Some people are lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. Others have a hand in making that time and place the right ones. Chase Winfrey (Instagram: @chasehwinner) falls into the latter category. At only 25 years old, the Ohioan-turned-New Yorker is proving why he is one of the leading young voices in classic menswear in New York, and a torchbearer for the next generation of Ivy enthusiasts. Winfrey has a fascinating background with eclectic influences and a resumé that colleagues twice his age would vie for.
Ivy Style caught up with Chase to find out more about the man and the many projects he’s had his hand in. — TREVOR JONES
* * *
Ivy Style: How did your home in Ohio influence you and your outlook on clothes?
Chase Winfrey: Ohio certainly isn’t a hotbed of menswear. There are a few great small shops across the state, though, one of which I was lucky to work at while I was in school. It was a great experience working with brands like Gitman, Southwick, and Alden. Overall, there’s definitely a certain Midwestern attitude, and I’ve rebelled against it a little bit. There was always the thought that your clothes shouldn’t cost too much or they couldn’t be too bold. My grandfather, who was a steelworker for most of his life, would always call people “common,” which was a great compliment for him. But he was the kind of guy who kept his shoes shined and wore a suit to church, so there was also a certain importance to dressing for an occasion. Maybe that’s merely a generational thing rather than a regional thing. Regardless, I try to have a little humility in the way that I dress and I certainly have a great respect for what I consider to be a fairly traditional way of dressing. That being said, I love patchwork tweed and go-to-hell trousers, so maybe I’m contradicting myself.
IS: When did you become interested in clothing?
CW: I first became interested in clothing around age 13 or 14. It was sort of the #menswear heyday online. Everyone had a Tumblr or a blog. I would come home from high school, rushing to read the Pitti Uomo street style roundups. There was also a lot of interesting retail happening then. J. Crew was at its peak, introducing your average shopper to Alden or Barbour. I can remember making a trip to New York to visit Rugby, RRL, and Gant, when those were all a block away from each other on Bleecker Street. Sid Mashburn, of course, was a huge influence at that time. Probably some of the first items I bought that were really me were a pair of Nantucket reds and an old Corbin navy blazer. I think my parents were very confused.
IS: You went to school for fashion in Ohio. This, obviously, had to have been hugely important to your development. Tell us a little bit about your experiences there.
CW: I went to The Fashion School at Kent State University. It was a good four years and I’m happy to have gone to a smaller school in Ohio. Looking back, I realize I wasn’t ready for New York. I’ve never been much of an academic, but I learned a valuable skill set from these experiences.
IS: What brought you to New York? Did you move there to work at Drake’s specifically, or did that opportunity arise once you were already there?
CW: I finished my last exam on Wednesday and was in New York on a Friday. I’m lucky that my brother had a couch to sleep on as I worked an unpaid product development internship for a couple of months. I think everyone in the industry has a similar story. I knew the boys at Drake’s, Alex Winchell and Matt Woodruff, through Instagram and, rather fortuitously, Matt reached out to me as I was wrapping up my internship and asked if I’d be interested in applying for the job at Drake’s.
IS: What did you do there, and how did it influence your outlook on style?
CW: I worked in a few roles during my time at Drake’s, doing some wholesale as well as retail on the shop floor. Those first few seasons that they did RTW were really something special, some of the best look books I’ve ever seen and the product at that time was not only incredible quality, but actually a very good value. I have a dear friend, Glenn, who used to work down at H. Stockton in Atlanta. He once told me, “You guys are the most exciting story in men’s clothing in the last decade.” I still think about that a lot. Our crew was really special and I’m immensely proud of all of them, for what we did then and what we’ve all moved on to now. It was great to be defining a certain look in the city and to be inspiring a lot of young guys who I think would have been intimidated otherwise.
IS: What led you away from Drake’s and to J. Meuser?
CW: Ultimately the tides were changing and the whole crew trickled out the door. At a certain point, I was ready to step into a more exciting role. Luckily, Matt had just started at J. Mueser and Jake Mueser had asked me if would be interested in coming aboard as well. It’s good to be doing something a little more tailoring focused again.
IS: Can you tell us a little bit about J. Meueser as a company? What is their house cut?
