politics….

  181. Aev: as a gay man I was/am offended. I do not defend the (former) Wasp 101 blog or his postings therein, in fact they are probably odious at best. What does offend is the witch hunt, the nastiness and the fact CC could have shut “Richard” down prior to outing him – or more importantly “anonymous” should have done so without the outing.

  182. J. I. Rodale | May 31, 2013 at 1:13 pm |

    Rep. Holloway has denied being Richard, but has Richard denied being Rep. Holloway? For those who care to ask him:

    “Richard WASPBlogger” ,

  183. J. I. Rodale | May 31, 2013 at 1:15 pm |

    Trying again:

  184. There are some reporters who have used the anonymous source as a cover for their personal actions.

    I received a call from an anonymous source, I can’t you who, but she believes the mastermind of all of this is…..

  185. I can’t tell you who…

  186. CC hasn’t been published at HuffPo in a long time and the Ivy book is deeply discounted at Amazon. I had liked CC and this blog (I even thought of arranging a meeting with CC or a nice fun round on the links), but this is a poor judgement of what to make public and a testament of bad character. I imagine a few of the lights of the Ivy firmament will turn a cold shoulder on CC and others will back him.

  187. Are your advertisers aware this stopped being a style blog and became an ego-induced rant? I really didn’t like Wasp 101 – or anything Rugby, but this has been too much about YOU. Most of us don’t give a shit about you; we came here for the clothes and a smattering of humor. If it broadened our horizons or inspired something, so much the better. Over the last two days you stopped the style and went petty. So, you had a beef with another blogger; so what? It has now become: I had a car accident, I’m pissed with another blogger…Really? You think we are going to keep coming to this page for personal rants. Sure it’s your blog, but don’t expect to succeed in this vein. The other guy’s blog sucked; he’s an elected official (and perhaps undeservedly had a blog rated higher than this blog) and probably makes more money. So what? You should have been classy and taken a page from the old Ivy way and kept this rubbish out of the public eye. Instead it became your personal vendetta against a loser then a rant against those of us who felt you could have shown better judgment. Don’t fault us for criticizing you, you’re the guy who treated an asshole to an outing becoming an asshole yourself. No class move.

  188. In the words of Sergeant Hulka to Psycho from the movie Stripes: “Lighten up Francis.”

  189. EuropeanIvyFan | May 31, 2013 at 4:38 pm |

    Christian never blogged about clothes, he always had himself in mind… Always the same. And some commenters always stp in. It’s always been about him and his feuds..

  190. I thought Fred at Unabashedly Prep was petty and immoral for changing comments (understandably deleting) but that pales in comparison to attempting to ruin a guy with an anonymous source (with an axe to grind and an enemies list of his own?).

  191. True Yank | May 31, 2013 at 7:17 pm |


    Back on your scooter!

  192. @WFB – this blog is CC’s…..he can do whatever he wants with it. It’s really that simple. You may not like it, or agree with his posts/decisions, but……it’s his blog, not yours. The reality is that this blog – compared with most others – is rarely about Christian. Have you visited other “fashion/prep” blogs? – they are all about the author (and frequently the author’s friends) all of the time. 24-7. Blogs, as a medium, are mostly platforms for the authors…..this surprises you? Angers you? Odd.

    It’s strange that anyone would so willingly shift all of the blame onto CC/his source. Why not hold Rep. Halloway respsonsible? He’s the phony who played with fire for the last 5 years. If he wanted to stay “private”, he shouldn’t have started a blog (and all of its offspring). If he wanted to make a go at remaining private, while also being public on his blog, the last thing he should have done was pick fights with CC, lie and exaggerate on his blog, and reply to comments on this and other blogs. How is it CC’s fault that Rep. Holloway is “ruined”? The blog, the bloviating, the make believe, the beliefs that were articulated on his blog, the lies….those things are what may have a negative impact on Rep. Holloway….getting caught was simply an inevitable symptom and outcome of his behavior.

  193. Trad in NH | May 31, 2013 at 8:01 pm |

    Given the new photo evidence I can’t believe the NC state house press corp isn’t calling him out on at least lying about his involvement.

