Last week saw the deaths of two accomplished men. They came from very different backgrounds, but both would have crossed paths, metaphorically speaking, in the society pages. One as subject, the other as reporter.
Frank Zachary (pictured above) was the editor of Town & Country during the WASPy ’80s. The son of Croatian immigrants and raised in Pittsburgh, his colleagues included John O’Hara and Slim Aarons. Town & Country has a tribute to him here.
In contrast, born with a silver spoon was Hugh “Yusha” Auchincloss III, step-brother of Jacqueline Kennedy and a fixture of Newport society. From the Newport page at
Auchincloss attended Groton School in Groton, Mass., before he joined the United States Marine Corps when he graduated in 1945.
In 1947, he entered Yale University and in the 1950s, completed two tours of duty in Korea and studied at the American University of Beirut.
Later, Auchincloss served with the U.S. delegation to the United Nations and published a book on his early life growing up alongside Jackie, “Growing up with Jackie: My Memories, 1941-1953.”
Hammersmith [the family estate] was purchased by John W. Auchincloss in 1887. It was the backdrop for as royal-seeming as any moment in American history when Jackie and JFK held their wedding reception there and it was promptly featured on the front page of the New York Times the following day.
Auchincloss was related to the novelist Louis Auchincloss, and by marriage to Gore Vidal. Here is his father’s Wikipedia entry.
“Yusha,” as he was known, is to the right of JFK in the photo below. — CC
The revamped site looks good! Now, would it be possible to add a feature, one found on many other sites? I would really love to see links to the previous and next articles; those links are usually found at the botttom of the page, and make navigating the site much easier.
Thanks, Henry. Full announcement coming tomorrow with explanation of all the new features. Also still much tinkering to do.
Not sure what you mean about links, as you can already see the previous 24 articles now on the front page. Do you mean at the bottom of each individual post? In other words, you go to the site, click on the top story, and then are able to visit the past few from the bottom of that page, without having to go back to the home page?
Very attractive, reader-friendly layout.
Articles back to 2008 easily available at fingertip.
New layout is totally user-friendly (and the font easy on aging eyes) on an Apple iPhone 6.
As traditionalists, a lot of us around here can be resistant to change, but the new layout looks great. Kudos to Christian!
The new layout (for mobile?) looks great. Well done, Christian!
New site is awesome! Nice job.
I am a big fan of the new format as well.
Looks great !
Thank you for this tribute to Frank Zachary, the last of the great magazine editors. I was privileged to work for Frank more than a dozen years at T&C, and I am ever grateful for that experience.
Bruce, had a feeling you would have worked with him.