CW: Jake started J. Mueser about a decade ago. We have a ready-to-wear shop at 19 Christopher Street and a small space for bespoke fittings across the street. The bread and butter of the brand is definitely our custom clothing, which is a fairly reserved, Neapolitan silhouette, though we also have bench-made make that is done here in the States, and is much more Saville Row in its silhouette – think something akin to Anderson & Shepherd. We’re also starting to expand our ready-to-wear, which includes a really nice line of soft coats that are machine made in Naples, are made up in a shirt construction, and retail for right around $1,000. Value is something that’s important to me, I want to know that what I’m offering to the guy that maybe doesn’t have a closet full of suits is a good deal.
IS: You’ve had a significant hand in the formation of Wythe. How did that come about?
CW: Wythe has been a fun project to consult with. It’s been fun seeing our following increase and seeing the outpouring of support from our Kickstarter. Wythe is amalgam of so many things: it’s a love of New York as a second home, it’s a vintage deep-dive, it’s making something that your average guy can actually afford to buy. We showed the first collection for Autumn/Winter 2020 at MAN a couple of weeks ago and had a really great response.
IS: The first items coming from Wythe were very Ivy: sturdy yet soft OCBDs with a beefy collar role, breast pocket, locker loop, and a relaxed fit. The first full collection, coming later this year entitled “Slow West,” seems to be geared more towards a Western look, described as “a new vision of Americana.” How did this transition come about? Do you see a return to more classically Ivy items in the future?
CW: I wouldn’t necessarily call it a transition as I think that was always the intent. It’s a mixture of a few different facets of American clothing. For example, next fall we have some great Shetland sweaters coming down the pipeline. So we have that and the oxfords juxtaposed with some chamois pearl-snap western shirts and cowboy boots. We’ll continue to have a mix of these sorts of products and looks as we move along.
IS: One thing you drew some criticism on was the decision to use alpha sizing rather than standard neck and sleeve measurements. Can you shed some light on that choice?
CW: We did draw some criticism from the crowd. Oddly, we didn’t actually hear any negative feedback from the folks that donated over $20,000 to have the shirts made. I’m of two minds, and see a value in both. For now with, our budget and the amount of inventory we can handle, they will continue to be alpha-sized. I would ask anyone who is skeptical to give them a try, I really think they’re just about the softest oxfords I’ve ever worn.
IS: You’re also the founder of the Bullshot Book Club which includes many young luminaries of the New York classic menswear scene including Drake’s and J. Meuser colleague, Matt Woodruff; Wythe co-founder, Peter Middleton; Ralph Lauren alum, photographer and designer, FE Castleberry; and a host of other friends and colleagues. Obviously your focus is on only the highest forms of literature (and perhaps some libations make their way into the mix), but does clothing ever come up? You must bounce ideas off one another…
CW: That’s right, I think there’s all but two of us that are in the men’s clothing industry. We don’t make it a point to talk about clothing, but inevitably it will come up. Really, we’re there to chitchat, drink, and hopefully discuss the book. The Bullshot Book Club is more than clothing, it’s a good steak, fries, and a good cocktail. If you can’t enjoy that without telling somebody about your “natural shoulder sportcoat” then you’re not really living. It’s about creating an exciting community that people can follow along with and engage with. But to contradict myself again, I should have a Bullshot Book Club club-tie coming out soon, along with a restock of the classic Bullshot Book Club ball cap.
IS: How has the Ivy League Look specifically had an influence on you?
CW: The Ivy League Look had a huge influence on my personal aesthetic. It’s still largely how I dress, I just probably arrive at it from a different avenue than a lot of people. My tailoring may be Italian but I still wear an oxford-cloth shirt with a button down collar just about every day, usually with a repp tie, and a pair of Aldens. Having such a traditional look allows me to have some fun with certain aspects, like wearing a funky pair of Padmore & Barnes Wallabees, or a bold pair of sunglasses, for example.
IS: You seem to draw heavy influences from a variety of places, including classic American looks like Ivy and preppy, British country wear, and custom Italian tailoring. How do you mix these elements to cohesively form a singular style?
CW: I draw inspiration from a lot of places. My greatest influences are definitely the Sloane Rangers, the BCBG, and the preppy look. Especially as we head into spring, I’m already madras shopping. But I also draw a lot of inspiration from western wear, I wear a wrangler denim shirt or a Lee 101J most days. Everything I like comes from some sort of tradition, be it American or French or whatever it may be. That’s why I think you can throw most of it together without a lot of thought and it will always work.
IS: Finally, something of deep interest to me: social media and menswear. Social media gets many young men into classic menswear that would not have been exposed to it otherwise. How has it influenced your style journey?
