Miles Away: An Update On Cheadle’s Davis Biopic

Don Cheadle’s Miles Davis film project is apparently climbing slowly but surely through the rings of development hell, though the light of day may be miles away.

According to reports, the music rights have been secured and there’s a script that focuses on one 36-hour period of the jazz great’s life. Perhaps befitting a small budget (which it has yet to secure), the project is not a conventional biopic with an A to B narrative arc.

You can find the latest updates on the state of the project on this Miles Davis website.

Davis and Charlie Davidson of The Andover Shop, who dressed Miles briefly around 1954, were my inspiration for starting — CC

71 Comments on "Miles Away: An Update On Cheadle’s Davis Biopic"

  1. D.B. McWeeberton | May 1, 2012 at 12:37 pm |

    From the link, it looks like the film is set in 1979, so don’t be expectin’ any Ivy looks!

  2. Christian | May 1, 2012 at 1:58 pm |

    Maybe there’ll be a flashback.

  3. M Arthur | May 1, 2012 at 6:15 pm |

    Bring on the finished product!! MD was truly one of the greats….clothes or no clothes!

  4. Look at the button down collar. Wow. Perfect roll, no? I would guess four inches at least, unbuttoned and lying flat. A thing of beauty.

  5. I really enjoy these posts about the Ivy-jazz connection, but I find myself wondering if readers walk away with the impression that the only historical connection that African-Americans had to the Ivy League and Ivy style were as jazz musicians. African-American students, while outnumbered by their white classmates, have attended Ivy League schools since 1838 and the great traditional prep schools since around the same period, and have more often than not, shared the same sartorial habits.

    A related aside: some might also be surprised to know that the traditions of the African-American upper class (which, incidentally, was largely of “mulatto”/mixed-race origin before the 1950’s) were very similar to those of their WASP counterparts. (Part of this is simply due to the fact that they often share ancestors…)
    Also, speaking of the Kennedys, the heterogeneity of the “WASP” cultural world also deserves mention–e.g. the Kennedys as the quintessential Irish Catholic family that did well or the old elite Sephardic (Spanish & Portuguese Jewish via Holland) Jewish families of the early colonial period that today have descendants in WASP-identified and Jewish-identified families alike.

  6. (Correction: 1828, not 1838 Theodore Sedgewick Wright graduated from Princeton in 1828)

  7. Dutch Uncle | May 2, 2012 at 7:00 pm |

    Lest the wrong impression be given, shall we make it clear that there are Ivy afficionados who would no sooner listen to jazz (of any color) than they would wear flipflops, baseball caps, or artificial fibers?

    Personally, anything more recent than Vivaldi has no place among my favorites.

  8. What is this fixation with jazz that all US ivyists have? You should come to the UK, where we know that ivy style is about the wasp establishment.

  9. @Yuca

    You’re absolutely right. Of course it’s about the WASP Establishment.

    The problem is that Americans have to pretend to believe in equality and deny the fact that Ivy style is all about elitism. Taking an interest in jazz is part of their Politically Correct democratic pose.

  10. @Camford

    Hey chump, our President came from a single parent home on foodstamps, eventually went to an Ivy, and is now President. How “elitist” of him.

    Jazz is completely irrelevant to the style. Some jazz artists briefly wore the style, as did millions of other Americans. UK people want to connect the two because it makes them feel avant garde, or intellectual, or creative, for wearing chinos.

  11. First, Jazz, as are rock and the blues, are original American creations. All strata of American classes celebrate them to one extent or the other.

    Secondly, ivy style ceased to be all about the WASP establishment shortly with the end of WWII and the GI Bill. Think about it, in 1948, the ivy shop Harolds opened in Oklahoma. Oklahoma was oil wells, cattle ranches and Southern Baptist in 1948.

    Thirdly, in America political correctness is a free choice, in Britain it’s enforced by government. Besides, with the British government’s enforcement of PC and the low WASP birth rate, ivy style is the least of your problems. In fifty year your all going dress like Lawrence of Arabia extras

  12. @Ivy Drip

    The ONE didn’t grow up poor. His mother did get food stamps between stints of being paid well by liberal NGOs and corporations to travel the world. Somehow attending the most prestigious prep school in Hawaii doesn’t jive with being poor.

    By middle class standards the ONE is part of America’s elite, both his parents and grand-parents were connected.