  194. Anyone think that the text on a blog named “Preppy Halls of WASP 101” might be parody, I always thought so. Not great or even good parody, but I visited occasionally out of curiosity to look at photos. This won’t impact Holloway’s political career, only partitions will care and his next election is a year and a half away. I would have advised Holloway to deal with his outing differently, I would have admitted being Richard and explain my interest in traditional clothing. I would also explain that the I was parodying northeastern elites from “preppy states” and their intolerance, shallowness and disdain or the rest of the country. Holloway would win the next election in a landslide. It’s not too late to walk it back.

  195. WhollyRoamin | May 31, 2013 at 9:37 pm |

    I don’t read the fashion fora, so I don’t know if this guy is a notorious loser or not. And I don’t read blogs of people with whom I don’t identify (and I don’t know why people do). So I don’t have any opinion if “Richard” is a jerk or not.

    But I know that I don’t like internet vigilantism.

  196. Old School | May 31, 2013 at 10:38 pm |

    Rest assured that you have the respect and support of readers who value honesty.

  197. Joseph P. Kennedy | May 31, 2013 at 10:51 pm |

    I wonder what percentage of the negative posters here are posting either from overseas IP addresses or IP addresses of known anonymous proxy servers. I think those English faux Ivyists are behind most of the negativity.

  198. What a delightful scoop, Christian! Keep up the good work, I always enjoy your blog.

    (In defense of the mysterious Machiavellian madras maven, he has a very cute dog.)

  199. CC,

    I’m ashamed of you & embarrassed for Richard. Extremely petty on all fronts.

    I like both blogs. I find it mean spirited and I believe that you are the one that propagated all the incendiary remarks. For shame.

  200. James Redhouse | June 1, 2013 at 1:18 am |


    Keep up the good work and ignore the comments made by readers who are not intelligent enough to understand that you have rendered the Ivy world an invaluable service.

  201. Philly Trad | June 1, 2013 at 3:27 am |

    Surprised that he’s a Republican?

  202. Richard’s last 2-3 posts before he pulled the plug on his blog were intended to antagonize or embarrass Christian. Richard teamed up with this Russell Street character and they started flaming Christian.

    Did you guys not read those? I did, and therefore have no issue with what Christian did. Had Christian done this just to be mean, that would be one thing. That isn’t what happened. Christian could possibly have been sitting on the truth for awhile. I dont know. But, when Richard started with the posts this week, Christian was absolutely justified in outing him.

    And if the information on Richard was just sent in, it was probably from a reader who had just about enough. It is easy for Richard to antagonize CC “anonymously”. CC uses his real name. I have no problem with what was done. I suppose it’s easy to sympathize with the fallout and embarrassment Richard now has to bear, but the he brought it all on himself.

    I back CC 100%. Richard was poking at CC for far too long, so CC knocked him out and it wasn’t a sucker punch.

  203. Jack Armstrong | June 1, 2013 at 7:32 am |

    Yes, Philly Trad, I’m surprised he’s a Republican. It’s Democrats who drive women off bridges and leave them to drown.

  204. It’s Democrats who drive women off bridges and leave them to drown.
    The law is for my enemies, as they say in brazil. How many democrats cared about misogyny when Clinton was raping and harassing women? Compare that their reaction to Clarence Thomas mentioning there was pubic hair on a coke can.

    Same here – its not principle based, and that’s what stinks about this.

  205. Jack Armstrong | June 1, 2013 at 7:50 am |

    “We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends…” Not Nixon, Obama Oct 2010 (I think the IRS heard him)

  206. Jack Armstrong | June 1, 2013 at 8:00 am |

    And before I get called a “racist’ for the above comments I’d like to say yes I hate white Irish people.

  207. Philly Trad | June 1, 2013 at 10:07 am |

    @Jack Armstrong

    I have yet to meet a democrat who’s a pretentious, wannabe snob. The Republican party is crawling with them.

  208. Christian | June 1, 2013 at 10:32 am |


    The timing of how things unfolded is exactly how I reported it. Richard’s recent posts mentioning myself, and even the joining of Jimmy Frost Mellor, a person I admittedly find dispicable (and believe have good reason to), are purely coincidental.

    It was the timeline post that Richard had put up that gave the source a new angle to explore that ultimately led him to the right Facebook page. I came home Wednesday night to the email from the source, and telephoned the representative’s office the following morning.