CW: Social media is a great tool. I think sometimes it can breed an obsessive nature in us clothing nerds that’s definitely a little bit unhealthy, but it’s a wonderful networking tool and it’s really the reason I’m here to begin with. If it wasn’t for the many menswear blogs, Tumblr, and eventually Instagram, I probably would be on a very different career path. Nowadays, I use mine to show what I’m wearing, what I’m excited about, and, more than anything, to showcase the various personalities in this tight knit scene. If I had to give any advice to young people looking to get into the industry, it would be to embrace Instagram or whatever is coming next, and not only put content out there, but also reach out and interact with people, keep in touch, and maintain those relationships. I’ve found this to be immensely helpful in my professional life.
Can’t wait to see Chase in his FE Castleberry ska shoes! So classic and Neapolitan (and a great value at $450.00)! Roll into the next Book Club orgy with his lug sole, lighting bolt Pietasters rig – hell yeah! Talk about inspiration!
Joe, who hurt you?
This had humble answers and an all-around well written article, why do you feel the need to be a douche?
Nice looks. Also love this: “We did draw some criticism from the crowd. Oddly, we didn’t actually hear any negative feedback from the folks that donated over $20,000 to have the shirts made.” Zing!
A quick look through J. Mueser shows some nice suits/ jackets. I am a bit confused by the dueling Neapolitan/ Savile Row house styles, but if they can pull it off good on them. Bonus points also for this being an actual business, as opposed to what many of the #menswear era alums have “built”.
1. “a resumé that colleagues twice his age would vie for” (resume: 4 years working retail sales roles at Drakes and J. Mueser)
2. “ready-to-wear coats that are machine made and retail for right around $1,000. Value is something that’s important to me.”
3. “It’s about creating an exciting community that people can engage with. I should have a Bullshot Book Club club-tie coming out soon, along with a restock of the classic Bullshot Book Club ball cap.” (This is Chase, letting us know that he’s making hats and ties for his 10-person book club…..and you can buy them!)
4. “Wythe is amalgam of so many things.. it’s making something that your average guy can actually afford to buy. ” (This is Chase talking about the $100.00+ cotton OTR oxford shirts – alpha sized – he helps push).
1. That was not a response from Chase, that was from the author of the article. Your argument is invalid.
2. I think a Neapolitan coat priced at $1000 is a fantastic value. This also doesn’t help your argument.
3. I think making a product people want to buy available for people to buy is a pretty strong case against your criticism.
4. Have you seen the rest of the Wythe line? or the prices? I have. Most of the items are a great value.
Excellent interview, Trevor. I first met Chase in his Crosby Street days, and regularly wear a Drake’s Prince of Wales sport coat he helped fit for me. Since then, I’ve enjoyed watching his career progress and the goings-on at Wythe. An interview with a up-and-comer who knows their way around Ivy is the sort of content this site needs.
Joe, I’m truly sorry that Chase is doing interesting things while you write shitpost.
If Trevor Jones wrote an article about me, I’d read it before agreeing to have it published. If it suggested my 4 year long resume was more impressive than most 50 year olds’, I’d respectfully ask that he remove that superlative.
In this context, I’m not exactly sure what’s meant by a Neapolitan coat. But, Rubinacci – perhaps the most respected Naples house – sells a range of OTR blazers for $1000 (or under). So, if you feel J. Meuser is the same as Rubinacci, then I suppose this could be considered ‘fantastic’ value. I, for one, do not.
Enjoy your Bullshot Book Club hat, cool guy. I hope to be a fly on the wall when you get asked by someone what it is and why you’re wearing a hat advertising it.
No, I don’t plan to buy a western wear, pearl button snap shirt anytime soon. But, again, I do think $100+ for an alpha sized oxford is more than one needs to pay. See: Kamakura, L.L. Bean, Lands End, on sale Brooks Bros., on sale RL, etc., etc.
Why would Trevor Jones write an article about an anonymous shitposter?
Oh, Eric – bless your heart. I know this is perhaps the most important thing on earth to you – I forgot that.
I guess I’m just confused as to why you have such a problem with someone like Chase, or someone interviewing him. It’s one thing to criticize a brand or a book or something that won’t mind the spiteful words you so carelessly throw out hiding behind a keyboard and your anonymity. But to throw out such nonsense aimed towards a real person who will undoubtedly read your bullshit is too hateful, even for someone as cynical me.
I hope you can one day get over your hateboner for someone you presumably have never met.