  13. Dutch Uncle,

    Are we to take it, then, that you are not a fan of Brahms, Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Shostakovich, Tschaikovsky, Verdi, Wagner, or even one of the greatest composers of all time, Beethoven?

  14. MAC,

    As opposed to the US, where, in fifty years’ time, those who don’t dress like extras from Lawrence of Arabia will dress like extras from a spaghetti Western set in Mexico?

  15. Henry, at least Mexicans don’t decapitate you, well unless you are working for a rival cartel.

  16. Henry! Beethoven ONE of the greatest?

  17. According to Ivy Drip: ‘UK people want to connect the two because it makes them feel avant garde, or intellectual, or creative, for wearing chinos.’

    I’m a UK person, and I wear chinos, soft collar shirts, longwings etc because I love the look. In other words: aesthetics.

    Associations and history of the clothes are fascinating, but only because I love the look. My favourite music is not jazz, however it’s a fact that jazz is the only genre of music which had large numbers of musicians photographed wearing ivy style. Or perhaps folk did too; either way, jazz and folk were definitely associated with ivy style in the 50s and 60s. Nothing more, nothing less.

    If I wanted to wear ‘avant garde, or intellectual, or creative’ costume there would be other choices that are a lot more obvious and easier to obtain.

    Incidentally, most of the posts I read by US and European ivy fanatics (on FNB Talk Ivy, Ask Andy Trad or various blogs) obviously share a similar mindset i.e. it is a love of the style that motivates them.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

  18. Yuca, well done.

  19. Prediction: One day İvy style may only survive in the U.K.
    Americans will all wind up dressing like Australians.

  20. Would that be the Mad Max Australians, sheep ranch Australians, or cricket club Australasians? 😉

  21. MAC: thanks.

    Raphael: you’re forgetting the Japanese, who are very possibly doing better ivy than the rest of the world combined. (See Tailor Caid and others.) (Incidentally, the entire number of UK ivy wearers may well be less than 30. I suspect our only shop selling the look has survived in large part due to the custom of those who incorporate bits of ivy with high street/designer clothes.)

  22. @MAC

    Australians who started off as imitation Southern Californians but have become even more vulgar than them.

  23. Oh, you mean Greg Norman Austrailians.

  24. Ivy Drip | May 5, 2012 at 9:12 pm |


    You have a very active fantasy life, or you’ve been spoonfed some serious bullshit propganda if you’re actually saying a black kid named Barack Obama being raised by a single white mother in 1960s America was an “elite”!

    “Somehow attending the most prestigious prep school in Hawaii doesn’t jive with being poor.”

    Yeah, well he went to that school on a SCHOLARSHIP, Einstein. I’m sure you know how that works, right?
    So it does “jive”.

    It blows my mind how conservatives hate Obama so much that they will do whatever they can to distort reality to suit their demented hatred.

  25. @Ivy Drip

    You obviously don’t know anything about his family’s history or their affiliations, but you wouldn’t because the press has always be in the bag for him. I never said anything derogatory about the President or his family, what is is. I don’t hate him, I fear his policies.

    Distortion? I’m not the ONE telling you we are at 8.1% unemployment and celebrating it.

  26. @MAC

    Oh, so all that nonsense wasn’t derogatory?
    “affiliations”? WTF? Let me guess, you’re a “birther” too?

    I obviously DO know what I’m talking about. It’s also obvious that you drank a lot of rightwing nutjob kool-aid.

    You “fear his policies”? Why? Because somebody TOLD you be afraid? What policy exactly do you “fear”??
    All this Obama’s a socialist/marxist/ stuff is nonsense.

    The so-called “Obamacare” was based on Republican ideas. The current taxrate is lower than under Bush.
    GM went from bankruptcy to the #1 carmaker because of Obama. Osama Bin Laden no longer walks the earth.
    We have had economic growth every quarter since he inherited the GOP economic collapse.

    You can thank the GOP for the economic collapse. You can also thank the GOP for blocking any legislation to speed up recovery. Limiting Obama to one term is the stated goal of the GOP. Not helping the country. Not fixing the mess they created.

    You should fear the GOP taking the White House, because their only economic plan is the EXACT same one that caused the economic collapse in the first place.

  27. Drip,
    You lose the argument when you start calling names. Tell your unemployed neighbor and the other 88 million who have left the labor force, that aren’t even counted in the 8.1% number how great the ONE is.

    You don’t know anything about the ONE’s education other that where he attended because all those files are sealed.

