For those of you who got that message from J. Press that they have gone all digital, fear not. Leave them your address and a paper catalog will be sent. And DO leave them your address.

Tomorrow a Q&A with THE Bill of PennBilt and Bills Khakis via Mitchell.
Thursday a review of Classic Fella’s underwear.
Friday the G. Bruce Boyer podcast.
Looking chill, bra. And thanks for disambiguating the puzzle. You’d make an excellent Chief of operations/communications at a decisively engaged HQ, IvyCom.
Spectator loafer, very stylish!
I recently bought some Duck Head khakis.
I’m really pleased with them.
The version I purchased had a bit of stretch added to the fabric. Very comfortable and great value for money.
Sadly they are no longer available in the UK.
Hi Adman – you can buy online, yes?
Perhaps he doesn’t want to pay for shipping to the UK. If so, he should watch for a sale that offsets the shipping cost. Or, he could look for a UK online retailer that still has a flock (!) of Duck Heads and will presumably charge less for shipping. I think Duck Head has a retailer list at their site.
Duck Head Retailers:
Looking very trim and well turned out, John!
Kind Regards,
The problem with buying online and shipping to the UK is the tax. Not USA tax but import duties. They’re a killer.
It makes any USA goods very expensive.
My trick has been to buy whilst on holiday in the States.DH organised prompt shipping to a holiday rental.
With regard to buying in the UK, firstly there are no stockists. I rang DH to confirm. Secondly, even going back to when DH was previously around in the Eighties I think there might have only been just one stockists. – email me and let’s fix this.