This remains a fun interview for young people who are interested in clothing and the people working in the industry with taste and new interesting ideas.
Frank – Chase is buddies with FE Castleberry (who was mentioned by name in this piece). Fred, as you may know, recently announced a Kickstarter campaign to fund his line of ska-inspired shoes. They are beyond awful. My initial comment was a jab at that, not Chase. You replied to that with some sort of personal, snarky Dr. Phil nonsense….and then suggested the article about Chase was imbued with humility. I don’t agree with that. You’re being a dick too, likely because you’re buddies with Chase. Fine, but get off your high horse, please. I don’t have a hateboner.
Sure, it’s not Rubinacci. But, you can purchase a jacket or suit from J.Meuser in the US in person or online and not worry about the Italian Post Office. I liked what I saw, though wish tall sizes were available OTR.
Also not sure about this resume talk – Mr. Winfrey worked in retail for several years, which is great and presumably provided some insight into building a brand. More importantly, he’s forthright about his experience and how it shaped him. Chase isn’t trying to spin 8 months at RL as a concept shopper/ window dresser into a “design” role, for example.
Finally – “shitpost” and “shitposter”? Not very ubermensch-y, Eric. Rather than get bent out of shape, perhaps channel your inner God and take a brisk swim, or walk in the forest?
The RTW/OTR collection on the J Mueser website looks very Neapolitan but not Ivy or Preppy. The iGents on the clothing forums will love the jackets’ high gorges and wide lapels. They are very 1970s but Chase chooses “half mast” jeans rather than flared trousers. Mueser’s shirts’ extreme cut-away collars and “French” fronts are very European. Give me a classic Savile (note the single L” Row suit and a proper Jermyn Street shirt every time!
You have go to be kidding me? His resume? Of what?
Sorry, and, no offense, but I like my jeans just as much as the next guy. However, those pictured are why the iGent community rails against Denim so much.
I second the notion of brisk swim, walk in the forest, and channeling inner god — for everyone.
you know what’s perfect for walking in the woods? FE Castleberry lug sole horse bit loafers!
Why did everyone leave Drake’s?
I like the old Polo lug sole wings, wish RL still did them.
” Probably some of the first items I bought that were really me were a pair of Nantucket reds and an old Corbin navy blazer.”
That would be the old school Corbin “Corinthian” blazer, two button, center hook vent, patch and flap hip pockets.
“…My tailoring may be Italian but I still wear an oxford-cloth shirt with a button down collar just about every day, usually with a repp tie, and a pair of Aldens. Having such a traditional look …”
1. The best known natural shoulder clothing tailor was Italian: Grieco Bros.
2. Wearing an OCBD every day: heck, yeah. Thumbs-up
3. Aldens: another thumbs-up
4. “Having such a traditional look…” … is great.
Kudos and keep it up. Your style, by the way is New England: Classic yet rustic. With a touch of urban. Current interpretations of updated traditional” are hideous. Awful. Especially the southern versions. This gentleman‘s take on traditional clothing serves as a robust counterpoint. Well done. And eschew the darts
Guys, lighten up with the vitriolic comments. They do no one any good, not the recipient and not the sender. Would I wear all of the combos shown? Of course not, but then again I turned 70 a few months ago. But I do wear OCBD’s, lots of madras, Reds, khakis, repp ties, and Alden’s. At least the young man is trying, and, might I say doing far superior toward Ivy than most others his age. Again, if you don’t have the cahones to say it to someone face to face, don’t hide behind the Internet. It makes you look weak and insecure, and besides, life is too short.
To be crystal clear, I said nothing negative about Chase’s personal style. Not one word.
Christian, I spent the summer of 1974 in Newport going to JAG school for the Navy. It was between my second and third year in law school. It was very eye opening for a 25 year old young man from Texas who had never been east of the Mississippi, much less to New England. I loved it. I hope you do too.
Perhaps IS should have a rule for comments: if you’re going to carp about someone else’s style, then write up your own style profile and post that here with a minimum of ten pictures, so you can offer a “master class” on doing it right, by your lights. No fair to lob grenades from the sidelines. Put up or….
I wouldn’t wear everything Mr. Winfrey has on, but so what? I appreciate his style. And I really liked this profile and would love to see more like it.
I’ve now read this piece twice and I’m very confused. What does Mr Winfrey do? What makes him a “leading young voices in classic menswear in New York, and a torchbearer for the next generation of Ivy enthusiasts”?
