Corpore Sano: Ivy Style Readers On Diet & Exercise

Last week an interesting discussion broke out on Ivy Style’s Facebook group. What do your fellow trads eat, and how do they stay fit? It’s not all squash and gin-and-tonics.

Here’s what they do. Chime in and let us know what works for you.

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Play football/soccer 3-4 times a week and watch what I eat.

I went on keto and dropped about 35 lbs and 3 pant sizes. For the past 1.5 years I’ve sort of been on and off keto (on it full time for the past 8 months which is where the 35 was lost) but even when I’m not on keto I try to cut out as much sugar as possible. I’ve found that I’m more sharp mentally and sleep/wake up with far more regularity.

Have been on a keto diet for six days and it’s bloody torture.

I dropped 50# on keto. But it is not a long-term solution.

I’ve been eating a low-carb diet for 24 years.

Going from an ex-drinking and smoking layabout to completing a full Ironman Triathlon 4 years ago the first lesson I learnt was change the term “diet and exercise” to “eat and train”. Make sure you eat carbs within 10-15 minutes of finishing any workout / training session. Last one is either you go Very easy or Very hard. In between them won’t get you results great results either way.

I want to dress like JFK and workout like a convict. I’ve been toying around with Paul Wade’s Convict Conditioning and have tailored a workout plan for myself out of that. On the diet side, I’m trying to keep it simple, just cut the carbs, refined sugars, additives and processed foods and be careful about portions and proportions. I have a tendency to put on weight so there’s still work to be done but I reckon I’m in better shape now than 20 years ago.

I go to the gym 3 days a week. Dirtbike 100 miles every weekend. Still wish I could lay off the cheeseburgers a little more than I do.

I’ve always been fat. I went vegan a year ago. I’m only down 20 lbs but I feel great. I’m planning on taking on some more things.

I’ve kept a food diary for five years and I’m down roughly 50 pounds during time. It can be a drag keeping track, but helps you realize when you’re falling off the daily reasonable calorie cliff.

Until the age of twenty-two, I had morbidly obese and my mother who was a nurse suggested that I see a doctor who set me straight about where the future of my health was headed if I didn’t lose some weight. This was back in 1988 and primarily what I did was eat 4 small meals a day and every meal had protein, carbs and fat and I lost 150 lbs by the time I was twenty-four. That was when I went to a gym and began putting on some muscle. Basically, in order to lose weight, there should be a deficit in your diet in conjunction with energy expenditure. It can be done at any age, but the main thing that is important is consistency.

I recently took up swing dancing, great exercise and complements the tenets of Ivy Style.

I did lots of “fasted” runs and bike rides at low intensity Great way of your body learning to use your fat as an energy source.

Cut out eating junk and do exercise, I currently cycle 100+ miles a week and eat mostly veggies and fish/chicken – minimal red meat, I’m 45 and have a 30” waist.

I play soccer on a Saturday league team, do jiu jitsu two days a week, and go to the gym to lift two days a week as well.

Low carb, lean protein and intermittent fasting and high intensity intervals work out. I’m 49 years old and fitter than when i was in college. Go very, very low on sugars. No desserts!

I’m all about Intermittent Fasting (usually a 5:2 cycle) with carb restrictions. IF has been found to be very successful in changing the body’s insulin production, allowing fat deposits to be real eased and burned. The best interesting thing is that the fasting, after a while, doesn’t become difficult as that the plan is sustainable over a very long period of time.

I turned 57 today. Keto worked two years ago and I took off 35 pounds. Regular tennis, squash, and golf (walking and carrying my own bag). If I don’t keep at it, I’ll turn into a desk manatee in no time.

Cycling and swimming, no potato chips and no soft drinks. Sixty years old, 34 waist, a couple lbs under my 25-year-old rugby weight.

Eat less. Made sure I ate less carbs. Lost 50 pounds in 5 months. Maintaining my college weight for the last 6 months. I’m 46.

Baby steps, it’s how I’ve lost 40 pounds and how I’m keeping it off. It’s impossible to change overnight. A friend of mine did a crash diet (more like starvation in my opinion). Sure he lost 50 pounds, then he gained it all back and all in the gut.

Meat, fish, poultry, and vegetables. Nothing white. I ride my horse 4 or five times a week, depending on the weather. This is both aerobic and muscle-building exercise.

