
The Only Thing That Bugs Me Still About This Site After A Year

Editor’s Note:  DEFINITELY NOT including how hard it is to transfer, how hard it is to incorporate a decade of content into a redesign, the fact that Women’s Ivy is confusing to me so I can’t write it, and how much it costs to host. It’s coming up on a year.   I LOVE THIS WORK. 

Ivy Father’s Day

Editor’s Note:  Like we did on Memorial Day, if you have a photo of you and your child that you would like me to post here, please email it to  I will post them today, tomorrow, and Saturday as they come in.   That’s my daughter, Gramercy, asleep a few days ago after one

Photography Catches Up With Ivy (or vice versa) And The Amazing Tom Brings His A Game This Week

There was a period of Ivy marketing where you couldn’t determine much about how any product was different from any other product because the photography looked… the same.  And then a decade passed and you couldn’t determine much about the product, or even what decade you were looking at because the photography looked… the same.

Covid’s Opening Act Was Summer Fridays

This is my day today, started at 3:15, did the pages (I write three handwritten pages every morning, first thing – you know how you dump out the old grinds before you make new coffee, some of them hug the sides of the filter because it is wet and you have to rinse the filter

The Ivy Friendship Essay

“Out of all the pearls I can buy in the world, I need my college best friend’s two dollar necklace.”  – Vaishali College is not the given it once was.  I am fashioning this divining rod for college as my daughter graduates her freshman year in high school.  And I am struggling.  She has the

Requiescat In Pace

If you have a Presidential Memorial Day quote you would like us all to see, please post it in the comments and I will find a photo to go with it and post it between now and Tuesday morning.  Tuesday is our review of Mountain & Sackett’s Spring/Summer ties, but until then have a safe

Ivy Notes S1 E20

What’s that cover image?  It is the St. Leonard’s Women’s Lacross Team, 1890.   Why is it here?  Two reasons.  First, it is a cool image and lacrosse is Ivy.  Four Ivy League schools in the final eight for national title this year.  Second, got my butt beat doing a boxing training with a female trainer

If For Some Stupid Reason You Still Think Ballcaps Aren’t Ivy

I would like to think that if Roger Angell were a guitar player with a teen daughter, he would wear an earring.  He definitely combined worlds.  As a word-by-word best-in-class editor whose mother married E.B. White (and didn’t tell him), Angell could have written anything, and he chose to focus on a game.  Baseball. Roger

Ivy Notes S1 E18 Met Two Of My Bucket List People.

Thank you to J. Press for hosting a wonderful evening. A number of great things happened. First, I FINALLY got to meet Laura Arnold in person.   Mountain & Sackett, the company that is 3rd generation family owned and makes their silk-on-both-sides ties, has their spring collection out.  I am going to review it later

Ivy Notes S1 E17

  My friend Chapman is looking for vintage Tretorns, women’s, Size 10.  If you know of any, leave it in the comments?   I am working on a piece about the WHY of Ivy looking good and wanted to bounce three theories off of you first.  If you do some online research, you find, well,

Two Things An Ivy Mind Should Know About

Thank you, Matthew Reichlin over at the FB Group.  I know, you don’t like FB.  You should join just for this group.  In fact, if you click on the picture… That’s Maria Popova.  She has an interview policy I do not understand.  I understand asking for donations for your site, the thought has occurred.  But

Ivy Is Elegant. Are You?

Is lipstick on a pig Ivy? I refer you to some Ivy reference points.  Davis. McQueen.  Kennedy.  Poitier.  Bush.  Astaire.  O’Rourke.  You can wear what they wear.  You probably own some of what they wear (except maybe Bush’s latter day socks – which were the apex of elegance but easier to pull off once the