Wouldn’t wear the baseball cap or the jeans, myself, but since I’m old enough to be Chase’s grandfather, that’s to be expected. Everything else show a keen sense of style.
Oh, fantastic. Just like the old days…There’s life in the old girl yet.
There are PLENTY of deserving objects for any/all possible contempt: The multitudes of men, including too many Boomers, who wear sweatpants, running shoes, and those (stupid looking) beanies to coffee shops…and then persevere with this combo the remainder of every damned day; the overly swank, beta-male renditions of “preppy”; and, perhaps worst of all, the state of “updated traditional.”
Yes, the looks are over-stylized. But consider his day job: urban marketer/product-promoter/stylist. He’s Leaning Continually. It’s how he’s making a living. Give him a break.
*correction. Leaning Continuously.
What I see here is a young man hustling to make it in a tough business, trying to move from Ralph Lifshitz the tie salesman to Ralph Lauren the image maker. Of course that’s going to involve some fuzzy puffery. Selling clothes on the floor of a store is pretty banal, and he wouldn’t be the first young guy to try to wrest some romance from an entry level job. And, as best as I can tell, the fashion industry appears to be about 90% branding and 10% bullshit anyway.
Now, a slightly off-tangent question: If you are orthodox about the Ivy League Look, are you exhibiting a personal style or merely obeying a set a rules with which you agree? Are you a leader or a follower? I can argue it both ways, though I lean to the latter.
@whiskeydent not off-tangent at all: the history of the Ivy League look is the appropriation of outside elements (Norwegian peasant shoes, English tweeds, Army-issued khakis, etc) into a mis-mashed look that gained coherence and acceptance through repetition. If the look wants to evolve it will need to attract new elements, and I think that you could do worse than soft Italian tailoring. It’s to the detriment of the look if if becomes paint-by-numbers.
“If the look wants to evolve it will need to attract new elements, and I think that you could do worse than soft Italian tailoring. It’s to the detriment of the look if if becomes paint-by-numbers”.
Hear, hear. Sadly, too much in the Ivy genre has become canon, eliminating the personal style that made so much of it interesting in the first place.
Not surprisingly, the Texas contingent (Whiskeydent and John Carlos) as well as S.E. and a few others have words of wisdom to share.
As for me, I very much like the 2 POW plaids, the houndstooth sport coat, the ties and some other items. I also recognize that the primary target audience for all of this is not someone my age who already has a closet full of tweed, flannel, oxford cloth, etc. If Mr. Winfrey can get even 1% of NY Millennials and Gen Z to adopt his style, I will be most grateful, and pray for its rapid spread to the rest of the country.
As mentioned above, Ralph Lauren started his business in the hippie-plagued 60s and by the 70s and 80s, pretty much ruled American fashion as a counterpoint to disco glitter and Italian influences from Armani and others. The clothing above is a welcome contrast to the scruffy hoodies, athleisure and logo-saturated stuff I see entirely too much of just about everywhere. As for prices, I note that the $650 I spent on a Brooks Brothers Golden Fleece suit as a young lawyer in 1986 would be roughly $1,540 today. It was expensive then and it was a stretch for me to buy it, but I wore it regularly for nearly 30 years before giving it to Goodwill. Less than $1.00 a week for a beautiful suit doesn’t seem so bad, and I still have a couple of others that are nearly as old. Godspeed, Mr. Winfrey.
Pardon me, I made a mistake. I meant to write 90% bullshit and 10% branding. My apologies.
Faded jeans with tailored sport coats? White socks with dress loafers? Denim shirts under DB blazers? Who’s kidding who here? This is a typical “Emperor has no clothes” situation, in which we are all supposed to agree that this idiosyncratic hodgepodge is the “cutting edge” of style while privately thinking it’s horrendous!
White socks and dress loafers was on the cutting-edge style in times long ago.
Gasp! For about 35 years, I’ve regularly worn a tweed jacket, OCBD, and Wrangler jeans during the winter. I even add cowboy boots to the sin. You need not consider it horrendous in private, just as I need not care what you think.
I think denim shirts and/or jeans with tweed sport coats have been a pretty common combination, at least since the 70s. Ralph Lauren in particular popularized the look. I remember wearing a denim or chambray shirt with tweed on weekends in the 80s, and still sometimes (rarely) wear jeans with a sport coat or blazer but of course it is not a look that appeals to everyone. White socks and loafers are, as CC says, a true classic from the heyday. Admittedly, these looks probably work best for younger men, but what doesn’t?
