Pucker Up

smooch 2

Pucker up, and we’re not talking to your oxford cloth.

Today is International Kissing Day, and somehow we feel that a kiss in this vintage Norman Hilton ad is inevitable.* — CC


* Despite what you may have seen in old movies, always ask permission before kissing someone.

6 Comments on "Pucker Up"

  1. Always thought this guy looked like Bashar al-Assad…

  2. Bashar al-Assad has more gerbil in his DNA.

  3. Is that a traditional Ivy outfit in black?

  4. The text in the advertisement, along with the picture, seems to say that the sport coat shown is a summer-weight wool pincord and not seersucker.

  5. “Always ask permission before kissing someone”
    Reason #235 why nice guys finish last.

  6. … and the other guys have their academic careers finished.

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