    I doubt you have a clue to what economic polices lead to this state we are in, nor does the ONE.

  28. Ah, a pity.Just one more turn of the wrench on the
    sink head would’ve done it. Let it be recognized how
    a single drop from the mouth of the truly demented left
    wing psychotic here is a waterfall of insane and pure
    true, rage and hatred. It is joyful how the reality of
    conservatism humiliates and destroys this individuals
    soul. A living septic tank of philosophical waste is he.
    Please cal your local plumber Drip. You are a drip worth
    turning off.

  29. @MAC

    YOU “lose” the argument when you have no answer to anything i said. Nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada.

    All we know is the you “fear” something.

    I guess that’s really all we need to know, to be honest.

  30. @Jinx

    Once again, you’ve got no answer to anything I said.
    Quite telling, actually.

  31. Yes I do Drip- Drop. The answer is you are insane.
    You simply take conservative criticism of liberalism
    and reverse it back towards conservatism.
    All your criticism describes what you truly are.
    SIMPLE. You’re not a challenge.

  32. Drip, I got to laugh.

    Obamacare, the ONES signature achievement, is some how blamed on the GOP. It got two GOP votes. It’s real achievement was that it gave the GOP control of the House in 2010. I thank the ONE, it’s always heartening to have adults in control of at least one branch of the legislature.

    The short circuiting of the GM bankruptcy was actually a UAW bailout on the backs of the US taxpayers and GM bond holders. GM will be back to the for bailouts, all this process did was kick the can down the road and gave the taxpayers 25+% ownership in GM, no socialism here.

    The death of OBL was a good thing, I just wish the ONE would not use the word “I” so much when he talks about the operation. I mean it’s like Nixon taking full credit for the walk on the moon.

    You can call it a GOP economic collapse all you want, but the seeds were planted by Carter, double downed on by Clinton. Bush warned us no less than five times the dangers of the affordable housing act and Dodd, Frank and Kennedy stopped reforms. I give Bush some blame too, he gave up.

    Economic growth of less than 3% with real unemployment at 12% and $5 trillion deficits in 3 1/2 year, what’s to FEAR. The ONE is just a Chicago machine pol and all that implies. He is great guy. I probably would enjoy playing golf with him, but he uses his economic power to payoff bundlers and political allies in a way that would make Nixon blush. He is economically incompetent.

  33. MAC, he doesn’t care what you say,
    what you “quote”, to “prove” your “side”.
    You are automatically disqualified. What part of
    “you drink rightwing nut job kool aid” don’t you get?

    You are conversing with someone insane who says
    YOU- are insane and everything you base your beliefs
    on as well. Your accuracy and truth mean nothing.
    If you want to prove a point to the drip its when you
    finally understand and agree with him.

  34. Jinx, You are right, though I probably shouldn’t indulge in politics on this site and I apologize for that. Economics are probably OK.

    I never let the “kool aid” thing bother me, kool aid is reality based. On the other hand unicorns, composite girl friends and straw men aren’t, to name just a few. 😉

  35. MAC,

    Mexicans are far more dangerous than most people give them credit for.

    I call Beethoven one of the greatest because of Bach and Mozart. No one tops any of them, but which of the three is the greatest? Personal preference, in my book.

    P.S.: One word on a different topic: projection. Dictum sapienti sat est.

  36. Henry

    possibly, true and true.

  37. Ivy Drip | May 7, 2012 at 1:27 am |


    “Obamacare” was originally a Republican idea. The mandate was originally proposed by Republicans. Look it up. Romney’s plan in Massachusetts is essentially the same thing. But as always, when Obama agrees to a Republican idea, they immediately abandon it.

    GM went from bankruptcy to the #1 carmaker in the world, thanks to Obama. That is a fact. Romney is on record as saying “let the auto industry fail”.
    Now GM is making record profits. You can attach whatever “scare words” like socialism you want to it, but you just can’t spin your way out the reality.

    Obama himself was the final say on whether that raid to get Bin laden was going to happen. Many of his advisors said not to do it. If the raid failed we would never hear the end of it from conservatives. But it didn’t, and now conservatives just REFUSE to give any credit to Obama whatsoever. Obama has repeatedly praised the military and intelligence people involved, but that’s not enough for conservatives.

    After 8 YEARS of Bush in office, you are actually going back to the 70s to blame Carter for the economic collapse? You are just delusional.

