Dateline 1967: One Day At The University Of Pennsylvania

Today is Hey Day at the University of Pennsylvania. The tradition, now in its 101st year, involves juniors rising to senior status by marching in similar outfits, which today consists of “fake straw hats, red t-shirts, and canes.”

While Penn students enjoy this special day, the rest of us can enjoy this video of just a regular day at the school, which was made when the sun was setting on the Ivy League Look. — CC

18 Comments on "Dateline 1967: One Day At The University Of Pennsylvania"

  1. Charlottesville | April 27, 2017 at 1:07 pm |

    Some great shots in this. I note that in one scene there are woolen tweed and madras sport coats present at the same dinner table. This was a bit before my time, but I recall having only a couple of coat options as a young man, and making the best of what I had, whatever the weather.

  2. And today’s generation of students roll out of bed, put on a pair of pajama bottoms, a hoodie and it’s off to class. Our future leaders. Sad.

  3. Vern Trotter | April 27, 2017 at 2:14 pm |

    Early in the film, the prof is wearing the J. Press thumbprint style tie clip, still worn by myself and still sold at JP, I believe. Good show!

    Most of the girls in sweaters; the men in coats and ties, clean shaven with recent haircuts. Still showing the military influence as the draft was still in effect.

  4. Production values are pretty high and I got the sense that for most of the shots the campus was on alert and was asked to dress appropriately. Other more candid shots seem to show students looking more casual.

  5. The boy shown at 3:48 looks to be stuck between Ivy and Hippie. Nice, cable-knit crew neck and OCBD with dreadful sideburns.

  6. Charlottesville | April 27, 2017 at 3:14 pm |

    Vern — Very observant! And the prof’s clip is worn low on the tie where it belongs, rather than a few inches below the knot as is all too often the case today.

  7. Mitchell S. | April 27, 2017 at 4:24 pm |

    Two things really striking about this film:

    1. How few obese people there are compared to today.
    2. The preponderance of natural fabrics. The only synthetic you see is a green, nylon parka in the observatory. Even the professor in the submarine is wearing a tweed jacket.

  8. I looked over the list scheduled on the blackboard for graduate recruitment. Textron eventually absorbed Bell Aerospace, and the Frankford Arsenal closed in 1977; but Union Carbide, J. Walter Thompson, Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, General Dynamics, the CIA and the Peace Corps are all still alive and well 50 years hence.

  9. The glee club singing at 24:30 is great. I agree with Christian that some of this seems staged. However, if this promotional was produced today at the university where I work, I don’t think the producers would even consider requesting that students give special consideration for their attire.

  10. That scene in the frat house is confusing, wonder what time of year this was shot. Maybe the boy in Madras was eager to wear his hot-weather togs and the boy in tweed wasn’t ready to pack away his cold-weather gear. The world may never know…

  11. Professor Neil Welliver (teaching art) = is the father of Amazon TV’s excellent “Bosch”

  12. Archivist Trad | April 28, 2017 at 10:29 am |

    YouTube details:

    Depicted scenes (in order of appearance):
    – Franklin Field morning runners
    – University Television Seminar with Dr. Joanna P. Williams, Graduate School of Education
    – Stitler Hall
    – Undergraduate class in Religious Thought with Dr. James B. Pritchard
    – Wharton School class in Political Theory with Dr. Cecil J. Burnett
    – David Rittenhouse Laboratory wing
    – Physics classes with Dr. Howard Brody and Dr. Gaylord P. Harnwell
    – Law School course for Philadelphia Police
    – Dr. Richard J. Doviak at Moore School of Electrical Engineering Anechoic Chamber
    – University Placement Service
    – Hill House Cafeteria
    – Houston Hall Cafeteria
    – Thouron Scholars reception at United Hunt’s Club, London, with Sir James Hutchinson
    – Animal Behavior Class at the Philadelphia Zoo with Dr. W. John Smith
    – Architectural drawing class at Philadelphia Museum of Art with Neil G. Welliver
    – Liberty Bell, Independence Hall
    – Morris Arboretum and Dr. J. Orvelle Dahl
    – New Construction: Johnson Pavilion, School of Dental Medicine, Faculty Club Addition, Annenberg Center/Zellerbach Theater, Hollenback Hall
    – Asherah submarine at the University Museum with Dr. George S. Bass
    – Auction of “The Wall” student event fence at site of Meyerson Hall, January 22, 1968, directed by Stephen Marmon of Daily Pennsylvanian; presentation of check to President Harnwell
    Experimental Seminar of Dr. John S. Morgan at School of Social Work
    – Gimbel Gymnasium, Swim team and Coach George Green; pick-up basketball, squash and handball courts
    – Ice Hockey Team
    – Mask and Wig Wendell Wilkie Bicycle Race (October 27, 1967), Dana Lee winner
    – Mask and Wig try outs for 80th annual show “All’s Fair”; Walter Keenan, Steven De Baun, Stephen Goff
    – Dinner at Phi Kappa Sigma House
    – VanPelt Library
    – Flower and Cook Observatory near Paoli
    – Glee Club at Smokey Joe’s
    – “Drink A High Ball”

  13. Always loved going to see Mask and Wig!

  14. Archivist Trad | April 28, 2017 at 10:45 am |

    Vern Trotter.

    Unfortunately, such minimalist tie clips are no longer available at J. Press, but there seem to be some available on ebay.

    One example:

  15. Charlottesville | April 28, 2017 at 1:48 pm |

    Vern — I had a similar one with my initials on it that I got, believe it or not, when I was still a kid in the 60s. I cannot imagine someone giving a 9 or 10 year old a tie clip. or even a tie, as a gift today. I wish I still had it.

  16. Hello Blondie…..!

  17. Steve Thomas | June 17, 2017 at 7:32 pm |

    I started Penn in 1968, not long after this film was made. While the physical campus was much the same, with many of the buildings shown as being under construction at or near completion, there was an enormous change in the appearance and attitudes of the students beginning with the class of 1972. The hair styles and clothing seen in this film seem to be at least a full generation removed from my experience. We were the ones who got the University to eliminate the coat and tie rule at freshmen dinners, and things went downhill from there. I was glad to be along for the ride!

  18. the absence of garish preppy shit is remarkable

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