  209. Ironchefsakai | June 1, 2013 at 10:54 am |

    Assuming Holloway is Richard, I want to posit that we’d be having a very different discussion here were Holloway not a public official. If he were just some random guy, this reveal would’ve been enjoyed by those here who hated “WASP101,” and some may have found it childish or even petty–but I think the discussion would be less involved, and interpretations would have seen the event more along the lines of: “Christian and Richard have been at each other’s throats for ages–well, it looks like Christian just won that rivalry.” It wouldn’t have been anything more than that. Christian is demeaning to and expresses animus toward Richard all the time, but all rivalries are petty and immature and this one appeared to be very mutual. Richard could have guessed the stakes.

    People are enraged that Christian outed the guy because he has an alternative public image that could now be tarnished. But this country cares about its politicians’ personal lives; Holloway should’ve kept hisbhead down. I have little doubt that Christian’s report was borne out of petty rivalry (no matter wha, outing Richard would have been something of a personal attack, whether justified or not), but as a journalist, I think he did the right thing to report on a tip that Richard was actually a politician. That took things beyond the rivalry, because there could actually be a public interest in this. A journalist has a duty to bring facts to the public that could be salient.

    As a journalist, I think Christian has acted with integrity. It’s not honorable to ignore something like this. What if Holloway had instead been found sending sexual emails to an employee? Would it not be irresponsible of a journalist to ignore a tip in that direction, and to not bring it before the public eye? If we don’t appreciate that, then we should change our voting criteria.

  210. Never commented on this blog before, but feel compelled to before I remove it from my blog roll. The real story here is “Internet stalker goes obsessive over fellow blogger who annoyed him: ‘I had to take him down'” Seriously? How much time in this guy’s life was devoted to to this annoyance-fueled stalking? One of the creepiest things I’ve ever heard of. Hoping someone will become obsessed with “outing” the anonymous exposer and that he can somehow be sued for slander or at least pilloried and burned in effigy. Also hoping that your blog crashes and burns. What a terrific bunch of 7th grade bullies you are.

  211. Great job! Also, fantastic blog!

  212. Frisco Trad | June 1, 2013 at 11:33 am |

    Apparently, being a reader of Ivy Style is no guarantee that one has any common sense. Christian, you should be glad to lose readers such as SteveD.

  213. Added to my blogroll…

  214. I’m out too. Goodbye forever.

  215. Joseph P. Kennedy | June 1, 2013 at 12:40 pm |

    Nice to see some of the filth make an exit.

  216. If what Bill Clinton did with Monica (in the WH itself) is none of our business, what business is it of ours what a politician from NC does? All this over clothes? And I’m not buying the idea this is to protect all the women out there from this male chauvinist pig, I can defend myself thank you very much. This hissy fit is personal and petty…Karma’s a bitch only if you are.

  217. @Jack Armstrong –

    At least get the quote right – in its original context. It says a lot when folks have to parse and cherry pick to arrive at the tone and subject they’re looking for. The irony, of course, is that the GOP’s failure to appeal to anyone aside from aging white people is a big part of why they’ve lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 elections. So, you keep parsing and cherry picking (and being angry with the late Ted Kennedy)….seems to be working, right? The entire quote – which, was dead on in terms of it’s predictions re: the election, is:

    “If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s going to be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”

    Referring specifically to Republicans such as Senator John McCain, who formerly supported an overhaul but now are stressing border security and supporting strict immigration laws like Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration measure, Mr. Obama said, “Those aren’t the kinds of folks who represent our core American values.”

  218. I’m glad wasp 101 was exposed for what he is

  219. Vivian Fulk | June 2, 2013 at 8:21 am |

    I hope this is all a big joke. But here is Bryan at home. Go to minute marker 15:00 and watch for a few minutes…

  220. Honest Abe | June 2, 2013 at 9:49 am |

    @Jazz Man

    Hear! Hear!

    Preppy/Ivy/Trad blog-followers are rid of Richard the pretentious prig and the Democrats of North Carolina have been given something to chuckle about.

  221. Quite a journalistic coup, Christian.

  222. Ricky Rimmer | June 2, 2013 at 12:36 pm |

    Comment by formby — June 2, 2013 @ 12:16 pm

    Quite a journalistic coup, Christian.

    A coup indeed. The wider world is now so much more aware of our existence thanks to Christian!

