Singing The Blues


Many of you are probably feeling blue today, even if you’re not in a blue state. So here’s a little tune called “Harvard Blues,” which was written by a young student named George Frazier, who would go on to become Esquire’s style critic and best pal of Charlie Davidson of The Andover Shop. The song was recorded by Count Basie, and here are the lyrics:


I wear Brooks clothes and white shoes all the time

I wear Brooks clothes and white shoes all the time

Get three “Cs,” a “D” and think checks from home sublime

I don’t keep no dogs or women in my room

I don’t keep no dogs or women in my room

But I’ll love my Vincent Baby, until the day of doom

Rinehart, Rinehart, I’m a most indiff’rent guy

Rinehart, Rinehart, I’m a most indiff’rent guy

But I love my Vincent Baby, and that’s no Harvard lie

Institute and Porky are my clubs

Institute and Porky are my clubs

And I think that girls at Radcliffe all are dubs

Went to Groton and got a big broad A

Went to Groton and got a big broad A

Now at Harvard and follow an indiff’rent way

Do my drinking down in the cool Ritz Bar

Do my drinking down in the cool Ritz Bar

Dad is Racquet and Chilton is my ma.


Here’s an explanation of the lyrics. God bless the Crimson; God bless Ivy; God help us all. — CC

80 Comments on "Singing The Blues"

  1. May God have mercy on us.

  2. Nick Wilson | November 9, 2016 at 2:09 pm |

    God HAD mercy; God DID help. Get over yourselves.

  3. My mission for today has been “hyperbole reduction” in all things; in service of that mission, I submit that conflating our Creator and the Pussy Grabber In Chief does not benefit the Republic.

  4. Murray Rothbard | November 9, 2016 at 3:22 pm |

    Just want to know whether this libertarian web zine will take an activist stance against President-elect Trump’s stated intention to roll back press freedoms.

  5. He wears Chinese-made suits and acetate ties: I doubt he’d be interested in the musings of the little realm CC has created here.

  6. Well, he actually wears Brioni and Oxxford, but that’s besides the point. I doubt students at Mizzou care what CC has to say, yet he spent an inordinate amount of time lashing out at them. While I may think he was cynically pandering to his sizable far-right audience, I wanted to give him the opportunity to prove me wrong and show that he is actually the principled libertarian pundit he claims to be.

  7. @Murray

    I will take a wait-and-see approach as to whether the Trump Administration attempts to censor

    Your “Principled Libertarian Pundit,”


  8. NaturalShoulder | November 9, 2016 at 9:33 pm |

    Make America Wear Ivy Again

  9. Murray Rothbard | November 9, 2016 at 10:33 pm |

    CC –

    I didn’t realize your free speech crusade was personal. So SJW’s have been trying to shut down Ivy Style? That’s fascinating. Would be interested to hear some stories.

    Apolitically yours,


  10. Why should any mature person be blue today? The better man won and is now our president. He may not be Ivy in style but he is a University of Pennsylvania graduate and wears suits, at the very least.

  11. I was unaware Trump has stated his intentions of censoring the press. I was aware he has criticised the press, which is his 1st amendment right.

    Would Mizzou be the University of Missouri. The university that exploded over racial hoaxes causing a journalism professor to threaten a journalist with physical harm while covering protest, more than once. The university with a football team that is better at SJMing than football, 2-7. A university struggling to meet enrollment because of all the SJWs. A university that itself censors free speech. That university?

  12. The election is over, let’s move forward.

  13. I don’t think that he will censor the press, repeal gay marriage or lock up Hillary, despite many upset people saying he will. He might sue some news outlets for libel but he needn’t as his campaign exposed their repulsive bias, effectively destroying their credibility.

  14. @GS

    Repulsive. That’s the word I’ve been looking for, but certainly not to describe the press.

  15. @P Rainscott I agree, calling their actions repulsive is being far too kind on my part.

  16. Watching the news today it’s obvious the press still doesn’t get it, they destroyed themselves. They have no credibility. They are shocked Trump won, they don’t know anyone who voted for him. The pollsters and the press have a lot to answer to.

  17. Maybe it’s because I’m a product of the post-Cronkite era, but I’ve never understood the shock and righteous indignation from some quarters about a “press” or “media” lacking credibility or objectivity. As with so many other things, this election has put a very fine point on something that has simply always existed: broadcast news is a business; cable news is a business; newspapers, magazines and websites are businesses; their goal – at bottom – is to make money through ad space or subscriptions. To expect a sanitary, unimpeachable presentation of facts from MSNBC, Fox News, or anyone in-between is simply naive.

    I do remember having a sickening feeling, though, during the GOP primaries when I realized (my own naivete evaporating, perhaps) that the drive for ad revenue was pushing good people with good ideas out of the way in favor of lurid, disgusting stuff.