    If Bush and the GOP didn’t cut taxes while simultaneously waging two wars
    then we wouldn’t have the massive problems we have now. The only way out of a depression is through government spending. That is exactly how we got out of it in the 30s. The recovery was well under way thanks to spending by FDR, and the additional government spending for WW2 took us the rest of the way out.

    What is the GOP “solution”? CUT spending on programs for those most in need, and give tax breaks to millionaires who don’t even need it. Look how that “austerity” has currently failed Britain. They are in a double dip recession now. Jobs will only be created when demand goes up, when people have money to spend. Billionaires aren’t going to automatically start hiring people just because they got a tax break. If there’s no demand they won’t hire any new people. Common sense.


    Everyone knows you’re just insane. Logic and reality don’t even work in your brain. Read the facts I have supplied and just try to let them penetrate your fog of senility.

  38. Drip
    I’ll stand by my previous post, but this will be the last time I overtly discuss politics. I will comment on culture, fashion and economics. I’m surprised Christian has been this tolerant.

    You obviously don’t have a clue as to what caused the economic melt down.

    FDR? His policies didn’t work.

    Think about this, TARP would have happened regardless of who was elected in 2008. Tarp is not popular, but it gave banks time to get their balance sheets right. Now it’s time to get the governments balance sheet in order. The ONE won’t do it

  39. @MAC

    FDR’s policies didn’t work?
    Are you ****ing high?

    Conservatives willful denial of reality is truly mindblowing.

  40. I’d rather be high than uniformed

    FDR’s unemployment rate: 24.9% to 17.2% during the Great Depression, till the WWII draft was started. FDR was a great political leader, no doubt, but his economic policies ineffective. He increase spending just 3.4 over Hoover, but most of that was military build up. His real legacy is the acceptance of government economic regulation and expansion of government.

    Someone once ask Joe Kennedy why he entered government and politics, he answered, Because that’s where the real money is.

  41. “Two UCLA economists say they have figured out why the Great Depression dragged on for almost 15 years, and they blame a suspect previously thought to be beyond reproach: President Franklin D. Roosevelt.”


    “‘The fact that the Depression dragged on for years convinced generations of economists and policy-makers that capitalism could not be trusted to recover from depressions and that significant government intervention was required to achieve good outcomes,’ Cole said. ‘Ironically, our work shows that the recovery would have been very rapid had the government not intervened.'”

  42. Gentlemen…….Drip is of secular reasoning that says
    man is his own god, helper ,provider, and ultimate
    problem solver. All your quotes merely demonstrate
    to him that you still don’t get it.
    Every motivation of the heart, mind and pocket must
    be devoted and dedicated to the absolute perfection
    of equality for all leading to manmade utopia.
    Conservatism is evil no matter what, because it
    does not contribute to a “heaven on earth” equal
    results for “all”.
    Conservatism vs liberalism DOES NOT argue
    from the same premise. You have to condemn
    everything his way of thinking is based on, there
    is no point by point success here.

    Your “points” do nothing but provide him with
    further fuel to twist it into his backwards reality
    where you prove continually just how “evil”
    and anti equality, and anti faith in humanity
    your way of thinking, conservatism really is.
    If he’s wrong and there is an eternal judgement
    seat in the future, that is too evil a concept to
    even consider being true, so forget it.

    Either make your point by rejecting his
    ENITRE BODY of thought and philosophy
    or your always wrong because you keep falling
    for him defining whether you are right or wrong
    according to his standards, not what’s really
    right or wrong according to reality.

  43. Why is it so hard, so *very* hard to just walk away from discussions like this? Nothing good can come from trying to get the last, utterly empty word here.

    Trolls wear J Press too.

  44. I see my original point has been overlooked and the thread has devolved into political bickering…

  45. T&T, I don’t think anyone overlooked your point. I doubt the few black students had that much influence on musical taste of the ivy league. Historically white elites and blacks, of were the main consumers in the beginning of the Jazz Age.

    I don’t think anyone is surprised that there was a African-American elite, both black, mixed race, north and south. There existed free blacks more than a hundred years prior to the Declaration of Independence, both north and south.

    Much of what you posted was obvious, what’s to comment on. That wasn’t
    meant to to be negative. regards.

  46. Because MAC, what he stated at face value may be
    obvious, but he was trying to be a “goodwill ambassador”
    to “enlighten” those who still don’t believe ultimately
    in “equality”. Recognize the equal status of those he
    mentioned in contribution to the Ivy Style as well…..
    lest ye be narrow minded.