  223. The term Wasp has been used a lot in internet blogging, especially in reference to clothing and lifestyle. Most people blogging about Wasps, including Richard of WASP 101, have an extremely misguided concept of a very reticent and extremely small part of the American population. Who Wasps are – what defines them – has less to do with the clothes they wear than with the values and expectations they hold dear. So, keeping that in mind, I posted on my blog an extended quotation from Tad Friend’s memoir, Cheerful Money: Me, My Family and the Last Days of Wasp Splendor. His commentary will do a lot to clear up the confusion about what a Wasp actually is in our culture:

  224. Comment by Philly Trad — June 1, 2013 @ 10:07 am
    @Jack Armstrong

    I have yet to meet a democrat who’s a pretentious, wannabe snob. The Republican party is crawling with them.
    There might be few “wannabe snobs” amongst Democrats, but man! That is the party for the self-righteous these days.

  225. Comment by Rachel — June 1, 2013 @ 7:56 pm
    If what Bill Clinton did with Monica (in the WH itself) is none of our business, what business is it of ours what a politician from NC does?
    But what BJ Clinton did with Monica Lewinsky was our business. Politicians give up much of their privacy in exchange for the public trust and power they receive.

    Anyone who is unable to keep his wedding vows is untrustworthy, and ought not to be serving in public office. If someone is unethical in the biggest personal commitment of his life, then he is sure to be unethical in other areas as well.

    “Richard” did not stoop to Clinton’s level, but his constituents deserve to know what kind of a man they elected.

  226. Curious George | June 3, 2013 at 5:24 am |

    Now, who will tell us what sobriquet the Honorable Reprsentative is using for his comments?

  227. StokesCoNative | June 3, 2013 at 3:33 pm |

    To gentleman and ladies upset with Christian,

    While I sympathize with your disappointment regarding “Richard’s” blog being taken down (I’ve read a ton of it over the last few days and the boy was entertaining.) what Christian and his source actually accomplished was assisting local and state journalists in opening the door on a lawmaker who has been exploiting his people and the system for almost ten years now. While y’all may find many of Holloway’s constituents provincial- they are still human beings who deserve better. There are many of us here who would like to thank Christian. For some local perspective:

  228. @StokesCoNative – I’m very glad you took the trouble to make your comment and to provide the link to Camel City Dispatch. While WASP101 and much of these proceedings have their silly side, the Camel City Dispatch article is sobering and enlightening. I think Christian Chensvold is owed both an apology from his detractors and further, more meaningful, praise from his supporters. This has really developed into muckraking in its best sense.

  229. Main Line Sportsman | June 3, 2013 at 9:07 pm |

    “Holloway chairs both the House Appropriations Committee and the Joint Education Oversight Committee.”
    From the linked article noted above.
    The grammar,spelling and syntax on “Richard’s” Blog was appalling. On this basis it is fairly scary that Holloway was the Chair of a committee involved in education.
    The article goes on to raise another puzzling quandry…how did Richard afford all that Brooks Bros. and RL gear on his pathetic little salary.
    Suspicions of a pyramid scheme and campaign finance irregularities….wow.
    It was obvious from reading the Blog that the author was a putz….but this article adds an entire level to the criticism.

  230. Holloway is no more randy than the rest of the politicians I’ve read about. He’ll come clean write a book and end up on Dr. Phil. You just made him famous.

  231. Rachel, that is silly. Plenty of hypocrites and criminals get exposed and never appear again or gain wide notoriety.

  232. Hmm. Maybe Holloway isn’t Richard. Holloway admits to being 5’10”:

    But Richard maintains that, despite his 30″ inseam, he’s 6′:

    Maybe Richard could loan his pants to Holloway. They’d probably fit him better.

    On the other hand, both Richard and Holloway seem to share the remarkable ability to insist that what they want to believe is true despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

  233. Very disappointing. What does this witch hunt have to do with Ivy Style and fashion? Nothing at all. Shame on you.

  234. Bengal Stripe | June 5, 2013 at 12:20 am |

    Hatchet job? Wıtch hunt?
    Bloggers and politicians should realize that they are in the cockpit and should not expect to be safe.

  235. @Chens – I’m sure whatever grievance or slight Richard threw your way was paid back in full long ago. I honestly love your blog, and have visited daily for years, but the character you have shown throughout your relationship with Richard and WASP 101 has been nothing but a disappointment.