  18. Many magazines and news papers don’t intend to turn a profit. As a matter of fact most don’t; vanity projects. Some are blatant, self-righteous journals of opinion (Economist, Nat. Review). The Times, The NY Post, The Guardian aren’t profitable and the NYT waffles every year. Simply a platform for a billionaire or a board to influence the mass market.

    Donny isn’t our favorite. His acceptance speech only reinforces that he’s not a true conservative ($1T infrastructure stimulus). However let’s hope he stems the tide of judicial activism, spending and Keynesian policies. People simply underestimated the power of a unified, white, working/middle class bloc. Instead of being fragmented his nativist, protectionist message unified them.

  19. I’m sure you know more about the biz than I do, Bill. I’ve had subscriptions to everything out there – NYT, WSJ, etc. The only one that still lands in my mailbox these days is the Economist: how else am I going to keep up on the doings in Rangpur, and the chances for Scoxit? It’s worth the price of admission for the photo captions alone.

    No informed person ever understood The Donald to be a conservative. I suspect his policies (such as they exist at all) on spending will differ less on “how much” than on “on what”. And you know what they say: whether it’s “judicial activism” or “sound jurisprudence” is usually only a matter of whether or not you agree with the decision.

    I agree with you whole-heartedly on how he won. I heard it explained, both humorously and horrifyingly, that as a recent Democrat, he simply put on the most exaggerated cloak of how he thought a Republican should speak to the base. And, my goodness, the size and breadth of that base …

  20. 56% of Americans believe in the deity of Christ. There are certain “theological” dog whistles a candidate can blow to rally these folks and, my god, Donny blew that horn. I believe he was raised in a conservative home and his “liberal” lean was more an amalgam of NY acceptability and the Bill Clinton effect. There’s no way he was raised a liberal by a klan supporting, America first father worth $200mm.

  21. Amen, Mac.

  22. I’d have to agree with WFBjr, very few ever considered Trump a conservative, even evangelicals don’t. My disdain for much of the progressive press is how they have tried to indict Trump white voters as racists. A large percentage of these voters voted for Obama at least once. Funny how it’s always OK and expected for minorities to vote in blocks for their self interest, but not whites. This election boils down to the fact that more middle class voters are more concerned with the economy and rejection of bullying PC. They want jobs more than gay wedding cakes and tranny bathrooms.

    While Trump was not my first, second or third pick, it seems Ann Coulter was the only one to get this election correct. She wrote an article in March 2016 that described exactly what Trump did on election night.

    I’m still trying to figure out what Trump has ever said he would do that is unconstitutional.

    On a humorous note, I see Hillary’s ground game finally showed up last night, a day late.

    Oh, Clinton Foundation press release yesterday morning, “No Refunds”. 😉

  23. I can only speak to my own experience, of course, and maybe it’s a function of geography but a great many of the Trump supporters I know personally are white, and unfortunately would probably qualify as racist (if you use the n-word in conversation, I’m probably going to reach that conclusion about you). The exception (again, in my small circle) would be a couple of Indian fellows who were huge supporters (and who were Christians, not Hindus).

    An even odder thing I noticed was a disproportionate share of real estate agents! I’ll leave you all to draw your own correlation as to why that might be.

  24. But then a lot of my friends use the N-word all the time and they are black. I think I judge folks on how they treat minorities in stead of their occasional slip of the tongue in anger. Calling a specific woman a bitch in anger doesn’t make one a misogynist.
    Trump got the majority of Catholic votes, we’ve been drilled in tolerance constantly since baptism.

  25. Murray Rothbard | November 10, 2016 at 11:38 am |

    My only point here is that, yes, Donald Trump has stated his intention to roll back press freedoms by dismantling 1st Amendment exceptions to libel laws (eg. NY Times v. Sullivan). Don’t take my word for it; just ask these noted left-wing rags:

    Since our Christian has fashioned himself as a Free Speech Crusader (“FSC”) over the past year, I simply wanted to know if his scrutiny might turn toward Trump. As far as Mizzou, I only brought that up because that was Christian’s prior free speech crusade. It had little to nothing to do with the supposed content of this fashion blog, although above, Christian implied that students from Mizzou at some point attempted to censor this website.

    I am not bringing up any other issues related to Trump. So far as Christian’s political reporting goes, it appears constrained to the issue of free speech infractions. I only hope that Christian will hoot Trumps feet to the fire like he did all of those tyrannical college students who have taken over the country and instituted a fascist dictatorship.

  26. I’m sorry to report that, for most of the people I was referring to, their use of the N-word was an extension of how I’ve seen them actually deal with black people in their lives.

  27. The content of this fashion blog for eight years has been college life past and present. Among other things.

    No idea what you’re talking about re: Mizzou. I searched both the comments and posts.