  47. Johnny Reb | May 9, 2012 at 3:40 pm |

    Ivy Drip: “FDR’s policies didn’t work? Are you ****ing high?”

    Where the hell were you educated? I think it’s a general consensus today that the New Deal was a failure. Rarely is there a debate among scholars about this nowadays. You confuse noise with progress… very common for a liberal. The national debt doubled in 5 years, from ’32 to ’39. Roosevelt essentially became a dictator, with a blank check to pass legislation as he pleased (every heard of separation of powers or checks and balances?). He tried to pack the Supreme Court with liberal New Dealers who wouldn’t declare his legislation unconstitutional (and most of it was), then tried to change the Constitution himself to increase the number of justices by 6. He tried to “purge” dissenting members of Congress, and failed. And the worse part is that the New Deal did not even cure the Great Depression. Afloat a sea of red ink, it had merely administered aspirin, sedatives, and Band-Aids. Millions were still unemployed in 1939, and FDR was running out of programs and citizens were running out of patience. Meanwhile, the federal government had become the biggest business in the nation, possible even the world.

    The real cure for the Great Depression was World War II. New Dealers even conceded that there had been a lot of graft (taking money that is appropriated to a government program and putting in in your own pocket) and corruption. Many economists and and historians today agree that the New Deal only prolonged the Depression, and a better solution would be to let the economy heal naturally (as Hoover planned to do; instead, people blamed the collapse of the economy on him).

    I take back what I said earlier. Failing to cure the Depression was not the worst part, ushering an unjust sense of entitlement to the ordinary American was. Have you ever wondered why the 10 cities in the United States with the highest level of poverty and unemployment are cities with a legacy of democrat mayors and entitlement spending that have done nothing but encourage indigence and cultures of unfulfilled expectations? It is people like you who began to build and perpetuate a new reality; namely, that success is evil, and private sector philanthropy should be largely replaced by something mandated by the federal government. Whenever it has been the goal of government to create equality of outcome for its people, there has been failure. Our unprecedented success and growth as a fledgling nation was, in large part, due to access to property and a governing philosophy that was driven by a desire to create equality of opportunity. By so doing, our founding fathers and those who followed in their footsteps ensured that a man’s work ethic and a burgeoning private sector economy lifted the spirits and livelihoods of far more people than ever possible in a redistributionist state.

    I think you really need to wake up from the BS dream that Hollywood (I assume you watch films by nuts like Michael Moore, Matt Damon, and Oliver Stone) and empty promises from charismatic politicians sell.

  48. Johnny Reb | May 9, 2012 at 3:41 pm |

    Sorry for reviving the political bickering. I just can’t stand when people think they’re so wise that they can’t be wrong.

  49. Poor Everett.
    He meant so well too.

    Johnny Reb?…………Drip doesn’t care what you state
    as proof that conservative policies “work”. They do not.
    You will not prove or convince him his entire philosophy
    and world outlook is wrong. You are the one who doesn’t
    understand we are all one, one race, the human race
    whose destiny and future depends on all of us coming
    together as one and being there for each other until all
    can equally prosper which ultimately cures mankind
    of all its ills. It is the evil of inequality that causes wars
    and separation and keeps us held back form evolving.

    Now, will anyone else who wishes to convince Ivy Drip
    he is wrong just FORGET IT. HE’S HEARD IT ALL.
    He knows what you’re saying. You are wrong.
    That’s it. He has nothing to else to say to you.

  50. Robert G. | May 9, 2012 at 4:08 pm |

    Why is it just Ivy Drip’s posts that dont get deleted here?
    He posts under endless names and always argues. You can spot him a mile off.
    He is clearly tolerated and encouraged by the management here.
    Kinda sucky.
    Going to delete this one too Christian?
    I think your comments section here is a fake. You just want traffic to show your advertisers.
    Tell me I’m wrong?

  51. Christian | May 9, 2012 at 5:06 pm |

    Alas you’re right.

    All the recent political bickering was made up by me in order to drive traffic. Natural shoulder fans love a good ad nauseum political debate.

  52. Johnny Reb | May 9, 2012 at 5:56 pm |

    Jinx… why don’t you move to Cuba or China and dwell in your idea of a place cured of “all its ills.”

  53. JOHNNY… all my previous entries.
    I am being sarcastic, to prove the point against Ivy Drip.

  54. Anonymous | May 9, 2012 at 6:07 pm |

    Well that makes sense. No, I didn’t read your other posts.

