Harvard Dorm Rooms, 1899


This morning at Masculine Interiors I put up a gallery of 14 Harvard student rooms circa 1899. No idea if the inhabitants were the turn-of-the-century equivalent of bros.

Head over here to see the full gallery. — CC

10 Comments on "Harvard Dorm Rooms, 1899"

  1. Interesting. Would be even more interesting to see a side-by-side with photos of the way the dorm rooms look today.

  2. I think we can imagine…

  3. You mean the lamp now fitted with LED bulbs.

  4. The good old days!
    in 1899 JPress was not yet established.
    Who was around? Langrock?

  5. When I was a freshman in 1978, my mom brought in a worn oriental rug that belonged to my grandmother, so the floor looks very familiar to me.

  6. “A worn oriental rug that belonged to my grandmother” … now, you know your mom was really looking out for you. Ancient threadbare rugs FTW!

  7. @Carmelo. The predecessor of Press, Goldbaum, was in New Haven, and Jacobi himself arrived from Latvia in 1896. But the real answer, as is nearly always the case, is Brooks, which in 1899 had been around for over 80 years.

    From the Richard Press interview: “My grandfather came over from Latvia in 1896. His uncle had been a tailor in Middletown, Connecticut, since the Civil War. When he married, he moved to New Haven where he was introduced to a Mr. Goldbaum, who had a tailoring shop. He bought into the business, which became Goldbaum & Press, and in 1902 he bought out Goldbaum and founded J. Press.”


  8. But Brooks had a corner in New Haven,or only salesmen?
    I think that in naughty nineties had to be several tailors around.
    Another question is existed Ivy style in 1899?
    I think no.
    The undarted sack with flat front trouser was the main form of suit with short coat, in America and in Europe,in those days.

  9. A Harvard grad (Michael Weishan?) formed a foundation to recreate FDR’s suite in what is now Adams House. (FDR graduated in 1904.) The blog is great fun. I’m on my phone, so I can’t easily post the info, but it shouldn’t be hard to find with Google.

  10. Wish I had a room like that today!

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