  28. Murray Rothbard | November 10, 2016 at 12:31 pm |

    Okay, I was really using “Mizzou” as a metonym for “political correctness,” since that was the most famous incident of recent memory. Sorry if you weren’t able to pick up on the subtext.

    It’s a little bit coy to say this blog has anything to do with present college life, even at Ivy League universities. Are kids at Yale still worried about whether they look like “middle class neat freaks?” How many of them are in the market for baggy Mercer oxford shirts? Are pinned club collars still a big look amongst Harvard students (or Professors, for that matter). Are “decidedly post-collegiate” Gucci loafers on the must have list for the fashion-plates at Princeton? Do frat brothers at Dartmouth still (if ever) concern themselves with jacket alterations in search of the best shoulder slope? Is 1950’s mainstream jazz the music of choice for the budding Masters of the Universe?

    For some reason, I thought the content of this fashion blog was what was once known as “the Ivy League Look.” Unfortunately, at some point, it turned into a right wing version of Jezebel.

  29. Marc Chevalier | November 10, 2016 at 12:37 pm |

    “Funny how it’s always OK and expected for minorities to vote in blocks for their self interest, but not whites.”

    Um, all four of this year’s ballot candidates are white. (And yes, Bernie is white too, regardless of what the alt.right says about Jews.) Did anyone “expect” that whites should not vote for any of them?

  30. Marc
    The right hasn’t been a mainstay of anti-semitism since the days of the Birchers, WFB set things straight many decades ago. Sure there are always nutz, but I think you’ld find most anti-semitism on college campuses now days and not in the Alt-right. It wasn’t a Republican administration that tried to turn Egypt over to the Muslim Brotherhood or spent cash through their surrogate NGOs to influence elections in Israel.

    The right’s opposition to Bernie had nothing to do with his religious background, it was that he was a self proclaimed Marxist.

  31. Come to think of it Murray Rothbard often had a fairly Ivy/Trad/Collegiate style. Though he wore mostly bow-ties they were often regimental or ancient madder, mostly wore P3 glasses, and in many of the pictures of him he is wearing a blue blazer with gold buttons and specifically three buttons on the sleeve cuffs…but cant speculate what brand they were.

  32. Murray Rothbard | November 10, 2016 at 2:17 pm |

    Bernie Sanders was a self-proclaimed Scandinavian-style democratic socialist, but sure, let’s ignore nuance. It makes me feel better about incorrectly referring to Trump as a fascist, when in reality, he’s merely an authoritarian nationalist.

    Regardless of the right’s attitude toward Bernie Sanders, the Trump campaign did use anti-Semitic overtones in its marketing.

  33. Murray Rothbard | November 10, 2016 at 2:22 pm |


    See also Jeff Tucker, who has a very Southern Trad kind of thing going on with his seersucker suits and bow ties. Perhaps even closer to home, his protégé Jeff Deist was, at one time, a fairly regular poster on the Ask Andy trad forum.

    Anarcho-capitalistically yours,


  34. Devil’s Advocacy:

    Isn’t Trump considered the more reliable friend to Israel?

    “Fascist” Trump was elected democratically. Those on the other side vituperative about the stupidity of their fellow Americans should start to consider admitting whether that they in truth are against democracy and would prefer a benign fascism of rule by enlightened elites who know better than the common man, or what Neil DeGrasse Tyson called Rationalia. (Love the “Cosmos” series, BTW!)

    Ah yes, Scandinavia: where all the white people are.

    Yr Mst Humble & Obedient Servant,


  35. Murray Rothbard | November 10, 2016 at 2:54 pm |

    Lucifer Morningstar,

    (1) Technically Rationalia would be a technocratic dictatorship, not a fascist state. Fascism, precisely, combines hyper-nationalism, a corporatist/syndicalist economic outlook, a romantic view of militarism, and palingenesia (a sort of heroic rebirth by which the nation becomes “great again.”) But since we’re throwing nuance out the door, I still don’t feel guilty about calling Trump a fascist, even if he is merely an authoritarian nationalist.

    (2) I don’t see any reason to believe that hawkish HRC would not be a more reliable friend to Israel than isolationist Trump. Either way, the USA has about 6.5 million Jewish citizens and we have immediate concerns beyond the hypothetical safety of Israel. The fact that the Trump campaign ran an ad with anti-Semitic overtones earlier this week is troubling if it is any indication of the future.

    (3) Your joke about Scandinavia does not erase the anti-Semitic undertones of calling Bernie Sanders a “self-proclaimed Marxist” when he clearly is not.

    (4) You still haven’t given examples of how contemporary college students present an existential threat to this website other than their general preference for wearing pajama pants to class. Thus, your enthusiasm for attacking their free speech infractions remains unexplained, unless you are an FSC who will also take the Trump administration to task.