I’ve been doing it for 50 years, including the cowboy boots. Although I’m a 501 guy in the jean department. Been known to wear blazer, OCBD, tie and chinos with Stan Smiths to work.
RL actually sold a heavy chambray tab collar dress shirt around 1980, maybe earlier. Ass kick with a tie and tweed. ;-0
Gentlemen, there is nothing new, it’s just all recycled. Never throw anything out. Oh! and don’t get fat.
You all realize that the blazer-and-jeans look was popularized by that promiscuous fop, Gianni Agnelli, right?
Christian, with all due respect (and I mean that, I’m not using it as an empty formula) white socks with loafers looked dorky back when and they look dorky now.
No need to pay me any respect or disrespect for jokingly pointing out an historical fact.
Let’s see if I can find a white socks item for reposting…..
Brooks Brothers devotee Andy Warhol also had quite a hand in matching blue jeans to blue blazers.
I msut say I’ve really enjoyed the tit-for-tat between “Joe” and teh “ncie guys”.
This Chase fellow seems like a nice guy. His story resonates.
You can find better value, of coruse, but , I’m a bit puzzled by the aesthetic of J Mueser (preppy done by a young Neapolitan), I eman why not? Then again, why?
I’m not surprised that this guy was from the Midwest. NYC men’s designers have a long history of poaching young Midwestern clothing salesmen from men’s clothiers while at market. Woody’s in Norman, Ok and Harold’s in Manhattan, Ks lost a few to RL and others.
I should have added that was in the mid to late 1970s.
@ John Carlos
My late father used the word “cahones” all the time. Never heard anyone else use that term.
As far as the feature guy, I wouldn’t wear any of his combinations. Dressier pants would do the trick. Like my Dad, I never liked jeans. Khakis have been my trousers of choice. I’ll probably be buried in khakis and blazer.
John Carlos and Wriggles
One of the nuances of Spanish is the difference between cojones and nueces.
Well played.
Whiskeydent — Thanks for introducing me to a new word: “nueces.” Those terms must appear in every language. Probably not suited to a dignified website such as this one, but I would love to know the subtle differences in meaning/usage between the two words. In English, they seem more or less interchangeable.
Regarding “alpha-sizing”: look, if S/M/L fit me, I would be all in. The problem is, they don’t. Yes, I agree that anyone that can fit in those sizes should “give them a chance”; why the heck not. But I’m not going to buy a shirt that doesn’t fit.
Presumably, Texas’ Nueces River got its name from the pecan trees on its banks as it flows to Nueces County on the coast. Alas, we don’t have even a tiny berg named Cojones. Same for Juevos (eggs). I blame these failures on a lack of leadership and imagination in the great state.
@Otis, thanks for your comment. I’m all for the addition of another Oxford shirt manufacturer to the market (seriously), but I wear a 15.5×32, so alpha sizes are never a good fit for me. If I’m going to pay those prices, I want the shirt to fit. While the subtle middle finger Chase gives to the people here with his comment is likely gratifying for him, it’s not a great tactic for someone who wants to expand their customer base on a platform full of people likely inclined to try his product if proper sizes were offered.
Whiskeydent – Thanks for the further enlightenment. Alas, there is no comparable Nuts River or County in Virginia. I too blame lack of leadership and imagination.
Third pic from bottom looks like Art van de Lay and I don’t see architecture coming from that guy.
Funny from Instapundit.
“Grown Men Won’t Dress Like Toddlers, RompHim Clothing Firm Goes Bust. “If I tried really hard, I might be able to squeeze out a tear for the people who came up with this, but I’d probably have to put Tabasco on my contact lenses and pull out a fistful of leg hair while remembering that scene when E.T. died in order to do it.”
For the life of me I do not understand the fascination with jeans, although, the it gets harder all the time to find long rise and full fit khakis, but I do not think that is this fellow’s reason for jeans.
As for alpha size button-downs, the Lands’ End sail rigger is hard to beat. Again, for alpha size, that is. Thick and soft cotton, must-iron, locker loop, chest pocket, and side gussets. Just bought two for $18 each with free shipping.
Finally, I continue to regret that some gentlemen on this site cannot resist the desire to use profanity in their posts. Society is truly in the proverbial handbasket. Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?
Seemed like a extremely friendly guy when i had the chance to meet him a few years ago on the Drakes’ sales floor. I might still have his business card. Bought a great pocket square that day. Lighten up, well wishes…