    Yes… I agree Richard was a terrible, self-important, odious example of a blogger pretending to be something he is not. Unfortunately you have made yourself his equal.

    For those of you happy about Richards demise, what did he do to you? He wrote and published a terrible blog and if you read it, that’s your own damn fault. If he made you feel some sort of disdain for what he represented big deal, move on.

    Christian, I’m sure based on the character that you’ve shown you won’t care a whit about anything I have written here and that would be a true disservice to the readers of your blog. For as much as you want to appear to be a man of character like the man Muffy’s father was, that’s all your character will ever be, a costume you put on, to be taken off when it doesn’t suit you. Real character runs through your bones.

    @AEV – As much as I can’t stand what he publishes, he’s a blogger for God sakes, no one deserves the kind of bullying Richard has been subject to.

  236. Christian | June 5, 2013 at 6:06 pm |


    Quote: “For as much as you want to appear to be a man of character like the man Muffy’s father was…”

    You’ve got to be kidding me.

  237. Not for one second.

  238. JS, who has bullied “Richard”? He didn’t want to be anonymous. He wanted to be some larger than life lothario and Boston Brahmin. Instead it appears that he is an ultra conservative politician and Baptist church goer (who advertises that, BTW) with some questionable professional finances.

    “Richard” deserves a greater fall than he has thus received.

    JS, you are simply an apologist for a scumbag.

  239. Let’s remember that all Christian did was publish what someone else investigated. The anonymous source, not Christian, is the one who had it out for “Richard.”

    Yes, on occasion, Christian did use “Richard” as a soft target. It’s hard to blame him; “Richard” was a buffoon who made it easy for others to mock him (the Hallowe’en costume post was the best, I think). Beyond that, “Richard” had taken a nasty turn of late, threatening, it seems, to get “the dirt” on Christian. As a Baptist, “Richard” should know the Bible better (I’m thinking Galatians 6:7 here).

    Christian hasn’t even committed one of the deadly sins of the modern day: he hasn’t judged “Richard.” Yet too many in the commentariat are eager to jump on the bandwagon and condemn Christian for helping to expose an odious fraud.

    Sorry, but you’re barking up the wrong tree.

  240. Churchill Dot | June 6, 2013 at 5:01 am |


    Re: “Richard” was a buffoon.

    Hear! Hear!

    Buffoons deserve to be mocked.

  241. Lambeth_lad | June 6, 2013 at 10:10 am |

    What a hate and bile-full corner of the internet this turned out to be. With the creditable exceptions of ‘Justice’, and a few other posters, this has become just a bunch of nasty, petty, bitchy, self-involved wankers.

  242. disgusted, Tunbridge Wells | June 6, 2013 at 10:41 am |


    Apparently you have become so accustomed to buffoonery on the part of bloggers and politicians that you find such behaviour worthy of being exempt from any disapproval whatsoever.

  243. This is slaptastic- i quit readfing that dude after a month, what a frickin prude- just admit it dude- you might actually be doing the first cool thing of your life!!

  244. Should WASP 101 Return? Let’s put it to a vote. I think the answer will be a resounding “NO.” That seems prudent and right. But you never know. Some of you in the thread like the circus.

    I’ve posted a poll on the question. Vote Now:

  245. I think he also authors What do you think? Take a look at the guy in the photos.

  246. Christian, what exactly is your beef with the guy? So you dont like his blog? So what. Why be a bully and harass the guy? Sheesh. Low class behavior.

  247. From some of these comments, it’s clear that most of you chaps have never read many of the posts on WASP 101. To say they were anti-PC is an understatement. Clothes were merely the tip of an ugly iceberg, a point that has been made by Christian and others.

    There were stories about sex with strippers, plenty of tales with a focus on denigrating women (one titled “The Virgin Whore”), and a few comments that were plainly classist if not racist.

    Is this appropriate coming from an elected official?

    Were he not the holder of an elected office, the blog publisher in question might never have been outed in this way.

    I couldn’t care less about his fantasies of descent from a “distinguished” or Ivy-League family (his own spelling and grammar were terrible) or his opinions regarding clothing. It is his attitude toward over 50 percent of the population that is patently offensive.

  248. Chris,

    Perhaps you should read more Ivy Style posts and comments. It was far, far more than any personal animus on Christian’s part.