    Judaically yours,


  36. Murray Rothbard | November 10, 2016 at 3:02 pm |

    Almost forgot to add, Hitler and Mussolini both rose to power through legal parliamentary means. The Nazi party achieved a plurality in the Reichstag by 1933 and appointed Hitler chancellor. He governed in a coalition with German National People’s Party for about a month.

    In Italy, the Fascist Party formed a coalition government with the Italian People’s Party and appointed Mussolini as Prime Minister. That coalition governed for either 8 months or two years, depending on whether you consider the National Alliance, formed in June of 1923, to be a legitimate coalition government, or transitional quasi-dictatorship.

  37. @Murray

    You don’t read as though you have gotten any of the good stuff for quite a while.


  38. Murray Rothbard | November 10, 2016 at 3:11 pm |

    One more point, Lucifer. It depends how you define democracy. Technically, HRC won the popular vote. Trump was elected by the Electoral College, which is more federalist than democratic in its nature, as it tempers the voting power of larger states.

    Ironically, it was noted Trump surrogate Peter Thiele who said “Most importantly, I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.”

  39. correction, haven’t gotten

  40. Murray Rothbard | November 10, 2016 at 3:15 pm |

    Wifebeater Will,

    You don’t read as though your wife engages in consensual sex with your peanut butter jar.


  41. @Murray

    Do you find it as interesting as I that Hillary won the Commonwealth of Virginia by almost the exact number of felons who suddenly had their voting rights restored?

    Will in Virginia Beach

  42. I fully agree the Electoral College is an anachronism and makes no sense. Said on our FB page before the election they should do away with that and further change the system so that Green and Libertarian are viable.

  43. Murray Rothbard | November 10, 2016 at 3:55 pm |


    As a libertarian, I generally believe that, if we’re stuck with demotist institutions, the franchise should not be denied to ex-cons, once they have served their time. Without getting into prison population imbalances or even the reasonableness of the drug war, I will posit this to you: in a country where the state wields phenomenal power to jail citizenry, do you really want to disenfranchise felons? I know you probably oppose it right now, in Virginia, because most of those convicts were probably blacks convicted on drug charges. But what about a different world where shotgun possession is a felony? Or perhaps closer to home for you, what if the state of Virginia really cracked down on marital rape.

    The right to vote is one of the few bulwarks we have against the power of the state. It’s important that we, as classical liberals, fight to protect it.

    Neoclassically yours,


  44. Electoral college is a good thing. It works for its intended purpose.

    Let the other party candidates take part in debates.

    Mr. Murray, relax please.

  45. The popular vote doesn’t matter in elections where both candidates ran campaigns to win the electoral college. The results would have been different had they ran campaigns for the most votes.

    Let’s take the word of the man who coin the word ‘Fascism” in his book “Fascism”, Benito Mussolini. He was a Marxist his whole adult life, both in politics and the media. Both German and Italian fascism were Marxist. The only difference between Communism and Fascism is the ownership of the means of production, both have central planning. In Fascism when the central planning goes bad, the leaders blame the factory owners. In Communism when the central planning goes bad, the leaders lie about it. Socialism is based on Marxism.

  46. The Electoral College has the same rationale behind it as our House of Representatives. If we have reverence for the founding ideas of this country, I think it is best that we respect an institution they clearly laid out in the Constitution. The best case against a popular democracy style election lies in the state of Maryland, where the governorship us essentially decided by 3 counties and the views of the rest of the state are ignored. At least in my own research, Federalist 10 and 51 provided me with a compelling case for the sort of grouping of the population that allows for a more fairly apportioned say that is defended in those texts.

    Your collegiate fellow,

  47. Murray Rothbard | November 10, 2016 at 6:04 pm |


    Get your facts straight. Mussolini and Hitler were both explicitly anti-Marxist. The Fascists and the Nazis both formed coalition governments with major corporatist conservative allies with the Communists and Social Democrats in opposition. If there is any political-philosophical tradition that Mussolini would have directly linked himself to, it was George Sorel’s syndicalism. Hitler was primarily influenced by Anton Drexler and the Thule Society. They (and Hitler) considered Marxism to be the height of Jewish decadence.

    I don’t know if you’re willfully disregarding this stuff or if you were just ignorant, but hopefully you’ve learned something.


  48. Scotch & Soda | November 10, 2016 at 8:16 pm |

    Happy Days Are Here Again
    This will be better than good. Perfect? What is? But, is there something about an economic boom not to like? Lower corporate taxes spur capital formation, business start-up, employment surges, prosperity and growth. Which gets us to the heart of the matter, which is Ivy/Preppy Style. The Brooks Bros, J Press, L.L. Bean, oxford button-downs, khaki twills, penny loafers, white bucs, snaffle-bits, tartan shirts, bow ties, silk repps, Madras and Seersucker will be flying off the shelves. Somewhere up there Bill Buckley is smiling. And JFK with him. Ivy Renaissance. Welcome Back, America — now let’s get out there and show ’em how to dress.

