The Main Street Ivy Executive

If you can’t become an executive with an Ivy degree, perhaps you can with an Ivy League suit (after all, fake it till you make it, right?) This image was snapped by contributing writer Eric Twardzik; he found it on the wall of an independent menswear shop called Giblee’s in Danvers, MA. Glad to know they’re still around, and perhaps in the comments section ET can let us know what the current wares are like. — CC

14 Comments on "The Main Street Ivy Executive"

  1. Boston Bean | March 22, 2018 at 12:26 pm |

    Unfortunately, here’s what Giblee’s has become:

    By the way, they have also dropped the apostrophe.

  2. “Come in once, you’ll be a customer for life.”

    Maybe. But I’m not going in there even once, based on that advert. Blecchh.

  3. Bill Aptaptin | March 22, 2018 at 1:53 pm |

    Looks like Lee Marin starring in a remake of “Man in the Gray Flannel Suit”, script by John Cheever

  4. Boston Bean, that is tragic. It looks as though Giblee’s has been commandeered by Italians. Note the use of the word ‘fashion’ in place of ‘Ivy’ in that sorry advert. Should have changed the name to ‘Gibli’s.’

  5. Here’s that great Italian creation, the Ghibli:

  6. Vern Trotter | March 22, 2018 at 6:39 pm |

    I have been told this store just bought Zareh’s, a more trad type store in Boston, in business since 1933. It deserves our admiration. I don’t know any of the details but I wish I owned it.

  7. Henry Contestwinner | March 22, 2018 at 6:39 pm |

    Fun Facts to Know and Share!

    The Italian word ghibli, pronounced with a hard g, means ‘desert wind’ and was the nickname of a WWII-era Italian airplane. This name is the source of the famous Japanese animated movie company Studio Ghibli, which is pronounced (ugh) with a soft g.

  8. If we go with the ’61 as the heart (chronologically speaking) of the Ivy Heyday and Andover as the potentially Ivyiest school in America at that time, the favored dimensions were considerably wider than what we see on “Mr. Main Street” in the above sketch, and high rolled (above the top button) lapels were few and far between. Three and a half inch (at least) lapels, and maybe 2 7/8″ blade ties. Straight fit (minimal taper) pants.

    The weirdo skinniness takes hold around ’65 but then disappears a couple of years later. Funny how many affiliate that skinniness with Ivy, but, with the exception of neckties, the dimensions were closer to 1971. And there’s this: the affiliation with “Mod” is difficult to ignore.

  9. Huntington Mead | March 23, 2018 at 12:17 pm |

    More of Giblees’ tasteful offerings:

  10. Zareh’s seems ‘trad’ at least. Their website lists their offerings:

    Read somewhere that Giblees will not be changing anything at Zareh’s. Let’s hope they’re not lying.

    Joel, that’s a rather cheap shot for a supposed gentlemanly conservative like yourself but if you insist on calling me by my name, call me Gerry.

  11. Charlottesville | March 23, 2018 at 2:48 pm |

    While S.E. is undoubtedly correct regarding lapel roll and width in the newspaper ad, I would love to see men dressed with even half of this level of sophistication and taste on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the stuff in the video ad is more like what I see on most men. The club collar is a nice touch, which also occasionally decorates the exalted neck of Mr. Chensvold as well as that of your humble comment leaver. I recall that “Botany 500 tailored by Daroff” did the wardrobe for Dick Van Dyke on his early 60’s TV show, available on Netflix. Not Ivy, but still so much better than just about anything today, including most of the offerings of the much lamented Brooks Brothers. Once again, three cheers for the newly invigorated J. Press and stalwarts like O’Connell’s and Eljo’s.

  12. Poison Ivy Leaguer | April 5, 2018 at 4:50 pm |

    And let’s not forget that Botany 500 (headquartered on North Broad Street in Philadelphia, home of the World Champion Eagles) dressed Ryan O’Neil in Love Story; he looked pretty good.

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