The Show Was Amazing – And…

We got some family secrets, Richard sang, and explained how he at 85 is still cool to teenagers. Editing now, will post link tomorrow. Some of your questions made it. Also, the Ivy-Style podcast, being organized, will have the balance of your fashion related questions for sure. Richard is an amazing guy.

4 Comments on "The Show Was Amazing – And…"

  1. I’m excited for the debut of this new celebration of Ivy-Style and much look forward to giving both shows a listen when they’re out.

  2. Carlton Chiswick | November 4, 2022 at 11:51 pm |

    Found it impossible to access the broadcast.
    Did others have the same experience?
    Will it possibly be posted on this site?

  3. Carlton – From the post: “Editing now, will post link tomorrow” (so hopefully we’ll see it soon!)

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