  49. I like your attitude, Scotch, wish we had more hopeful people like you around these comment sections.

  50. Mr. Rothbard,

    I’ve never been a fan of Tucker’s style but I appreciate his everyday formality, and I didn’t know that about Deist. Tucker style seems very European to me, like von Mises he prefers double breasted and cufflinks and seems to rarely wear a natural shoulder.

  51. Wasn’t an important pledge of Mr. Trump to “drain the swamp?” Seems like yesterday’s tour of Washington was anything but. Suddenly, The President is a “good guy” with “many accomplishments” and “we’ll have many, many more meetings like this one, including consultations.” WTF — How did that happen? Oh, right, the election is over. Time to make nice.

    I guess part of the election being over means you also get to be walked around by Ryan and O’Connell, both grinning like wolves as they strive to show solidarity with Trump. Hmmm, I thought Trump was the outsider? Same old song, just different people, I guess. Right, the election is over.

    And, all the outsiders making up the transition team and the names being floated out for appointments — well, not really outsiders, are they. Politicians, Wall St types, lobbyists, beltway insiders and aging pols from other failed eras. Oh, those white voters who see the system as broken and held their noses and voted for a draining of the swamp and real change change — oh, what happened to them? And what about those like WFBjr (and, to be fair, many, many others) who clearly saw the flaws but voted for him anyway and are now making excuses to rationalize their choice? Yes, he was a dem and does have some liberal ideas, but overall he’s going to be a good conservative. Really? I guess he’s changing again because in one day, their guy turns into a total insider! But, you should know, already, the election is over. Nonetheless, I can’t help wondering with so many thinking #NotMyPresident and so many about to realize they’ve just been screwed by one of the biggest cons in American political history how this country will fair over the next few years.

  52. Murray
    I look at the big picture, both Fascism and Communism are Marxist regardless of what filters the proponents got that way. Hitler’s only real problem with Soviet communism is that he thought they were doing it wrong.

  53. Bravely written Murray

  54. Eddie Burke
    The making nice is an American tradition, it’s the dance we go through to insure a bloodless transfer of power, it’s optics.

    #NotMyPresident are in Obama’s words the just new “bitter clingers”. They are Progressive suffering from Oikophobia. But I do understand why they riot, it’s only fair, remembering the Republicans’ riots after the last two elections?

    No one is under the illusion that Trump in nothing more than moderate old school Kennedy democrat. He will resend Obama’s EOs with a “pen and Phone”. The XL pipeline will be built, there will be due process afforded to men accused of sexual assault on campuses, Nuns won’t have to pay for others’ birth control and parents won’t have to worry about their 8 yr old daughters having to use a public restroom stall next to a 45 yr old tranny taking a dump in Target, etc,……. All with a “pen and phone”, because Obama has not used Congress to pass laws for the last 6 years. Obama’s legacy is dead.

    Yes, there will be establishment types in the administration, because you wouldn’t want you or me being in the cabinet. Hopefully none of his appointments will be closet Progressives.

    I won’t go it to the fact that conservatives will control the Supreme Court for the next 30 years. I look forward to the swearing in of Ted Cruz. 😉

  55. Making nice may be a tradition, but what I saw was more than optics. Obama schooled Trump on how these things are and what is expected of in the transition, since Trump threatened blood in the streets if the ‘rigged’ election didn’t go his way. Oh, how soon the amnesia arrives.

    Right you are. Republicans didn’t riot after the last two elections (and these are protests, not riots, BTW, across 25 cities in America. And, protests in Nashville and Milwaukee! This goes deep and probably will last for a while.) Republicans just made it their game plan to obstruct anything the president proposed after the last two elections. It’s the reason Obama didn’t use Congress to pass laws.

    Obama’s legacy may be dead but so is the Republican Party. Republicans are salivating over control of the three branches and rushing to enact laws that take apart the Obama legacy and further their agenda. Nothing has changed there. Just remember, Trump was elected by people who are really hurting in the middle of the country. They could care less about birth control, who sits on the Supreme Court or who is sitting on the public toilet. They wore his red baseball hats and voted for him, even though most had also voted for Obama, because they wanted a massive shakeup in Washington, which Trump promised over and over. Neither Trump nor the Republican Party is now showing any indication they will address their needs by putting establishment and Wall St types in the administration. These, of course, are Trumps real people. Oh, yes, the election is over. Those who voted for him will quickly come to realize that Trump is also an elite and that the red baseball hats really don’t go with the Brioni. Once they do realize this, there may be real blood in the streets, especially if they join those already protesting Trump because of his racism, sexism, xenophobia and crypto-fascism.

