Gossip Roundup: Brooks, Gant, Lands’ End, And Upper East Side Prepsters

The last time there was a hit TV show called “Gossip Girl,” a certain patchwork scarf from J. Press had its 15 minutes as a fashion icon. Now a new version of the show — which centers around kids at an Upper East Side prep school — is being shot for release next year. Time will tell if the costume designer heads over to Squeeze to outfit the penny-loafered guy above.

Here’s British GQ on “How Gossip Girl made the preppy look cool.” The operative word there, of course, is not “preppy” but cool. And here are some other news items that may have slipped past your radar:

Leftover from the summer, Esquire on Gant and “art school prep.”

A Slate podcast entitled “Brooks Brothers: A Button-Down Bankruptcy.

Robb Report, for which I wrote quite a few articles back in the day, is the bible of ultraluxe conspicuous consumption, which is why this feature on vintage clothing, which includes Sean Crowley, is somewhat surprising.

For you Anglophiles, here’s The New York Times on Savile Row in the age of covid.

Meanwhile, here’s how American retailers are trying to reinvent the suit business.

According to GQ, Joe Biden will wear an Omega watch in the White House, assuming it’s still standing. The choice is quite fitting as “omega” is Greek for last, and the bumbling, nearly 80-year-old white guy must surely be the last of his kind.

And finally, the Lands’ End catalog went out at the close of a dark and dreary year in the history of this nation. As a testament to the ever-upbeat wheels of capitalism — and possibly a statement on the current state of American fatherhood when faced with challenging times — the cover invites families to get comfy together by purchasing matching jammies. You know, so the man in the family can curl up in the fetal position with his wife and toddlers.

On the off chance you’re traveling tonight, travel safe. And tune in tomorrow for a special Thanksgiving 2020 post. Don’t worry, it’s not funny. We only do that on Halloween and April Fool’s Day. — CC

7 Comments on "Gossip Roundup: Brooks, Gant, Lands’ End, And Upper East Side Prepsters"

  1. The thing I keep noticing about shows such as Gossip Girl is how much I prefer the character to the actor playing them. I’d love to meet Serena van der Woodsen. Blake Lively, on the other hand, I’d only be interesting in being around if she promised to not say anything. I have similar feelings about Joey Potter versus Katie Holmes. To tie it back to Ivy Style, it seems to me that east-coast culture is infinitely superior to the people who only play the part on television.

  2. “According to GQ, Joe Biden will wear an Omega watch in the White House, assuming it’s still standing. The choice is quite fitting as “omega” is Greek for last, and the bumbling, nearly 80-year-old white guy must surely be the last of his kind.”
    That is a rude F*^king remark and not worthy of your blog, for shame.

  3. Down Tradden | November 26, 2020 at 5:02 am |

    @ Christian Chensfold

    You write regarding Biden:

    ” … the bumbling, nearly 80-year-old white guy must surely be the last of his kind.”

    I don’t know how old you are Christian, but from the pics I’d guess around 50. Trust me. As far into the future ‘nearly 80’ seems to you now, it’ll get to you faster than a pair of Weejuns lose their shine. Perhaps the epithet ‘bumbling’ needs to be divorced from Sleepy Joe’s age?

  4. Suddenly it’s wrong to mock the mental capacity of the president. What could possibly account for this change?

  5. I was digging this post; I especially enjoy the links to the different articles from around the Internets. Christian’s discourteous comment changed my perception. Ya gotta wonder what happened to that new age-y, hyper masculine, being above the fray philosophy he was peddling?

  6. Henry Contestwinner | December 4, 2020 at 12:31 pm |

    Taking umbrage at Biden being called “bumbling”? Based on his recent performance, it seems entirely apt.

    We have watched Joe Biden crumble before our eyes. Although never in the top intellectual tier, he was at least on the ball when he was younger, but for the past year, we have seen him slide into what appears to be senile dementia. The signs are all there: confusion, forgetting where he is, forgetting what he’s talking about, and the like. Even more indicative are the anger and vulgarity he sometimes lapses into when showing those symptoms.

    In my opinion, letting/making him run for office was a form of elder abuse.

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