49, 6’2″ – 34″ waist, don’t worry too much about fat … full-fat milk, real butter, full English breakfasts aren’t taboo either. just stay away from sugar and cut down on carbs … i used to cycle a lot, 200+ miles a week and a good few 1000ft of climbs (cycling) … but after a serious cycling accident in 2016, cycling is out of the window for at least another year … work prevents swimming regularly … i don’t own a car (epilepsy) so a lot of walking in the very hilly area i live in seems to have kept the weight off until im back on the bike (fingers crossed).

Not really a “diet” tip per se, but something I’ve tried in the last couple of months and it’s been really effective: intermittent fasting. Essentially, you eat all of your calories for the day between noon and 8 p.m. Which means, of course, that you are fasting for 16 hrs. The idea being that, instead of “topping off” your energy reserves with food every couple of hours, you’re giving your body the ability to reach into stored energy (fat) to fuel itself, particularly in the latter part of the fasting period. Supposed to help your body be more efficient in the way it uses energy, plus improve function of various organs, etc. And weight loss is almost automatic: I dropped 14 lbs in 6 weeks. It’s not for everybody – some don’t tolerate the fasting very well (nausea, etc.), but I haven’t minded one bit. And I can tell you: instead of saying “Ugh, what am I going to eat for lunch?” each day, when noontime comes, even a PBJ tastes like manna from heaven. Which I suppose is yet another benefit: you simply enjoy your food more, and are more ‘conscious’ of what you are putting into your body each day.

I cut carbs and went after healthier fats and stopped eating late at night to allow myself more room for bourbon.

19 Comments on "Corpore Sano: Ivy Style Readers On Diet & Exercise"

  1. I have lost about 100lbs. But I almost starved to get there. Being 55+ ( now 60) did not help. My biggest problem was soft drinks, and too many carbs. I’ve always been a bit chubby, even as a kid. And literally starve ( and I know that is not good) to maintain weight.

  2. Cutting carb intake and boosting fat and protein seems to be working for many. Worked for me.

  3. My advice to any who cares to read it is don’t overeat. 😉

    Get carbs from a glass or can.

    Be active and happy.

    Speaking of happy, Happy 4th of July!! And, don’t overeat!

    Cheers, BC

  4. I feel I should acknowledge lucky genetics, but in general there are a few things that I think keep my 6’2″ frame lean with a ~32″ waist.

    On the diet front, I try to reduce my sugar intake by avoiding fruit juices & soda and drinking my coffee and tea black. I don’t shy away from healthy oils or fats, and have made strides to increase my protein intake. I also try to incorporate colour by way of fruit and veg in each meal (I have a small suburban garden that provides beets, carrots, zucchini, corn, tomatoes and radishes on any given year). I love carbs, but I think my metabolism is still able to burn them off at a good rate. Might not always be the case.

    On the exercise front, I cycle quite a bit to get around, including daily commutes to work (weather permitting). Otherwise I’m on public transit and taking the stairs out of the subway. Add in a couple of good mountain bike rides a week with friends, dog walks and runs, and life is good. In winter, I hit the gym, take the hardier dog out for long walks in the woods, and try to get out snowshoeing and skiing (preferably in the Rockies.

    I did a couple months of intermittent fasting last winter with the 16:8 ratio. While I didn’t experience dramatic results, I did discover that as a result of the shorter eating window, I seemed to crave healthier food. There must have been some sort of physiological action telling my brain to “make it count”.

  5. A good resource is a site called “Eat This, Not That” which, among other things, compares calories/sugar/fat/salt/etc. on items like fast foods, canned goods, regular grocery store items, as well as “health” and “diet” foods. E.g., lots of differences just in brands of canned beans.

  6. Quick, related question: so, once you have lost a lot of weight (I lost 30-40 pounds a few years ago), what do you do with all of the great clothing that no longer fits (in some cases, new and with tags!). Brooks Brothers cashmere sweaters, authentic shetlands, tweed jackets, new 3 button suits, there a good web site or service to consign all of these Ivy/trad items, or is ebay the best place?? Thanks in advance!

  7. Mark Russell | July 3, 2018 at 7:28 pm |

    What size are you John?