    Have a nice day 🙂

  56. Yes for eight years Obama’s main concern was the “middle of the Country”. Time will tell, but then every Republican President or nominee since WWII has been crypto-fascist and racist, but it never proves out in reality.

    Remember how the best and brightest prior to election night for the last two years at least that the Republican Party was dead? Well now they control the majority of state governments, soon all three branches of the Federal government. The Democrat Party has nothing but progressive wackos on their thin bench and most of their powerful politicians work for Municipalities.

    Time will tell, as always predictions come and go. Gentlemen can disagree.

    Have a great day and a great weekend!


    • Mac McConnell,
      A quote comes to mind from Bill Buckley, ““Now listen, you queer. Stop calling me a crypto-Nazi or I’ll sock you in your goddamn face and you’ll stay plastered.”

  57. Portland was a riot.

  58. Dear Messrs. Eddie and Murray (quaint):

    You speak with that imperious, seigneurial tone that intimates you’re sniping little strivers with little in the way of manners. I’m surprised you don’t pledge fidelity to Herr Trump since you both adopt his high-handed dismissiveness of other’s views. I can speak for my entire circle, all make >$100k and all higher educated, and we aren’t hurting. We didn’t vote for him because we are hurting. I’ve paid over $45k in income taxes this year. That’s really the only pain I’m feeling, of someone clawing their pound of flesh from me all while 45% of Americans will pay no taxes and enjoy every program we have to offer without compunction over the fact they’ve paid nothing. My people simply believe in a small federal government, that intervenes rarely, passes few laws and spends little money ($3.5T annually with almost $20T in debt). HRC certainly wasn’t going to bring us closer to these principles. While Donny may be just like GW, GHW, Reagan in his pseudo conservatism, we’ll make do as we always have. Additionally, being a nativist doesn’t make one xenophobic and believing that the 11M illegals (and the future children they’ll spawn) in the US are quite enough at this point. Since our government programs will cavitate if we continue at our current rate let’s call a “time out” assimilate the 11M and maybe revisit the open borders policy in say, oh, 100 years from now. And yes those are riots, people getting shot, things being broken while people shout and clamor with congeries of emotion constitutes a riot. Certainly odd for a party that prides itself on coueism and immanentizing the eschaton. Ameliorating themselves to death if you ask me.



  59. jacobsb17

    They hated each other, but the first in a argument to insult is the default loser. 😉

  60. “Sniping little strives” with ‘that imperious, seigneurial tone” – LOL. What is it about conservatives confronting viewpoints contrary to their opinion? They always seem to knee-jerk into casting aspersions with an ad hominem attack. Is it cynicism or just laziness? I can never understand it. Even the namesake couldn’t resist the urge to call Vidal a queer and threaten to hit him on national live television. I suppose the stress was just too much after being decisively thrashed by Vidal night after night, but name-calling is so common it does seem like a conservative trait.

    No one cares how many shekels one earns or how much is doled to the tax man. Broadcasting your wages and tax payments suggest you are the striver, wanting everyone to know how much you pay in taxes. News Flash: Everyone bears that burden. Well, maybe not Mr. President-Elect. After all, his business acumen led him to apparently lose nearly a billion shekels, so he is apparently also able to claim those losses against current incomes for the last 18 years or so. It must be nice to be able to bankrupt an operation and the associated investors and then be rewarded handsomely for it.

    You cry about big government, but Republicans seem to grow the government whenever in power. Reagan for example, added over 250,000 new federal employees and left the country with a huge deficit after spending like a drunken sailor. Clinton not only reduced the deficit but also cut over 300,000 federal employees. Bush 2 created a whole new federal agency (Department of Homeland Security) which is a department of redundancy department and, after 15 years of doing little to nothing, still makes us de-shoe at airports.

    Even under Obama, the size of the federal workforce is substantially less than it was under Regan and GHW Bush. And, those two wars Bush 2 and Cheney got us into cost $6 Trillion-plus and killed many, many people. The programs you despise don’t cost nearly that and try to help people, not kill them. So don’t tell me ‘Donny’ (Christ, are you actually calling him that now?) is like other republicans and is, therefore, the better choice. He has already decided today after talking with Obama for less an hour that parts of Obamacare will now be retained.

    And the riots. I do like how you jump right onto the riot talk. One out of 25 demonstrations becames violent and all you do raise alarms about violence. Certainly, no one wants to see that. There also have been numerous incidents of racial aggression and bigotry since the election in different parts of the country. All seem to be motivated by Trump’s election, apparently Trumps awful campaign behavior has made people feel it’s now okay to be aggressive towards others. But no mention is made of that. Why?