  55. Expat Trad | May 9, 2012 at 7:30 pm |

    Left the States 20 years ago. Reading Johnny Reb’s nonsensical ramblings reminds me why. How can people so out of touch with reality still exist?

  56. Johnny Reb | May 10, 2012 at 7:16 am |

    Why don’t you explain Expat Trad?

  57. Expat Trad | May 10, 2012 at 9:01 am |

    i read this blog to find out people’s opinions on whether chinos should have a crease down the front, not to wade through reactionary drivel

  58. Expat
    One could reasonably argue that Ivy clothing is reactionary fashion. For those of us that have dressed in this attire for fifty years as men’s fashion has had massive changes, season after season, we remained fathful.

    As to your inquiry into the crease, it depends on your preference. My preference is it depends on whether the chinos are constructed or unreconstructed, I don’t wear unreconstructed.

  59. Nick from Rotherhithe | May 10, 2012 at 12:01 pm |

    Christian, perhaps you missed out a word in your (exasperated?) comic response:

    “All the recent political bickering was made up by me in order to drive traffic…”

    Oughtn’t it be:
    “All the recent political bickering was made up by me in order to drive traffic AWAY.”

    Strewth – this blog is not what I though it would be: too much nasty mean-spirited commentary overwhelming the clobber-chatter. It’s driven me away, ta-ta.

  60. Christian | May 10, 2012 at 12:11 pm |

    Nick, I’d hate to lose you as a reader. Here’s a suggestion: Just read the posts and ignore the comments.



  61. Epat
    Sorry, that previous comment should be “un-constructed”, not “unreconstructed”

  62. Nick
    I do apologize if I have offended you, I will give an effort to restrain myself in the future. It’s an election year and folks tend to become excited.

    Christian has maintained an enormous amount of restraint and tolerance on this blog. I salute him. He has created a very good Ivy blog, culturally and historically relevant, besides the obvious clothing style.

  63. An objective statement/analysis.
    Gentlemen. This cycle of “bickering” repeats
    itself, has repeated itself enough to cover any
    and all future debates. The words change but
    it is the same old ,same old, points and
    Do you notice no matter how much petition there
    is to call an end to it, sooner or later, it begins again.
    One must accept human nature is inclined to war
    with one another. Right or wrong, when is there a day
    without debate or arguing in this world?
    You can’t stop it. YOU CAN’T. It is the pulse of
    the world, the heart that keeps it beating for
    better or worse. The solution here would simply
    be a forum if there is enough readership to support it.

    The other solution is YOU. YOU are, can, be the
    biggest contributor to the halting of it arising again
    by simply ignoring the temptation to make a smart
    “remark” that has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
    ALAS……..that is asking human nature to exercise
    a level of simple “maturity” it refuses to discipline
    itself with. Yes it truly is hopeless to expect it
    not to exist or to stop cold. It needs a proper outlet
    for expression in such a public forum as this.
    As long as hands on 24/7 moderation and deletion
    of the comments cannot be done for whatever reason.

  64. Man, you had me till “maturity”. 🙂

  65. What are unconstructed chinos?

  66. Tyro, unconstructed chinos don’t have a lining on the inside of the waist band, some call them “wash” pants. The Polo chinos sold in most department stores are unconstructed or wash pants. You can pretty much care for them like 501s or you can dry clean and press.

    Constructed are made like a suit pant.

  67. Fearless Fosdick | May 19, 2012 at 9:46 am |

    In 1987, Miles was invited to a White House dinner by Ronald Reagan. Few of the guests appeared to know who he was. During dinner, Nancy Reagan turned to him and asked what he’d done with his life to merit an invitation. Straight-faced, Davis replied: “Well, I’ve changed the course of music five or six times. What have you done except f–k the president?”

  68. Fearless

    We are supposed to believe that Nancy Reagan, who welded much power in the Reagan White House and noted for having one of the most competent social secretaries in history, didn’t know who Miles Davis was. We are asked to believe that a Hollywood actress who ran with some of the most sophisticated people in America, both right and left, had no idea who Miles Davis was.

    I got to call urban legend on this. If Davis told this story he is no gentleman, if he actually said this to Nancy Reagan’s face he was a douche nozzle or worse.

  69. That collar; perfect cool. Any idea if any modern brands do a button-down collar with that sort of spread/size?

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