New Collabs, Narrow Ties For J. Press Fall 2011

Today J. Press unveiled fall items on its website, which include new collaborations with DS Dundee and Will, a leathergoods company from Oregon.

Regarding Dundee, “They are making the decent Ivy-chic goods with the young fits,” a spokesman from Onward Kashiyama, J. Press’ parent company, told Ivy Style.

J. Press has also amped up its sweater offerings for this season, the spokesman continued, especially the lambswool collection which includes Fair Isle, cricket and vintage varsity items.

Narrow knit ties are also new. — CC

16 Comments on "New Collabs, Narrow Ties For J. Press Fall 2011"

  1. Narrow knit ties are great, but easily acquired for cheap used. (And who wouldn’t prefer to wear a Rooster knit than a J. Press one.) However, those Canada Goose jackets are so cool! If only I had $600.00 I could conscience spending on a glorified Brit Pop Parka. It would really come in handy in these brutal Chicago winters…

  2. Jim Kelleth | August 15, 2011 at 9:26 am |

    Looks like they’ve dropped their Duffle coats even though one is pictured on the ‘Outerwear’ link. If so, that’s a shame. Did I miss them somehow?

  3. “Ivy-Chic” definitely sounds like one of those combined word-labels that the Japanese love so much. I miss my local J. PRESS stores. Now that I am in Dallas and not in Kansai, I can’t just take a train down to Umeda in Osaka and go filtering through the J. PRESS at Hanshin or Hankyuu. Very disappointing since J. PRESS is one of the brands I am actually willing to invest in at full on retail + Japan Tax price, because the service is excellent and the pieces last.

    As usual, I like what I see from these collaborations (outside of Cremieux which is LOGOS EVERYWHERE! Ugh).

    On a related note, it was actually in the Hankyuu J. PRESS location that I bought my good old leather Bass Weejuns before Bass decided to switch to that insane particle board leather sole crap. It was dead stock apparently, and they were mostly being used for displays, but were available to be sold if you bothered to ask- and I bothered to ask!

  4. Pressing Matter | August 15, 2011 at 12:05 pm |


    I believe their duffle coats were made by Gloverall, so easy enough to source another one.

  5. Jim Kelleth | August 15, 2011 at 12:33 pm |

    Thanks ‘Pressing Matter’. I’ve looked at Gloverall in the past (their website, O’Connell’s, etc.). I guess I just look for more excuses to run up to Cambridge. Now that the Fall-Winter lineup is here, I’m on my way.

  6. The Shaggy Dog is described as having a “Set-in” sleeve? Is this a change to the design compared with their past offerings? Why the price increase to $180?

  7. >Marc: I would guess that it is simple inflation or that it reflects how much the dollar buys vs the pound sterling these days, since J. Press gets their Shaggy Dogs from a Scottish mill. I agree it’s a bummer. If you want a cheaper new genuine Shetland sweater, you could check out the ones at O’Connell’s, which are of comparable quality (though they do not have a brushed finish) and go for $145.00.

  8. Some of these collaborations are ridiculous. If they’re aiming for a younger demographic, the same tacky, logo riddled junk can be bought at abercrombie our done other trendy store for less. I can’t imagine it sells well. The last warehouse sale I was at was full of that god aweful stuff!

  9. Some of them, yes. My guess is that is the Japanese influence.

  10. Thank you, Gabe.

  11. Love everything J. Press. Wish they would start offering their suits in seperates!

  12. I’m really looking forward to the fair isle sweater!

    – ATH (

  13. The most pleasing shaggy dog sweaters are already gone from the website in size small!! Does this mean I have to go in person to store or wait til next fall??

  14. Is the “new” narrow tie considered the proper width for a trad knit tie, Christian?

  15. I felt the standard Press knits were too wide. Haven’t seen the new ones.

  16. Let me know if you get the chance to examine one, please. Thanks.

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