    One last point. The young, mostly college kids (who have been disparaged here as “snowflakes”) are the ones most upset about the Trump election. As we have already seen on campuses this past year, they are quite sensitive to racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. By 2020, an additional 12 million will join their ranks as eligible voters and become one of the largest of voter cohorts. If they radicalize today, which seems exactly like what is happening, you may not even be able to wear an OCBD shirt in public let alone expect to see conservative ideas dominate in politics!

  61. Eddie
    I always thought WFB showed a lot of restraint, but then I’m not the gentleman WFB was. I would have probably put a blowhole where Vidal’s nose and mouth once were. I mean what is worse queer or crypto-Nazi? Call me a queer all day long or Dbag or A-hole etc I’ll just grin.

    Radicalised students just insure Republican rule. We’ve been through this before, it gave us Nixon. These rioters I’ve seen on TV don’t even speak fluent English and carry foreign flags. They seem to be the same paid brown shirts sent to foment violence at Trump rallies by Soros types. Their “Not My President” doesn’t bother me since Trump isn’t their President Elect, many of them being Mexican, Honduran and Guatemalan nationals.

    I’m all for peaceful protest, but once it becomes violent and destructive rubber bullets are a great remedy. Of course I still am waiting media calls for the Democrats to calm the situation.

  62. Eddie:

    You sad, insipid little millennial. Ignoratio elenchi; your fulminations over Reagan and Bush aligned with what I wrote. I have a hunch that you cant read due to an inferior “see, say” reading education at the hands of the NEA public school czars because if you could read you would have read that I deplore the spendthrift mentality of the Republicans (I called them pseudo conservatives, you muppet). I don’t think Reagan was a great President but I do think he broke the back of communist aggression albeit at a high price. I agree he expanded government which is why my vote will always be with Senator Goldwater.

    And no the tax burden is not shared by all you truculent, obstreperous Philistine. Almost half the American populace pays no income tax. So, no, that’s not a burden most (including you) bare. It costs America $15k per year to educate a child. The highest cost in the world yet we rank below average in math, science and reading (as you have so wonderfully shown). A sizable portion of the “parents” sending their kids off to school aren’t paying for it yet are expecting me to pick up the $100B tab. Along with FoodStamps ($75B), Medicare/Medicaid ($1T), unemployment ($1.3T), Housing ($61B) and every other program I’ll never use. 45 million Americans are on food stamps i.e. paying no taxes yet getting a refund for their EIC and dependent deductions. We’re going the way of Rome: open borders, costly wars, government hand outs and a sports obsessed, illiterate society (bread and circuses). I’m buying a blue water yacht, expatriating (J. Galt) and island hopping the Caribbean while you and your bloviating snowflakes chart a ludic and gadarene course into the abyss. In the meantime you should try beefing up your obsequious leftist posturing. More facts darling, less puckish irascibility and impudence. You’ll never defenestrate the establishment with such vacuous articulation of someone else’s credenda.

    You are right, racism and jack-booted hooliganism has existed in this country for a long time as this link proves

    And yes, we will always be able to wear our OCBD’s in public insofar as we will always control the capital. It’s the golden rule: he who has the gold makes the rules. So if you think a gambling, folderol filled mob of millennials is going to bully us into changing our attire, guffaw! Additionally we understand our 2nd Amendment rights and have no problem defending ourselves when accosted.

  63. “You sad, insipid little millennial.” My, oh my. The feigned polite way of saying, “go fuck yourself.” It’s just as coarse and disrespectful. I stopped reading at that point. One thing I have learned is that it is fruitless to engage in internet debates, especially with churlish, foolish men caught up in the miasma of their pseudo-intellectualism, clouding, nay, obliterating, any semblance of reason, civility and good judgement.

  64. @WFB

    Spanish Wells, Bahamas. Cheoy Lee Pedrick 41. Hendricks in the fridge. Reds and boat shoes. Patrician wife in white bikini bottoms……a fellow can dream.

    Reality. Virginia Beach. Hampton One put stored for the winter. Hendricks in the fridge. Reds, white oxford and boat shoes. Patrician wife making me coffee in LLBean robe. A beautiful day ahead. Hey, this is pretty good too.


    Do try to find some kind of enjoyment in your life.


  65. Hampton One boat not put

  66. @sacksuit how wonderful a word picture you can paint. I have my eyes on a Hinckley Bermuda 40 and a Valiant 40.

    @Eddie we all have a feeling that you stopped reading long ago. As for your exeunt recall the words of St. Jerome “Dum excusare credis, accusas.”

  67. Eddie
    We all know the disappointment of our candidate losing, so we can empathize to a point. I can also understand how the impact might be more traumatic for a young involved person’s first election, but to protest a fair election is to protest Democracy. Besides it’s not like someone’s mother died.

