Several things are afoot in Ivyland across the pond.
• First off, a new edition of “Hollywood And The Ivy Look” has garnered press in The Telegraph, where Hollywood is said to have had an “obsession” with the Ivy League Look.
• Also in the press department, the John Simons shop got a write-up on The Huffington Post.
• There are new shirts in Graham Marsh’s Vintage Ivy collection at Kamakura Shirts. (In related Kamakura news, the company informs us that its website has been revamped and now includes an improved search function, personal account system, credit card payments, new videos, and a monthly newsletter.)
• We were also contacted recently by the brand Harry Stedman, which has an Ivy and vintage Americana influence. Check them out here.
• Finally, notorious Internet troll and Ivy guru/sociopath Jimmy Frost Mellor (aka “Russell Street”) recently talked Ivy on this podcast, coming in around the 1:54:12 mark.
• And after a year of excommunication, Frost Mellor has been allowed back on the FNB Talk Ivy forum, where he is reportedly posting under the username “Incognito.” One of Talk Ivy’s “mods” (pun obviously intended) assures us he will watch his mouth.
Ever heard the fable of the frog and the scorpion? — CC
Jimmy in his current incarnation has been well behaved on FNB. The new meds appear to be working.
You know we are a small group when we keep up with the antics of single members. This reads like a church bulletin.
Funny line, though only the Frost Mellor part (he certainly thinks he’s Ivy’s messiah/antichrist, so your analogy is fitting). Kamakura and John Simons are rather renowned parishioners, however. And previous posts were on “Billax,” Martin Greenfield and myself.
I prefer the notion of a Tradsville Gazette.
The fable of the frog and the scorpion has an alternate ending.
The setting is the Jordan River (or the Nile).
When the frog asks the scorpion why he stung him, causing both of them to drown, the scorpion replies:
“This is the Middle East.”
“Geriatric Terrible” is my latest accolade.