  8. What I’m looking to consign are sweaters in XL, and 44 reg jackets/suits

  9. Richard Meyer | July 4, 2018 at 5:58 am |

    73 years old. 6’1″, 170 lbs. 34″waist. 2 meals a day, spinning daily, squash twice a week, court tennis a few times a year.

  10. Well, Cameron, at least you didn’t follow the Bass-O-Matic Diet. Happy Fourth!

  11. Dont buy pants with 4 inch expando waists. Didnt know i gained weight until I bought my size.

    Two years ago, cut out ice cream, soda pop, and chips. Ate sensibly, and walked. Ive always walked for golf, never ride. Lost about thirty pounds in 6 months, and so far, kept it off.

    At age 65, the pounds melted off.


  12. Evan Everhart | July 4, 2018 at 7:08 am |

    As has been said before; good genetics certainly play their role in my appearance (which has never been overtly fat looking – even when I have been over my ideal), but what has always worked best for me sinve my teens, has been tons of red meat, fish, and chicken in moderate portions, no wheat corn or potatoes (I’ve sadly got a mild allergy that is murder on my hands and joints, not to mention upon my waist-line), and tons of fresh vegetables as well as heavy cream and diary and animal fat for my sugar intake as bread’s pretty much out. I also eat honey when I can get it.

    My waist was 27.5 inches until I was 28 until I put on some depression weight after a break-up. I got it down again but have been maintaining at about 32-33 inches at 5’7″ with a 39-40″ chest, so not too bad. For training, I swim and do 50 push ups, sit ups, and crunches, amd walk every day, I also use the stairs instead of elevators whenever feasible.

  13. whiskeydent | July 4, 2018 at 9:58 am |

    Reading all of these posts is making me tired. I’m sticking to the Dewars & Marlboro Diet.

  14. I, commenter | July 4, 2018 at 10:09 am |

    1. ‘What doesn’t kill us’ – Scott Carney about Wim Hof’s breathing/cold shower method – which reduced my chronic sinus problems to a minor annoyance –
    2. Play On – Jeff Bercovici – an analysis of why certain athletes can play professionally into their forties – and techniques that older athletes use to maintain peak condition
    3. as I get older, as i should have done sooner- I emphasize stretching especially modern resistance stretching like physio fitness.
    4. Take up a ‘precision’ sport or practice like ballet, fencing.
    5. Get minimalist shoes (very bad for maintaining a trad look, but way better for your feet, mind and body)
    6. Anti-inflammatory diet.
    7. Something concentration and light exercise like bird watching, archery, fly fishing, traditional hunting.
    8. Prayer and Christian meditation as practiced by the Eastern Orthodox..

  15. To Whom Who May Give A Rip,

    I concur with “wiskydent’s” brief advice above (although I don’t smoke).

    My late father (he departed at 85) liked to say, “If you want to live a long life, choose your parents wisely.)

    I got all spooled up about aging a few years back and read a book titled “Younger Next year” to seek advice. A lawyer and a doctor co-author the book. The Doctor, Henry S. Lodge (yea, of the Boston lineage), died recently at age 58 of prostate cancer.

    So, eat drink and be merry cause there is only so much we can do to thwart genetics and bad luck.

    I’m going to go now pour myself a tall Dark & Stormy.

    Happy 4th!!!!!


  16. Person From Porlock | July 4, 2018 at 2:52 pm |

    Been following starch solution for about a year. Lost about 30 lbs. Eat mainly rice and beans, tons of potatoes, and veggies. I just try to stay away from oils, added sugar, and take it easy on the salt. I feel great. Eat so much I can’t walk most nights and never have to worry about calories or macros or any of this hoo-hah. I just eat instinctively, when I’m stuffed-I’m done!

  17. I went off refined carbs and sugar in May of 2017. I took no “cheat days” and the only exception was hard liquor/wine in an effort to remain social. In a year Ive lost 82 pounds but had to start 5:2 intermittent fasting at the 60 pound mark to keep the progress going.

  18. FELIX CASTANEDA | July 10, 2018 at 12:53 pm |

    I run three to four days a week. Hit the gym about four to five days a week.
    Lately I started a no alcohol,no fast food and no sweets diet.
    I feel like I have more energy and I don’t feel so groggy when I wake up. I sleep very well now too.

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