Kyle Singh, Ivy Style’s Politician Of The Year 2020


In one of the most bitterly divisive years in American political history, Ivy Style is proud to announce its first-ever Politician Of The Year award goes to Kyle Singh. Mr. Singh has not actually won anything yet — he is running for legislature in Nassau County, New York — but in our book he’s the 2020 Mayor Of Tradsville for his classic wardrobe, most of which comes from J. Press.

Nor does the selection of Mr. Singh have anything to do with his policies, because, frankly, we don’t know what they are. Singh was chosen without knowing what party he belongs to. You may enjoy guessing among yourselves, and perhaps Mr. Singh will chime in with how he feels he can best serve the public.

Singh is an avid member of our Facebook group, and his amusing photos look familiar, it’s because he’s been on the site before, in his clever tribute to a fellow Ivy Style reader. When in formed of the grandeur and folly of this distinction, Mr. Singh told Ivy Style, “Receiving this honor could not be more gratifying. Hopefully the folks in Washington can take a style cue or two.”

Heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Singh, best of luck in the election, and thanks for helping us close 2020 on a style high note. — CHRISTIAN CHENSVOLD

14 Comments on "Kyle Singh, Ivy Style’s Politician Of The Year 2020"

  1. Bravo, Kyle. Way to keep it civil and humble, as you have always appeared in your posts. A pix of Goldwater balanced with Clinton’s autobiography. There is something to be learned from any politician and none are perfect.

  2. Looking good Kyle! Best of luck moving forward.

  3. The framed portrait of Barry Goldwater on his bookshelf also tells us that his political outlook is conservative, along with his style.

  4. Jesse Livermore | December 29, 2020 at 4:10 pm |

    Based upon that photo in frame #1…”In your heart you know he’s right.”

  5. oswald portman | December 29, 2020 at 6:13 pm |

    appreciate light touch, needed in dark times. go kyle, go NEW ivy-style!

  6. Behind Enemy Lines | December 29, 2020 at 7:54 pm |

    The Strat seals the deal. 😉

  7. Vern Trotter | December 29, 2020 at 8:50 pm |

    Barry Goldwater,
    “a choice, not an echo.”

  8. NaturalShoulder | December 29, 2020 at 9:11 pm |

    Good luck to you Kyle.

  9. At the time, we thought the G.O.P. could stoop no lower. How wrong we were!

  10. Greg Lamberton | December 30, 2020 at 5:24 am |

    For the youngsters who didn’t recognize Barry Goldwater:
    He was the Republican candidate for President in 1964.

  11. Samuel Clark | December 30, 2020 at 9:01 am |

    AUH2O in ’64

  12. Greg Lamberton | January 2, 2021 at 11:34 am |

    Samuel Clark:

    In 1964, high school students would have recognized “Au”.
    In 2021, many college graduates wouldn’t.

  13. @ Greg — Yes, they would. It’s still on the periodic table, and science is still required as a core subject in high school and most colleges. I recognize it, and I was a straight-C science student in high school who graduated from college in 2017.

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