    Complaints about “classism” reek of Marxist class struggle rhetoric. Marxism, being not just false but also harmful, is not a valid basis for making any judgment.

    Having said that, I was not a regular reader of WASP 101, and probably missed most of the posts that you found objectionable. What I find objectionable, though, is the “criticism” leveled at Rep. Holloway by one of his detractors, linked by CC in a recent comment on another post about “Brooksgate” post. The critic, Greg Flynn, excoriates Holloway not just for his behavior (appropriate), but also for his politics, taking it as a given that all correct-thinking people oppose Republicans and all that they stand for.

    Enough of the citizenry in Holloway’s North Carolina district thought enough of him not just to elect him, but also to re-elect him. Enough North Carolinans agree enough with the Republican platform to have given the Republicans a majority in NC General Assembly.

    Isn’t that how it’s supposed to work? That people are supposed to elect representatives who represent their views? For leftists, though, there is only one “correct” view: their own, and they will happily impose tyranny to make it happen.

    We are well down that path, and hit pieces like Mr. Flynn’s are only pushing us further along.

    (N.B.: Neither Vince nor CC are responsible for Flynn’s views.)

  249. @ Henry: I’m actually somewhere on the Right politically, and something of a libertarian. Not a fan of Marx, but convinced that Kennedy and King did some good work.

    You make some good points, however, and it may well be that there was overkill in the WASP 101 affair.

    Were he not a politician or prominent person, (Bryan) Richard’s actions in the blogosphere would barely be noteworthy. Part of the problem with an alter ego, as opposed to a simple pseudonym, is that it may be expressing ideas otherwise unknown to one’s friends or constituents. That may be why the blog was taken down within hours of Christian contacting Holloway’s office. Otherwise, if he were not embarrassed by his posts, why did “Richard” pull the blog?

    I do not believe in crucifixion, and I would agree that outing Holloway may have been unnecessary, but there is something to be said for accountability. WASP 101 was publishing posts with titles like “The Virgin Whore.” I’ll leave the content of that one to your imagination. It wasn’t just about fashion and I was not personally offended; I just found the material unsuitable for publication by somebody claiming to be a gentleman. No dogma here, just my unsolicited opinion.

    One way to look at this case is that commentary, anonymous or not, can be used as a gateway to inferring other things about its author.

    “Speak, that I may see you.”

  250. Reasonable enough, Vince.

    Marxist ideology has so infiltrated American “education” that now, many (most?) Americans not only agree with “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need”—a slogan straight from Marx—but some even think it’s in the Constitution! It’s certainly the basis for our current system of taxation and, to a lesser extent, our system of wealth redistribution (an unethical, unjust, and unnecessary evil that continues to do us grievous harm).

    Since I take it as axiomatic that all Marxist thought is wrong, I do my best to expose it when I can.

  251. Henry,

    We’re in substantial agreement here.

    An underlying principle of American life is that, within reason, a person can create or re-create himself, a point made by Ralph Lauren in his Charlie Rose interview some years ago. Personally, I don’t consider people to be poseurs for aspiring to certain lifestyles, choosing certain religions or hobbies, and so forth, though I may be rather boring in that regard as I have not become a Scientologist, Buddhist or Vegan, and I don’t practice any extreme sports.

    In Europe, I’ve met a few so-called Communists who drive luxury cars and wear Lacoste shirts. Those guys might be the poseurs. Hypocrisy is a big part of extremist political philosophies.

    Maoist-type outfits (shades of Che and Fidel) seem to have gone the way of the telegraph…

  252. Just stumbled upon this story while looking for his blog. I’ve not been in for about a year, and thought I would pop in for a look. I knew it along time ago that he wasn’t as he seemed but felt that that was on him. I don’t see what all the fuss is about really.

    In some of our conversations we did talk about his father being a farmer as I was as well at the time. But thought this was only a hobby of his rather than a living. I thought his father went to Yale? I did at one time call him out about his roots when he posted the crest on his page, and I never got a response on the subject, fess we know why now.

  253. Michael Day | December 6, 2013 at 7:32 pm |

    Redneck 101
    He should go on The Blue Collar Comedy Tour.

  254. Je suis tout à fait du même avis que toi

  255. Why has this sad (and now irrelevant) post been brought back to the front page?

    Surely, there are more interesting subjects to discuss!

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