  68. Jock Hamilton | November 12, 2016 at 6:48 pm |

    WFB –

    You must have a shit accountant. I made $130k in 2015 and paid a little over $3k in Federal income taxes.

    Also, I’m on your team, but your writing style is extremely pretentious and kind of undercuts your arguments. I know you’re just trying to out-elitist these libtards, but it’s not necessary to sink to their level.


  69. Please let us all know your accountant. He’ll appreciate the free ad.

  70. @Jock

    There are no blue water yachts in your future. Incidentally, gentlemen do not discuss their income. Not cricket.


  71. Since the tax filing year isn’t over, Jock, save your derogation of my tax professionals until they have a chance to expiate on my behalf. Consequently, based upon your income that’s absolutely impossible within the constraints of the law; unless you took an absolute bath in the market or on a capital loss. Be careful wth TurboTax.

    I’ll make the assumption you’re unfamiliar with my nom de plume and the quasi-satirical tone I take as a result.

  72. Jock Hamilton | November 12, 2016 at 8:08 pm |

    Christian, I use Jerry Tipton here in Knoxville.

    WFB, I have a stay at home wife who takes care of our sons Hunter and Hank and and we file a joint return. That’s worth a few solid exemptions. We own a house, so we get deductions for that, we put a reasonable amount into an IRA, we use an HSA, and we tithe 10%. We’re just taking advantage of the incentives out there for being a normal American family.

    I suppose a bachelor without children, or a house, or a church, might pay more in taxes, but I figured that doesn’t apply to people on this site. Except maybe the jew you’re arguing with, since he doesn’t go to church, but they’re smart people and usually figure something out.

    Will, I’m not really sure what you mean. I’m not a beach guy like you.


  73. Jock,
    Since when did you ever know a jew named Eddie?

    You are totally right. Gentlemen do not discuss their income, nor what they may pay in taxes, unless you are a presidential candidate, except, I suppose, Trump. Anyway, you are right. Definitely not cricket. Tell that to the dopey, non-gentleman who thinks he is Bill Buckley (not even close). BTW, I’ve been sailing since a long time. The family boat is a Herreshoff WH 15 – ever hear of it? So, I do have a life, mate, at least in the summers, sailing LI Sound and up the Mass coast.

  74. Eddie:

    As Donny did during his acceptance speech, I offer you these resources as an irenic gesture:

    Here’s a link to help your journey towards literacy. It should “totally” help you. Pick up Turabians manual as well. Before you know it you’ll be able to read and write like a man of arts and letters. Also, Roget’s may be of help to you.

    Additionally, insecurity when speaking of religion, politics or money is a distinctly prole convention. As long as one’s manner isn’t peremptory, these discussions among colleagues should be welcomed.


    So HSA limit is $6500, IRA is $5500, say $10k for mortgage interest (aggressive for Knoxville), $13k for tithe, $9400 for FICA, $2k for kids. So say all this gets you into the 15% bracket ($18550-73000) that’s still $10-11k in taxes. You’d have to somehow get your taxable income all the way down to $20,000 to only pay $3000 in taxes. Even if you did take a bath on your investments you can only deduct up to $25k in “passive activity” losses. This would take you down to $48k in taxable income. How in God’s name did you come up with another $28k in deductions and/or losses? My line of work involves these types of calculations so pardon my fastidious inquisitiveness. Call it a hobby of mine.

  75. @Jock

    Income<Blue Water Yacht. Why the Jew talk?


    The Watch Hill is a lovely boat.

    Mazel Tov


  76. Mr. Bill

    You think you write well, but it just doesn’t flow. Your peacocky sermons are a pompous dribble of constipated claptrap. I know it comes from a costive mind, but try starting with your bowels. A sound body leads to a sound mind, you know. Help will be found here:,,20920856,00.html


  77. Eddie:

    You are getting there! Keep it up; I see my resources have already made a difference. As Churchill said, “Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.” Which is great news for you. Fortis strenuaque sustineas. You wouldn’t happen to be related to Bryan Holloway?

  78. Are you waiting by your computer to jump on the next post? You keep making rapid replies. Try other pursuits beside internet arguments. It will round out your hard-edges. Even though you haven’t been successful in everyday interactions, don’t despair. Here’s an apt moto for you: “Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” Write that down and keep it handy. Repeat it daily, followed by three Hail Mary’s. It will change your life.

    I know you think you are a great wordsmith, but frankly, you are no Bill Buckley. You are more akin to Truman Capote in your on-line manners and behavior. He made the quote above. He also said “A conversation is a dialogue, not a monologue.” It’s something you should totally contemplate. By the way, you wouldn’t happen to be bi-sexual?

    That ends it for me. Have fun with your internet arguments. They totally aren’t worth my time.

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